
Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

author:Zhu Xiaoyu

There are two maverick characters in the entertainment industry, one is Chen Daoming, and the other is Chen Jin, who is known as the "female version" of Chen Daoming.

The name Chen Jin is a little unfamiliar to many people, but in fact, she is not only a national first-class actress, but also a veritable "Grand Slam Queen".

However, she has a lot of "quirks": she has not eaten rice for 20 years, and her love history is still blank at more than half a hundred years old, which is why she is also known as "human outlier".

So what is the secret behind her alternative?

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she


Chen Jin was born in 1964 to a military family in Jinan, Shandong Province, with an older brother two years older than her.

His father usually had very strict requirements for them, and from an early age he let them do things according to the rules of the army, which also created Chen Jin's high degree of self-discipline.

Because of the reason that she grew up in the army, Chen Jin's personality was more like a boy, not as delicate as a girl, but more arrogant.

In the child, it looks like a little adult, and the children in the yard do not like to play with her, but fortunately, there is an older brother with the same strange personality, and the two people have become marginal figures in the compound.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Chen Jin has had a hobby since childhood is dancing, her mother sent her to the Children's Palace to learn dance, but she did not expect that her dance career was denied by the teacher before it began, because the image was not suitable for Chen Jin and was packaged back home.

In the face of the teacher's disapproval, Chen Jin did not flinch, but was thinking about what she was suitable for, once her mother took her to see a play, she did not expect that she was attracted by the performance at a young age, and determined to be an actor.

Her family was also very supportive of her, and eventually Chen Jin was admitted to the drama department of Shandong Academy of Arts with her efforts, and after graduation, she was also assigned to the Air Force Repertory Theatre.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Chen Jin is extremely talented in acting, she has played five roles in a play, each of which is very exciting.

In the troupe, she has been well received by everyone for her serious and studious attitude and excellent acting skills.

After that, Chen Jin was selected by the film director to shoot his first work, and has officially entered the entertainment circle since then.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Although the movie did not have too much splash, but because of the excellent performance, Chen Jin was selected to pick the beam as the heroine in "Mountains Don't Turn water", I didn't expect this cannon to become popular, and won the second prize of Feitian with this drama, which is undoubtedly the biggest affirmation for her as a newcomer actor.

After that, she also collected the Huabiao Award, the Magnolia Award, and the Golden Eagle Award, although there was no beautiful face, but Chen Jin became a Grand Slam Queen with this tenacity.

However, she was hit by the high career along the way, and she was turned away by the directors.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she


Because of the pressure of filming, Chen Jin sometimes does not pay attention to diet, and gradually her body shape begins to deviate, which seriously affects her photogenic effect, although her acting skills are very good, but there are fewer and fewer directors who come to her for acting.

Chen Jin when she first debuted, the director once pointed out this problem, the director bluntly said that she is not beautiful, a little fat, must control the diet, otherwise the drama road will become narrower, at that time the young and vigorous Chen Jin did not take it seriously, and now think about it.

But it was hard to achieve today's achievements, how could she give up so easily?

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

So she made up her mind to lose weight, eat only one peach a day, drink a cup of coffee if she is physically weak, absolutely do not eat staple foods such as rice, and cooperate with swimming and yoga if she has time, after a period of persistence, not only is the body slim back, the role is also back.

This also makes Chen Jin deeply aware that as an actor, it is not enough to have acting skills, and showing the image of the basic character is also a compulsory course as an actor, if even the image of a character can not be matched, even love is a lie.

Just like the golden sentence of weight loss that Cai Ming said: "If you want to eat this bowl of rice, don't eat that bowl of rice." ”

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Slimming down is not an honor class for actors, but only a compulsory course.

Chu Zhibo, an actor who has worked with her many times, is quite surprised by her eating habit and feels that her habit is very harmful to the body, and Chen Jin jokes: "Don't you see monkeys like this." ”

No matter what others said, Chen Jin insisted on it for 20 years, and never ate rice again.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

At that time when Chen Jin could not receive the play, her mother also persuaded her to have a plastic surgery and pull a double eyelid, but fortunately Chen Jin chose to lose weight and did not choose the latter, otherwise the entertainment industry would have lost a unique face.

