
Liu Qiangdong sexual assault case, who will bear the pain that girls cannot bear.

author:Smart and elegant wind sound pY

Liu Qiangdong's sexual assault case has recently attracted widespread attention in society, setting off a wave of public opinion storm of "condemning indecency". However, can such a condemnation really lead to fair compensation and punishment for the victimized girls? Who bears the responsibility for the pain that girls can't bear?

Liu Qiangdong sexual assault case, who will bear the pain that girls cannot bear.

First, the individual feels that its actions are immoral and contrary to the law. He should assume responsibility to the victims, both morally and legally. As a public figure, he should be more cautious in his words and actions, and pay more attention to his behavior. And if he really committed a crime, then he should be duly punished and compensated according to the law.

Secondly, from a social point of view, we must also think about this from the perspective of girls. At present, the victimized girls have not received fair compensation and punishment. This is a very painful experience for them and requires more attention and support. At the same time, we must also think about how to prevent and stop such sexual assault more effectively, so that more girls are protected from harm.

Liu Qiangdong sexual assault case, who will bear the pain that girls cannot bear.

Finally, we also need to note that in such a case, we cannot simply put all the responsibility on Liu Qiangdong. The awareness and attention of the whole society to the problem of sexual assault need to be improved, including schools, families, social institutions and other aspects, in order to better prevent and combat sexual assault.

In short, who bears the responsibility for the pain that girls cannot bear is a complex question and there is no simple answer. But we need to think hard and take effective measures to improve the situation so that girls can grow and live in a safe and dignified environment.

Liu Qiangdong sexual assault case, who will bear the pain that girls cannot bear.

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