
#The furthest place I've been #The farthest I've been is Europe. It was the eve of the pandemic in 2019, and my wife and I followed a travel agency to Europe. At that time, I went to four countries

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#The farthest place I've been to# The farthest I've been is Europe. It was the eve of the pandemic in 2019, and my wife and I followed a travel agency to Europe. At that time, a total of four countries were visited, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Italy.

That trip was my last trip with my wife, who soon after returning from that trip felt unwell and later found out that he had cancer and was in an advanced stage. He died in 2020.

Thankfully, his wife went where he wanted to go before he got sick. Unfortunately, he already had cancer at the time and did not know it, and he had traveled so far.

If his wife had known that he was a cancer patient, he would have cancelled the trip. But because he didn't know, he didn't have a psychological burden and had fun along the way. #微头条生活养成计划 #

#The furthest place I've been #The farthest I've been is Europe. It was the eve of the pandemic in 2019, and my wife and I followed a travel agency to Europe. At that time, I went to four countries
#The furthest place I've been #The farthest I've been is Europe. It was the eve of the pandemic in 2019, and my wife and I followed a travel agency to Europe. At that time, I went to four countries
#The furthest place I've been #The farthest I've been is Europe. It was the eve of the pandemic in 2019, and my wife and I followed a travel agency to Europe. At that time, I went to four countries

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