After the success of weight loss, Chen Jin also has a special cultural temperament, making people look like a cultural person, and is also known as the "female version of Chen Daoming".

Both people have works and strength, the temperament is elegant and high, standing together looks like a cultural "couple".

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Chen Daoming, an old drama bone, also has a very high evaluation of his partner Chen Jin, and he even said such things: "Many people say that I am not good at cooperation, but you have not cooperated with me, and only those who have cooperated with me are eligible to evaluate me, such as Chen Jin."

It is enough to see that the relationship between the two people is a friend, but also a confidant who cherishes each other.

Chen Jin once starred in Zhang Yimou's movie "Golden Armor", although she only starred in a sad little supporting role, but her acting skills were not inferior to the protagonists Jay Chou and Gong Li.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Zhang Yimou even commented on her in this way: "If Chen Jin plays Gong Li's empress, it will certainly not be worse than Gong Li, she will definitely be able to interpret a new style, chen Jin is definitely one of the best actresses in China." ”

In addition to Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang is also very fond of her.

When filming the play "Tangshan Earthquake", Feng Xiaogang felt that the role of Fang Deng's adoptive mother Dong Guilan was very suitable for her, so he invited her to participate, but chen Jin refused, and later Feng Xiaogang still asked Chen Daoming to come forward to promote cooperation, and she and Chen Daoming played a husband and wife in the play.

Chen Jin lived up to expectations and played this role very well, and the acting skills of the three points of Izuki changed a lot of tears from the audience.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

To know that Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, and Chen Daoming are all leaders in the film and television industry, and can be valued so much by these three, I have to say that Chen Jin's business ability is really strong.

Chen Jin is still active on the screen and has become a professional household for her mother-in-law.

From the mother of Zhao Qiping, a cultural person in "Ode to Joy", to the hated Mother Su in "All Is Good", and the strong and cunning Pingning County Lord in "Know It or Not".

Each role is vividly displayed, and in the play, it is even more short of parents, and the addiction of being a mother's wife, but in real life, she is still alone at the age of 57.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she


Chen Jin once bluntly said in Lu Yu's program that he is an unmarried person and does not like to rely on others.

In fact, she did it, 57 years of feelings are completely blank, she has always been immersed in her own small world,

Although she is indeed an alternative to others, she said that she has had a different sense of alienation since she was a child.

When they were young, all the children liked to wear new clothes, and the brothers and sisters liked to wear unique and unique clothes with holes, and the children felt that the two people were very strange and did not want to play with them, and the brothers and sisters "depended on each other for their lives".

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

This sense of alienation has been accompanied by their adulthood, once, Chen Jin and her brother said in a chat that they were single, they thought that their brother would talk about themselves, but they did not expect to agree with Chen Jin's idea, and said to her: Brother raise you for a lifetime.

At that time, my brother also said to Chen Jin: I will live a little longer than you, because then I can take care of you until you are old, so that you will not be alone. At that time, Chen Jin was very touched to hear chen jin's heart clatter.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

Chen Jin's brother Chen Zhun is also not small, he once served as the chief photographer in a famous magazine, and has cooperated with many stars in the entertainment industry, and is also famous in the photography circle.

I have to say that people with artistic atmosphere are unique and will not be bound by the words of others.

Chen Jin, an "alien in the world": 20 years without eating rice, a lifetime of unmarried and infertile, now how is she

The ideas of the brothers and sisters also told their parents, but they did not expect that their parents were very open-minded, not forced to marry like other families, but only cared about whether they were happy and wanton.

Chen Jin is now more than half a hundred years old, although there is no lover and no children, but she has loved her relatives, a red-hot career, although this series of operations in the eyes of others Chen Jin is slightly different, but she is just using her own unique way to live her own life, life does not stipulate that it must be done step by step, like her free and free is not a different kind of happiness.

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