
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and

author:Frontier drifters

I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows.

The difference between tomatoes and spring peaches is the different species, tomatoes are vegetables, spring peaches are fruits.

Tomatoes have a sweet and sour taste, and eating them raw can stimulate the secretion of salivary glands in the mouth and improve appetite. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, malic acid, citric acid, fructose and other ingredients, and also have the effect of quenching thirst.

Spring peach is a variety of cherry tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes are not quite the same in appearance, spring peach cherry tomatoes have a small sharp horn at the top, like a peach, ripe in spring, hence the name spring peach.

Peach cherry tomatoes are not only bright in color, good in nutritional taste, but also have 1.7 times the vitamin content of tomatoes. Spring peach is rich in organic acids and crude fiber, which can promote the secretion of digestive juices and enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby increasing appetite and facilitating digestion and absorption. There are also anti-aging, low calorie advantages, beauty lovers and weight loss people are very suitable for eating.

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#从今天起记录我的2023 #

I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and
I posted a picture of spring peaches, and many friends said that it was a small tomato, and I was confused when I said it. Then I went to check the difference between spring peaches and tomatoes, as well as cherry tomatoes, and shared as follows. Tomatoes and

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