
He Jun was elected secretary of the Yima Municipal Party Committee

author:Great River Network
He Jun was elected secretary of the Yima Municipal Party Committee

Henan Daily client reporter Wang Xiaoping correspondent Su Haoran

At the first plenary session of the just-concluded Tenth Municipal Party Committee, He Jun was elected secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Yuan Ruifeng and Meng Fanchang were elected deputy secretaries.

On the afternoon of August 11, the 10th Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yima Held its first plenary meeting. He Jun presided over the meeting and delivered a speech after being elected secretary of the municipal party committee.

The meeting shall be composed of 39 members, and the actual number of members shall be 39, which shall meet the prescribed number. Alternate members of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting, and members of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection attended the meeting as observers.

According to the agenda of the meeting, the plenary session voted to approve the list of candidates for the Standing Committee of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee, the secretary and the deputy secretary, adopted the election method of the plenary session, adopted the list of scrutineers, and announced the list of tellers.

The members attending the meeting elected the Standing Committee, secretary and deputy secretary of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee by secret ballot.

He Jun, Yuan Ruifeng, Meng Fanchang, Zhang Guangming, Lin Jinsen, Zou Xiaodong, Yang Donglin, Zhang Guanghua, Zhou Qiang, Guo Haiyang and Zhang Wenxiao were elected as members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee.

He Jun was elected secretary of the 10th Yima City Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Yuan Ruifeng and Meng Fanchang were elected as deputy secretaries of the 10th Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yima City.

The plenary session also adopted a report on the election results of the first plenary session of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

He Jun was elected secretary of the Yima Municipal Party Committee

He Jun, the newly elected secretary of the municipal party committee, delivered a speech. He said: The just-concluded Tenth Municipal Party Congress elected a new municipal party committee and a municipal discipline inspection commission. Just now, the first plenary session of the tenth session of the municipal party committee elected a new standing committee member of the municipal party committee, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the deputy secretary, and adopted the election results of the first plenary session of the municipal discipline inspection commission, and successfully completed the tasks scheduled by the conference. Here, on behalf of all newly elected comrades, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your trust and support!

In his speech, He Jun demanded that the leading body of the new municipal party committee should doubly cherish the trust and expectations of the party and the people, doubly cherish the good foundation laid by the successive leading bodies and successive leaders, seize the new historical opportunity, take the initiative, reform and innovation, work hard, practice the strategic intention of the party congress, and constantly push forward the various undertakings of Yima.

He Jun was elected secretary of the Yima Municipal Party Committee

On strengthening the construction of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee itself, He Jun stressed:

First, we must put the quasi-"general direction". The most fundamental way to set the direction is to set a quasi-correct political direction; to set the direction, to put the direction of quasi-high-quality development; to put the direction, we must also be good at grasping the overall situation.

Second, we must do a good job in the "battle of development." On the one hand, it is necessary to accomplish the work tasks that have already been determined. On the other hand, it is necessary to implement well the development ideas determined by the party congress.

Third, we must always have a "public servant heart." It is necessary to listen to the voices of the masses; to respond to the expectations of the masses; and to bring into play the wisdom of the masses.

Fourth, we must do a good job of gathering "all forces." Leading cadres must take the lead; party members and cadres must rush ahead; and social forces must help well.

Fifth, it is necessary to tie the "wind and discipline buckle." Members of the leading body of the new municipal party committee should take the lead in setting an example, regard stressing rules and observing discipline as an important content of promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party and establishing a clean and honest image, persist in cultivating oneself with honesty and cultivating morality with honesty, strictly implement the responsibility of administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, strictly perform the main responsibility of "one post and two responsibilities," firmly shoulder the main responsibility for party building and grasp it in their hands, and earnestly create a good atmosphere of work style and upright conduct and positive officials to start a business.

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