
There is a saying|"Slam Dunk" hits the box office of "Dragon Horse Spirit", winning the emotional card?

Some netizens said that "Slam Dunk" is better than playing the emotional card? Sorry, the audience is willing to pay.

The recent performance of domestic films is really average, but the performance of several films introduced is very strong, and the box office has gone all the way.

"Slam Dunk", which has just been launched, has only pre-sold nearly 100 million box office, and the current box office accounts for more than 95%, while Jackie Chan's "Dragon Horse Spirit" only accounts for 0.5, and the results are miserable.

The gap is so huge that even putting aside the issue of plot, "Slam Dunk" wins.

First of all, "Slam Dunk" is a big IP movie that is very popular with the audience, emotional films, coupled with the high energy of the whole process, naturally make the audience willing to pay, there is a saying, it is not simple to explain the "feelings" well, and a slight mistake is a rollover drama. "Dragon Horse Spirit" was complained by many netizens for casting, embarrassing acting, plot splicing and other reasons, in short, it is difficult to say a word.

Moreover, the commercial attributes of "Slam Dunk" are no worse than movies in the same schedule, and its audience is mostly male audiences after 80 and 90, and these people are the main paying force of theatrical movies, coupled with "Journey to the Bell Buds" and other high-reputation in front of it, compared to other movies, "Slam Dunk" made many audiences' expectations full before its release.

Finally, the domestic movies in the same schedule are indeed useless, originally "Dragon Horse Spirit" was highly anticipated by the audience, but because of casting and embarrassing interpretation of father-daughter love and other issues, word of mouth went all the way down, and then compared with "Slam Dunk", the judgment was high.

In the film market, feelings are never a place to be criticized, as long as the work can subtly touch the audience's emotional defenses, then it is a good movie.

There is a saying|"Slam Dunk" hits the box office of "Dragon Horse Spirit", winning the emotional card?
There is a saying|"Slam Dunk" hits the box office of "Dragon Horse Spirit", winning the emotional card?
There is a saying|"Slam Dunk" hits the box office of "Dragon Horse Spirit", winning the emotional card?

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