
Cover Interview 丨 Li Boqing: Wei Minglun is not only a treasure in the Sichuan opera industry, but also a treasure in Sanda commentaries

author:Cover News
Cover Interview 丨 Li Boqing: Wei Minglun is not only a treasure in the Sichuan opera industry, but also a treasure in Sanda commentaries

Cover news reporter Duan Lake Xun Chao

"As a well-known playwright in the country, Wei Minglun has a lot of works in his lifetime. His work has influenced generations of us. As a cultural giant in the sichuan opera art world, Wei Minglun is not only the treasure of the Sichuan opera industry, but also the treasure of our music art world! Our Sanda commentaries have received a lot of artistic nourishment from Wei Minglun's plays! ”

On September 20th, Chengdu Autumn Sunshine, "Mr. Wei Minglun's 80th Birthday" birthday party, held in a restaurant in Chengdu. Li Boqing, a famous Sanda storyteller, gave an exclusive interview to the cover reporter at the scene.

Cover Interview 丨 Li Boqing: Wei Minglun is not only a treasure in the Sichuan opera industry, but also a treasure in Sanda commentaries

Li Boqing said: "As a well-known playwright in China, Wei Minglun's artistic life is bumpy, and he has created so many high-end Sichuan opera script works for us, which really makes me admire. The script, the script, the script of a play. Now in Chengdu, Chongqing, Neijiang, zigong, to perform a good play, to shoot a fine Sichuan opera, to find a good script, so difficult. It can be said that in Sichuan and China, there are too few Bashu ghost talents and excellent playwrights like Wei Minglun who can write Sichuan opera scripts, write lyrics, and write essays! In my heart, my evaluation of Wei Minglun is the master of Sichuan opera, a master of Sichuan opera writers who deserves my eternal admiration by Li Boqing! ”

Li Boqing told the cover news reporter that he and Shen Fa brought Ding Dang, Chen Gong, Zhong Yanping, Wang Baoqi, and others to Wei Minglun's birthday party today, and they came to learn from Wei Minglun and ask for advice.

Cover Interview 丨 Li Boqing: Wei Minglun is not only a treasure in the Sichuan opera industry, but also a treasure in Sanda commentaries

Li Boqing said: "I am a native of Chengdu, and I have been a fan of Sichuan opera since I was a child. Many of the wonderful passages and jokes in the Sanda commentaries I performed were actually borrowed from some of the essence of Wei Minglun's plays. As early as 30 years ago, I have seen Many sichuan operas created by Wei Minglun such as "Pan Jinlian", "Bashan Xiucai", "Years of Chongyang", "Dulando" and so on. ”

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