
Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

"Women's Reasoning Society" is playing a very new thing, not only mango, but also the first immersive reasoning show in China with an all-female + complete plot. The show is serialized with "single-issue puzzle solving + long-term plot", and the final truth is gradually revealed like a puzzle. On the one hand, the show is initially exploring the characteristics and tension of women's reasoning, on the other hand, with its own "story-heavy" attributes, it continues to amplify the continuous attention to social issues in Mango Fan's content, and more carefully observes and analyzes the real plight of women under the righteousness.

Author: Lan Er

Editor: Prince Zhi

Format: Wang Wei

After the high-energy end of the eighth season of "Detective", this year's mango fan track did not leave a gap, and the "Women's Reasoning Society" that has been followed for a long time came.

"Women's Reasoning Society" is playing a very new thing, not only mango, but also the first immersive reasoning show in China with an all-female + complete plot.

Qi Wei, Zhang Yuqi, Li Yitong, Li Xueqin, Tian Xiwei, Zhang Yifan six female guests formed a women's reasoning group, the show is promoted in a serial style of "single-phase puzzle solving + long-term plot", and the final truth is gradually revealed like a puzzle. On the one hand, the show is initially exploring the characteristics and tension of women's reasoning, on the other hand, with its own "story-heavy" attributes, it continues to amplify the continuous attention to social issues in Mango Fan's content, and more carefully observes and analyzes the real plight of women under the righteousness.

In fact, in recent years, with the changes in market hot spots, Mango has been constantly making new explorations on the maze track, selecting different needs, perspectives and forms for different content creation. The launch of "Women's Reasoning Society" is a new puzzle piece added by Mango fans this year, but it is not the only piece.

As a reasoning variety show that dares to play a purely female perspective, we also expect it to exert the momentum and value of a truly new species.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

Use all-female perspectives, issues, and brainstorming reasoning

The first digger of women's perspectives and female highlights in the mystery still has to return to "Ming Detective". Before the arrival of the boom in women's film and television creation, in the past seven years, "Ming Detective" took the lead in creating a variety of cases related to women's issues, and its observation and attention to social hot issues were generally well received by the audience; At the same time, in this process, as Wang Ou, Yang Rong, Wu Xin and others showed their wisdom and charm in "Ming Detective", women's sensitive and rigorous observation and reasoning, and the value of women's special sensitivity to details and psychological capture ability in suspenseful reasoning have been fully explored and amplified.

Therefore, although the birth of female fans is a wave of hot trends in the market, in the mango fan system, this is an inevitable extension of the shining point of its own content under the long-term audience voice.

Different from the traditional suspense narrative, the new batch of "she suspense" perspectives are more inclined to amplify the characteristics of women's reasoning, integrating it into the deconstruction of daily fields such as workplace, marriage, and family, adding a thrilling look and feel to familiar life. For example, the setting scene of "Women's Reasoning Society" is in the workplace; Six female guests formed the "Good Good Reasoning Club" and went undercover to join a new media company called "1111" to explore the case of "Cheng Lala's disappearance".

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

In the pilot film, in line with the situation of "entry", 6 female guests gathered in a mysterious room for an interview. In this PVE-style (player confrontation system) decryption, they prove with their actions that they have hardcore reasoning ability: the details of the patterns hidden in the room are discovered by the female guests one by one, and under the 0 prompt, they are formed in series - the innovation point is that everyone must first find the problem before finding the answer. When the conference room is successfully restored and the interviewer enters, the reasoning becomes PVP mode (player interaction confrontation): the female guests have to find the "hidden interviewer" hidden in their own people - the style of painting changes, and the female guests who originally went hand in hand entered the werewolf killing scene that tested each other, and the gameplay was extremely high.

In the first live broadcast disfigurement incident, the six people who had just joined the company had to find out the black hand for the first time in the process of initially contacting the company, business and personnel; Among them, the setting of multiple puzzles such as anchor identity, office chessboard, plastic surgery shady, yin and yang contract, and multiple disappearances is full of tests of detail observation and logical analysis.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning
Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

In this process, "Women's Reasoning Society" strengthens the immersion that allows the audience to follow and participate, and the clues sought by the guests are shown to the audience in a more comprehensive and clear state, so that the audience's brain power is at the same frequency as them in real time, and they run to the ending together on the same starting line, further enriching the watchability.

