
Thailand's successive vicious cases have made Chinese tourists hesitate whether they can travel to Thailand

author:Pupu History Museum

Thailand's successive vicious cases have affected the country's tourism industry.

On April 2, according to Thai media reports, a 22-year-old Chinese female student was kidnapped and tortured in Thailand.

The body was packed in plastic bags and thrown into a banana grove in Nonthaburi province and was found dead for at least three days, bruised and tied with ropes tied to his hands.

Thailand's successive vicious cases have made Chinese tourists hesitate whether they can travel to Thailand

The school reported to the police on March 31 that a junior music student had disappeared, and the police launched an investigation.

It wasn't until locals found the body and called the police that it attracted the attention of the Thai media.

Similar vicious cases in Thailand have occurred many times, that yellow gambling and drugs have been known to the world, as well as frequent kidnapping, fraud, human trafficking and other vicious cases, making many Chinese tourists hesitate whether to travel to Thailand.

Before 2019, Chinese tourists liked to go to Thailand because of the low prices, exotic style, and barely okay scenery.

Compared with those world-famous places of interest, the threshold for consumption is too high. In contrast, in Thailand, pure juice costs a few dollars a cup, and the ticket is pressed to less than two thousand.

But in Thailand today, air tickets have doubled, juice has doubled several times, and roadside stalls knock a coconut to drink, all of which are close to two hundred yuan. Not only is the threshold high, but the service is getting worse and worse, and the scenic spots are shoddy.

The reason is that Thailand's economy has been looted by the US dollar, the economy is sluggish, shops are losing money, and prices are soaring.

When China opens its doors in 2023, a large number of tourists suddenly poured in, prices followed by skyrocketing again, and the tourist experience was very poor.

Thailand's successive vicious cases have made Chinese tourists hesitate whether they can travel to Thailand

One of Thailand's "most pitted" attractions, a floating market abandoned by locals but popular by Chinese tourists

What worries tourists even more is the continuous vicious cases.

For example, four influential Thai police officers kidnapped a Chinese man, Mr. Qi, and demanded a ransom of 1 million baht, or 200,000 yuan.

If this were placed in China, the word kidnapping would have been thrown into the trash can of history.

According to Thai media reports on March 21, four Thai police officers, three arrested and one at large.

According to Mr. Qi's female companion, six Thai police officers were involved in the abduction, who were given one million baht before releasing them.

The four policemen were not impoverished low-level civil servants, but a major, two lieutenants, and a senior sergeant.

This has further aroused the concern of Chinese tourists, even the police know the law to kidnap Chinese, and those vicious bandits, aren't they even more lawless?

In fact, security has not been ideal in Thailand, which is recognized worldwide as a transit point for drug smuggling and human trafficking, and was once called the worst area of human trafficking by the United States and Britain.

Thailand's successive vicious cases have made Chinese tourists hesitate whether they can travel to Thailand

Through the Internet, traffickers deceive poor people in various countries, saying that they are taking them to work abroad to earn money, but in fact they are sold on the black market.

The cost of trafficking in human trafficking is very low, and the trafficking of adults is only sentenced to four to twelve years in prison, and even if they are caught, they will not admit it, waiting for the financiers behind the scenes to retrieve people.

According to United Nations statistics, 90% of drugs seized in Asia come from Southeast Asia, of which Thailand is the largest, with one billion methamphetamines, that is, methamphetamine, or methamphetamine, seized in 2021.

After the legalization of marijuana, it is easy to deceive people who do not know the truth, which also adds to the concerns of tourists.

It was said that it was not allowed to be sold to children, but a three-year-old child accidentally ate it and was taken to the hospital for rescue.

To sum up, if Thailand wants to develop tourism, it needs to create a good security environment, and tourists must first get security before talking about whether they are happy to travel.

As for the popular male model shop, it belongs to a gray area, and it is also a gray area of foreign countries, so it is recommended that tourists do not go.

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