
Top 7 rumors in King's Canyon? Can spring water burst? Decrypt them one by one today

author:Mo Yuqian

About the rumors of the King's Canyon, I believe everyone has heard, such as what, can't eat your own blood pack in a full state? Can Di Renjie solve Zhuge Liangda? Can spring water hit ?? Wait, let's talk about 7 rumors about the canyon today.

Erin's big move will not be interrupted by the control skill

The answer is no, after testing, even if Erin was controlled by Zhang Liang after opening the big one, her big still did not break and continued to attack Zhang Liang.

Top 7 rumors in King's Canyon? Can spring water burst? Decrypt them one by one today

Hou Yi flashes in the opposite direction and shoots two birds

Fake, after testing, no matter how it flashes, there is only one, and it is still a bird in the last direction, some people say that it may be the same as Nuwa Big Flash, there is no track but there is damage, it's a pity that there is not.

I can't eat my own blood pack when I am full

After testing, it is true that it cannot be eaten, but it can eat each other's blood packs when it is full.

Top 7 rumors in King's Canyon? Can spring water burst? Decrypt them one by one today

The old master can pull the shield of the shield mountain

The answer is no, after several waves of testing, it cannot be pulled at all.

Spring water can be attacked

Some people said that the spring water can be attacked, but some people did not believe it, and after testing, it was found that the precision general attack was turned on, and the swipe attack button could select the spring water as the target.

Haiyue can pull the defensive tower into the illusion realm

The answer is no, whether it is the shield mountain first repair defense tower or the sea moon first open the big one, it can't pull the defense tower into the illusion realm.

Top 7 rumors in King's Canyon? Can spring water burst? Decrypt them one by one today

Can Di Renjie solve Zhuge Liang's greatness

The answer is no, no matter how you try, even Di Renjie with purification can't solve Zhuge Liang's big, but Miyamoto can split his big.

If you have any other rumors, welcome to discuss in the comment area.