
"Creed" won the Huading Award for Best Film in the World, The Emperor of Germano, and Fan Wei for Best Supporting Actor

author:Huading Award

At 17:48, Los Angeles time on September 26, the winners of the 31st Huading Awards Global Film Satisfaction Survey were released at the headquarters of the Huading Awards in Los Angeles, and "Creed" won the world's best film. Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa won best director for "The Spy's Wife," and Italian actor Elio Germano won Best Actor for "I Want to Hide, beating strong rivals such as Anthony Hopkins and Gary Oldman." American actor Francis McDoman won Best Actress. Chinese actress Fan Wei won Best Supporting Actor for "One Second", and American actress Amanda Seyfried won Best Supporting Actress for "Mank".

"Creed" won the world's best picture, six national films and filmmakers

The scope of this year's Huading Awards Global Film Satisfaction Survey is the outstanding films released worldwide from January 1 to December 31, 2020. On September 16, after the announcement of the nomination list of this year's Huading Award, the organizing committee launched a public satisfaction survey on the nomination list around the world, and the jury finally selected the awards on this basis and combined with the opinions of expert judges.

Among them, two awards have been announced when the nominations were last announced because they did not require nominations: the Chinese film "Eight Hundred" won the first place in the global film satisfaction survey, and the 84-year-old British national treasure actor Anthony Hopkins won the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Among the 10 awards selected, Nolan's "Creed" won the world's best picture, Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa won the best director for "The Spy's Wife", and Indian screenwriter and director Chaitania Tamhani won the best screenplay for "Believer".

"Creed" is an imaginative science fiction film, despite the brain-burning plot and complex narrative, it still won the love of many audiences around the world, with a global box office of 353.5 million US dollars, ranking fourth in the global film box office list in 2020. Its artistic quality and visual effects have also been recognized by the industry, and it has been nominated for two nominations for best art direction and best visual effects at this year's Academy Awards, and has also been nominated and won multiple film awards for visual effects.

Previously, Nolan's "Inception" and "Dunkirk" had been nominated for The Oscar, Golden Globe and British Academy Film Award for Best Picture, but they were ultimately unsuccessful. This time, "Creed" won the Huading Award for Best Film in the World, which is the first time that a film directed by Nolan has won the Non-Science Fiction International Film Award, which is gratifying!

Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa won best director for "The Spy's Wife." This is the second time he has won the Silver Lion Award for Best Director at the 77th Venice Film Festival last year for the film. As a Japanese director, Kurosawa Kiyoshi reflects on the Japanese invasion of China in "The Spy's Wife" and exposes the fact that the Japanese 731 unit was experimenting in China, which is not the core of the story, but the tone of the film. It is reasonable that Kurosawa Kiyoshi won the Best Director of this year's Huading Awards.

After the 80s, the Italian actor won the film emperor, and the 64-year-old McDoman was filmed

In the competition for the world's best actor at this year's Huading Awards, the famous Italian actor Elio Germano defeated Strong opponents such as Anthony Hopkins, Gary Oldman, Andy Lau and Lee Bingxian with his wonderful performance in "I Want to Hide", and finally won the global film emperor.

Born on September 25, 1980 in Rome, Italy, Elio Germano is only 41 years old, the youngest of the five actors nominated for Best Actor at this year's Huading Awards. But his years from the film are not short, and his acting strength is also very strong. He entered the film industry as early as 1999 and has won the David Award for Best Actor in Italian Cinema three times in his 22-year film career.

In May 2010, at the age of 30, Elio Germano won the Best Actor at the 63rd Cannes International Film Festival for "Our Life" directed by Daniel Luketi, which can be described as a young fame, and his superb acting skills have long been recognized by the audience and the industry.

In January 2020, he won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor at the 70th Berlin Film Festival for "I Want to Hide". In the film, the fragility, madness, innocence and shyness of the Italian painter Antonio Ligapol are all brilliantly interpreted by Elio Germano, and this time he can win the Huading Award for Global Film Emperor again with this role, in fact, it is not a shock, but a strength.

In the competition for best actress, three-time Oscar winner francis McDoman, a 64-year-old American actor, had the last laugh with "The Land of NoBody." McDoman won Best Actress at the 69th Academy Awards as early as 1996 for Ice Storm. In 2018, she won the Oscar again with the movie "Three Billboards", and in 2020, the "Land of No One" starring her starred in won numerous awards around the world, and she also won the Oscar for the third time with this film, and this time she was able to win the Huading Award for global film queen laurels with the film, which is well-deserved.

