
Double Eleven Began Li Jiaqi Live Broadcast Room Push "Anti-Efficiency" Content The transformation of live broadcast room to content platform?

author:The Economic Observer
Double Eleven Began Li Jiaqi Live Broadcast Room Push "Anti-Efficiency" Content The transformation of live broadcast room to content platform?

Economic Observer Network reporter Ye Xinran This year's Double Eleven is about to enter its thirteenth year. Last year's single eleven time was extended, starting from October 21, first deposit pre-sale, November 1-3 and then pay the balance, and then on November 11 there will be another wave of the same discount, double eleven was divided into two waves, the code name of "double knuckle stick" came from this. October 20 of this year is close at hand, but when the live broadcast room has developed from explosive to normalized, especially the shouting of the live broadcast room makes consumers seem to be in the double eleven every day, a large number of diversion of the double eleven discount promotion brought attention, then, in addition to the greater discount, what will be new about the double eleven in 2021? What does the double eleven live broadcast room mean to the brand side?

On October 13, ONE held the "Rational Consumption, Happy Shopping" Double 11 Press Conference in Shanghai, and announced the live broadcast arrangements during the Double Eleven period of Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room: from October 11 to 19, the live broadcast room will update "Li Jiaqi's Small Classroom" every day, and from October 20 to November 11, there will be special live broadcasts on different themes such as fashion special sessions, snack special sessions, cute pet special sessions, and tourism special sessions.

According to the on-site introduction, "Li Jiaqi Small Classroom" provides fans with different product knowledge and solutions for different needs such as skin care, hair care, storage, etc., and the special live broadcast is to allow consumers to lock in the products they need. In addition, at the press conference, the United States ONE also introduced the origin and characteristics of Li Jiaqi's derivative variety show "Offer for All Girls" in li Jiaqi's live broadcast room.

From the on-site sharing, summary, the brand's appeal to the live broadcast room is to help the brand more accurately understand consumer preferences, in order to improve the product faster, and at the same time to visually educate the market of some new categories and new products. It can be seen that the live broadcast room is a bridge between the brand and the consumer. This time, through a series of content-related derivative programs created by Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, the live broadcast room has also begun to enhance the interaction and stickiness with consumers from multiple dimensions, not only the media function, but also the live broadcast room also reflects the instrumentation and the psychological connection with consumers through content.

Taking the variety show "Offer of All Girls" as an example, Xu Shuxiong, deputy general manager of THE UNITED STATES ONE, pointed out that Double Eleven has appeared for twelve years, and it has become a shopping festival that Chinese are most familiar with, and "new" is a problem brought to all practitioners in the live e-commerce industry. The show "ALL GIRLS' OFFER" is a brand new attempt. "Previously, consumers probably didn't have much channel to understand how a good product was born. In the "ALL GIRLS' OFFER" program, you can follow Jiaqi to the brand interior and see for yourself what the R & D personnel are doing and how the product is iterated. Xu Shuxiong said.

These seemingly unrelated content that is not directly related to live streaming and selling goods are called "anti-efficiency" content by US ONE, including Wei Yinghui, general manager of THE LIVE broadcast operation of US ONE, introduced in the live sharing, "At present, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room is lower than the industry average in terms of both live broadcast time and link number, because we have lengthened the explanation time of a single product, which at first glance is an 'anti-efficiency' thing." It is reported that THE UNITED ONE hopes to help consumers choose products that are suitable for themselves in the list of products in the list of products in the live broadcast through derivative content.

In this sense, US ONE aims to enhance the emotional connection with users and enhance stickiness through live broadcasting, and move from the era of promotion to the era of content.

For the brand side, the daily live broadcast and the live broadcast during the promotion period also bear different functions. "This year's Double 11, brands pay more and more attention to daily content planting through live broadcasting, and promote the outbreak of ways to create new products." Wei Yinghui said.

The function of outputting content value between live broadcasts is also paying attention to brands. Winona brand director Huang Ziheng pointed out that the live broadcast room is not only selling goods, but also a platform for brand concept transmission and content manufacturing, hoping to achieve a win-win state of goods, brand content and emotional connection in the live broadcast room.

Liu Qianfei, CEO of Yiben, pointed out that the live broadcast room can help brands educate new market categories through visualization, and many new domestic products have developed with the development of the live broadcast industry in such soil.

In fact, in the beginning, the practitioners of live e-commerce may not be able to clearly explain the difference between live broadcasting and TV shopping, as The scene Wei Yinghui admitted, "A few years ago, someone asked us what is the difference between live broadcasting and TV shopping, and three or four years ago, I was really difficult to answer." ”

Nowadays, through this activity, US ONE is gradually clarifying the direction of live e-commerce. Wei Yinghui said, "After several years of personal experience, we have seen that the current live broadcast room is really different from before, the live broadcast room will bring very different content, this content is both professional, interesting and useful, everyone will know why to buy, how to buy and how to use, which is the biggest difference between today's live broadcast and the previous TV shopping." ”

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