
In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan

author:Timewarp timeline

In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. The island, located in the Mariana Islands, called Anantahan Island, was under Japanese rule at the time.

A company called Nanhai Development is conducting agricultural development in the area. Nankai Development has a plantation in Anantahan, run by plantation managers Kikuichiro and Wako and their husbands, as well as some local residents.

As Japan lost its advantage over the Allies, the war finally spread to Anantahan.

One day in 1944, a team of 31 sailors, young in their 20s, arrived on Anantahan after the ship was damaged. At that time, Wakko's husband was on an errand on another island, and fearing that the young men would do something lawless to Wakko, Kikuichiro pretended to be Wakako's husband. So Wakko, Kikuichiro, 32 sailors, and a few local islanders began to survive on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean.

Fortunately, the island has fertile soil, and they grow potatoes, fish, and occasionally eat the island's rats and lizards. For the time being, they have plenty of supplies.

In the summer of 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allies, and Americans visited the island from time to time to announce through loudspeakers that the war was over.

Soon, the local islanders boarded American ships and left the island, but Kikuichiro, Wakko and sailors were reluctant to do so. Part of the reason was that they believed that the Americans would kill them if they surrendered; Another part of the reason is that they don't want to believe that Japan has lost the war.

As time went on, their life on the island became more and more difficult. The sailors began to fight for Wakako's heart, which led to a series of fights and violence.

At first, Wako and Kikuichiro lived separately from the sailors.

But in the summer of 1946, a sailor found the wreckage of a B-29 bomber that may have crashed on the island during the war. He finds a pistol on the pilot's body, which upsets the delicate balance of power. The sailor who found the pistol threatened Kikuichiro with it, demanding Wakko. Kikuichiro reluctantly gave in, and the sailor became Wakko's second husband.

Soon after, however, the second husband was found dead. The cause of death is unknown: Wako later claimed that he fell from a cliff, while some sailors claimed that he was killed by Kikuichiro.

After the death of her second husband, Kikuichiro was also found dead, and the cause of death is unknown. Wako initially claimed that he died of food poisoning from eating raw crab, but later changed her story to say that Kikuichiro was killed by a man who would later become her third husband. But soon the third husband was also murdered, and the killer became her fourth husband.

Around this time, the sailors began to accuse Wako of being the source of the deaths of others and the infighting of the entire team.

Wako feared that the men would kill her, so she decided to surrender to the American army.

In 1950, she managed to escape the island on an American ship and was brought back to Japan. A year later, in the summer of 1951, the island's remaining sailors were also rescued back to Japan, but only 20 men were still alive, and in addition to the known deaths of Kikuichiro, his second and third husbands, how nine died is unknown.

After returning to Japan, Wako discovers that her husband is still alive, but that he has married another love because he thinks Wako is dead.

In this way, Wako had to fend for herself on her own, so she sold her story to various newspapers, and the story of a woman living on an island with dozens of men spread in full swing, making her a famous Japanese celebrity at the time.

She often talks about her relationships with many men and how they fight and even kill each other for her.

Public opinion was generally more positive, with Wako being a strong woman who survived on an island surrounded by men and began to call her Queen Anantahan.

A queen Anantahan drama was born and toured Japan, in which Wako played herself. However, because of her poor acting skills, she has been criticized by the audience in various ways.

Around this time, some sailors also published their own books telling their stories about the Queen of Anantahan. One of the sailors claimed that Wako lured men into giving her food, clothing, and other resources, and manipulated men into fighting each other.

He claimed that at least nine men died directly from the infighting.

Wakko's poor performance on stage, combined with the sailors' accusations, takes her public image to a nosedive, from a brave survivor to an evil woman who manipulates men to work for her.

She was no longer invited by the media and unable to find a job because of her bad reputation.

Wako moved to the countryside to avoid the crowd, and over time the media frenzy surrounding the Anantahan queen faded.

In 1971, at the age of 51, Wakko died of a brain tumor.

Is Anantahan a wicked woman who manipulates and indirectly kills multiple men to satisfy her greed and pleasure, or a strong woman trapped in an environment who has no choice but to protect herself on a desert island surrounded by men? It can only be left to the world to comment. #真实故事 #

In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan
In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan
In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan
In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan
In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, far from land. This island is located in the Mariana archipelago, called Anantahan Island, which was then made by Anantahan

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