The relationship between women and the workplace is a hot topic in society, and "Women's Reasoning Society" explores workplace topics and real issues more delicately and deeply from a female perspective in a suspenseful drama-like plot. For example, in the first issue, it has involved rights and interests, appearance commercialization, etc., and will also involve hot issues such as sexual harassment, yellow rumors, and PUA.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

The show focuses on the darkness of human nature in the mall workplace, the unscrupulous means of gold panning for profit, and the oppression and infringement of female professionals, and excavates and constructs to form a unique strange mystery of this workplace environment. Among them, the NPCs perform their own duties, hide the mystery, and the interaction between the characters reveals a larger mystery: for example, during the interview, the three interviewers are at odds with each other and fight each other; When she joined, the front desk lady smiled stiffly, like a robot; In the group of colleagues, some of them conceal the yang and yin, and some implicitly dislike and resent; An employee code of "11 Things You Must Not Do in 1111" pushes the atmosphere into treachery.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

Throughout the show, female guests, as important perspectives, will interpret women's experiences more with their own empathy; And the setting of a special legal department also makes the popularization of values seem logical, through the analysis of the details of various chaos and coping methods, so that entertainment converges in meaningful, helping the audience to know how to better protect themselves in the general phenomenon of society.

Reality show variety show, guest artists themselves are also the object of attention of the audience. Among the 6 female guests who explored the secrets of the undercover workplace, Qi Wei was open and steady throughout the whole process, Zhang Yuqi, who was straightforward and fast-talking, was brave enough, Li Xueqin was a walking talk show, Li Yitong had an unexpected rigidity, Tian Xiwei also had an IQ online when she was frightened, Zhang Yifan was cute and rational - although the strength of the personality varied, all the staff were logical and clear, good at finding details, and super cohesive. The trust and positive optimism between the groups have also begun to initially condense into the soul of the "Good Reasoning Society".

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

In order to protect the overall immersion of the program, "Women's Reasoning Society" has a more moderate use of artists, more guidance of personality style into the plot, and some variable vitality for the development of the program. For example, at the induction meeting, the "company leader" asked for a personal show, Li Yitong twisted the Yang Ge, Zhang Yuqi sang a piece of "Good Luck", which is a preliminary disclosure of the company's leadership style and employee relationship in the plot, and the artist's on-the-spot reaction also brought a cordial joy to the audience. In the test of finding an "undercover interviewer", the 6 female guests needed to conduct a 1-on-1 relay interview with each other, and when thinking about the interview questions, everyone asked about gossip "with private goods"; When interviewing Zhang Yuqi, Qi Wei even asked "Do you love me" - for this "playing style", Qi Wei believes that "because we are all girls, we can ask questions in this unique way for girls". These are also exploring the interesting points of all-female variety shows, and the stimulating and thrilling elements of the reasoning variety show itself have more variable colors under the integration of all-female lineups.

On the whole, the silky combination of multiple elements such as star lineup, mystery reasoning, interactive games, immersive plots, and values, regardless of one or the other, nor jumping abruptly, is enough to glimpse the strong performance of the production team of "Women's Reasoning Society".

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning
Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

At the end of the first issue, although the "live disfigurement" incident was cracked, the "disappearance of Cheng Lala" was still unresolved, and after the power outage, a body that fell to his death left a suspenseful grip. In the main visual poster previously released by "Women's Reasoning Society", the "HELP" note on the printer, the computer with a lost signal, the red "blood" and police cordon that are visible and the faint figure outside the window are more mysterious under the shroud of purple main tone atmosphere, and all kinds of clues seem to point to a complex and treacherous unknown puzzle, which makes people immersed in it and want to find out.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

A new puzzle puzzle for the mango puzzle

Taking stock of the past, the development of mango fan content has generally crossed two major stages, and now it has entered the third cycle, with the big expansion of the maze family and the further formation of the big track.

Since its appearance in 2016, the "Ming Detective" series, which is still holding the banner of trump cards, has a high energy period and high scores in seasons, from story arrangement to editing level, from detail design to guest performance, which can be called the conscience of the industry. The most important thing is that in the "longevity" dilemma of the N generation, the "Ming Detective" series did not go down, successfully crossed the twists and turns, and by the eighth season of this year, it still presented innovative variables and was still regarded as the "light of national comprehensive" by the audience. It has laid and continued to solidify the strong foundation for the entire maze track and universe of mango, so that mango is always on the high ground of misty and has the strongest appeal to the public.