Fan Wei for Best Supporting Actor and Amanda Seyfried for Best Supporting Actress

The competition for best supporting actor at this year's Huading Awards is equally fierce. In the end, Chinese actor Fan Wei won this heavy award by playing the role of Fan Film in Zhang Yimou's film "One Second", defeating powerful competitors such as Daniel Kalua, Sasha Byron Cohen, and Kim Carey.

The 59-year-old Fan Wei is a well-known power star in China, familiar to the audience for playing comedy roles, and is also good at interpreting various small characters, and has won many film awards at home and abroad. In "One Second", the Fan film he plays has a bit of comedy, and the process of leading the farm audience to wash the film film is very impressive. He plays the character's vanity, cowardice, focus and kindness very well, and is one of the most brilliant characters in the whole film. Director Zhang Yimou's popularity among film audiences around the world has also increased Fan Wei's popularity in this year's Huading Awards public satisfaction survey.

The 36-year-old American actress Amanda Seyfried won this year's Huading Award for Best Supporting Actress for her outstanding performance in "Mank", and finally proved that she has superb acting skills in addition to sexiness and beauty.

Amanda Seyfried has a fiery body and a beautiful face, known as Hollywood's "little leprechaun", but her acting skills have always been criticized by many viewers and industry insiders, and was once considered a vase on the screen. In "Mank", she played Marion Davis, but proved her ability with excellent acting skills. Winning the Huading Award for World Best Supporting Actress is a great affirmation of her years of hard work.

19-year-old American actress Talia Ryder won best new actress for "Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always", and although Chinese actress Liu Haocun regrettably failed, she had previously won the Best New Actor in the 30th Huading Awards Chinese Film Satisfaction Survey. This time, she was nominated for the world's best new actor at this year's Huading Awards, which is already a very good start for her future entry into the international film world at a young age.

In addition, "Journey of the Mind" won Best Animated Film, and the Chicago Seven Gentlemen's Trial episode "Hear My Voice" won Best Movie Song.

Twice successfully held in Los Angeles, the Huading Awards are firmly globalized

Huading Awards is the "Global Audience Word-of-Mouth Award" and enjoys a high reputation in the world, with the current China operation headquarters in Macau, the Asian operation headquarters in Hong Kong, and the global operation headquarters in Los Angeles. Every year, the Huading Awards China Film and TV Series Satisfaction Survey is released in Macao and the Global Film Satisfaction Survey is released in Los Angeles.

2013 was the beginning of the globalization of the Huading Awards, and the famous Oscar producer Don Michel joined the Huading Awards. Don Michelle is an internationally renowned television program and event live broadcast director and producer who has won numerous Emmy Awards, the 2012 Producers Guild of America Awards, and several National Directors Guild Awards, and has led top events and programs including the Academy Awards Gala, the Oba President Ma Inauguration, the Opening Ceremony of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, and the National Football League (Super Bowl) Midcourt Show.

Don Michel said that his joining was due to the recognition of the Huading Awards, "In fact, I don't value the Oscars too much, it is only a small part of my work, so I don't want to talk about it too much." The Oscars are an academy award, which is judged by filmmakers to evaluate the quality of these films, and the awards are selected from this. I value the Huading Award more because it is a choice of people's will, and it can better represent the true will of many film fans. ”

The Huading Awards were successfully held in Hollywood twice, triggering numerous media reports in the United States. The Hollywood Reporter, which is one of the two major newspapers in the American entertainment industry with Variety, not only introduced the Huading Awards at length, but also gave high praise, saying that the Huading Awards are equivalent to "Chinese awards that integrate the Oscars, Emmys and Grammys".

In recent years, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the Huading Awards have not been able to hold offline award ceremonies in the United States, but they still insist on surveying and judging the public satisfaction of global films, and release the list of winners in Los Angeles every year. Wang Haige, chairman of the Huading Award, said that the globalization of the Huading Award is firm, and when the time is ripe, it will continue to hold a grand release ceremony in Los Angeles.

"Creed" won the Huading Award for Best Film in the World, The Emperor of Germano, and Fan Wei for Best Supporting Actor

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