After "Ming Detective" completed the first stage of the foundation of Mango Puzzle, when the show was still a season hit, Mango was not satisfied with eating all over the world with one trick, but began to explore the expanded layout of the puzzle track early.

Exploring expansion is walking on two legs.

On the one hand, Mango is trying to develop a head program that meets the needs of diversified markets, diversified perspectives and forms in addition to "clear detection". In this process, "The Great Escape Room" is an important expansion in this phase. This program series was launched in 2019, different from the suspense and reasoning of the story characters of the "Ming Detective" script killing program, and the ingenuity and layout of the case scene, the "Escape" series shifts the focus to the construction of the secret room and the puzzle setting.

On the other hand, Mango continues to mine the existing "clear detective" and "secret escape" content, and flexibly changes the highlights, such as patterns, characters, memes, virtual concepts, etc., into various derivative content that is not limited to conventional variety shows. It is worth noting that this kind of excavation creation is very flexible, will be the most timely and efficient according to the audience feedback to try, effective or leave invalid or retreat, but it is precisely in this process, because of long-term persistence, a lot of bright results have been produced, not only for the mango fan content to supplement the rich small and medium-sized content, but also in the cycle to feed back "clear detection" and "escape", forming a growing IP system and cultural zone.

Among them, it is very representative, such as "Detective Heart Detective New Year Concert", which has become the most important pre-heated paid program before the launch of "Detective" in the past two years; Another example is some elements of "Ming Detective", in the emerging field of short drama micro-comprehensive to carry out derivative short dramas, extreme ten-minute reasoning programs pioneer attempts and so on.

Of course, the biggest surprise is the birth of "Famous Studies", a group of top students from first-class universities have successfully created a young generation of "strongest brain" artists and content systems in the double challenge of the "Detective" derivative program "Detective Academy" and the "Secret Escape" derivative program "God Edition". They gradually moved from small to large, from derivative to independent, and brought three harvests to the Mango Fan Variety track in just four years: first, they opened up the expanded market, completed the audience update, and realized the suspenseful reasoning attraction to the younger generation of audiences; Second, it becomes the core of various diverse and interesting new intellectual content in the mango system; Third, as an important connection, it not only becomes an important supplement to the respective IPs of "Detective Detective" and "Secret Escape", but also becomes an important help and medium for these two head contents and more mysterious content to open up each other.

Now, the third stage has arrived.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

With the expansion of the market, and with the continuous changes in audience needs and aesthetics, the Mango Fan Track should carry out new pattern changes, continue to promote the expansion of new head content, supplement it in more perspective forms, and output content throughout the year. This preparation has been going on for two or three years, and this year is the key landing.

After the end of the sixth season of "Detective Academy" and the eighth season of "Detective", the new species of the market that focuses on women's perspective and all-female reasoning "Women's Reasoning Society" is the first step in expanding the new army this year. Subsequently, the fifth season of "Escape Room" will continue to take over.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

Not only that, another new head program "Reasoning Begins" that has been in preparation for a long time and has attracted much attention from the industry is also gaining momentum. According to the preliminary information, the script will not be provided in the setting of this show, NPCs will not easily give clues, and all organ clues are triggered by the actions of the guests and reasoning in the oversized real scene. At the same time, because the innovative gameplay "Forest Plan" first launched in the advanced party of the eighth season of "Detective" has been well received, Mango has quickly developed and recorded a special derivative program based on this model in the first quarter, and will also be launched in the future.

At the end of the year, the seventh season of "Detective Academy" will start next year's mystery journey across the year.

More than a year of big innovation, completely connected throughout the year, Mango has enough strength and confidence to sit at the top of the puzzle.

For the Mango Puzzle Universe, every show is a puzzle, and the meaning of the puzzle is precisely that: it faces inward at one end, complements the Puzzle Universe, and guards the market for the next blockbuster content that is accumulating; The other end faces outward, opening up a new competitive situation in the maze market and extending a strong grasp for the new content matrix in the future.

Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning


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Mango fans add a new puzzle, and "all women" play with a new species of reasoning

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