
From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras

author:Ang Lee thinking

Today, March 26, the authorities of Honduras and Taiwan broke off diplomatic relations and formally established diplomatic relations with the mainland. Seriously, this is a small thing for us, not so much correlation and meaning. But the majority of netizens are very concerned, I still briefly comment

From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras

Honduras officially established diplomatic relations with the mainland

Honduras can only be considered a small country in the world, but it is a large country in Central America. For Taiwan's small vegetable bag authorities, it is a big country that supports the façade. This Central American power has three main characteristics: wife selling, chaos and coups.

From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras


The reason for breaking off diplomatic relations with Taiwan's small vegetable bag authorities and establishing diplomatic relations with the mainland this time is also very simple: the Taiwan authorities will not give money. Seeing the likes of Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and Nicaragua around you abandon the shadows and get more tangible benefits. The country has maintained diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities since the beginning, unlike some small countries such as Nauru, which switch back and forth between Taiwan and the mainland.

From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras


As for the United States, this-stirring stick is making some kind of in the middle, seriously, these things do not mean much to the United States, so it is too lazy to care. At most, some politician clowns go to sour and use this to show their presence. Previously, small countries in Central America and the Caribbean established diplomatic relations with China, and the United States did not care. The reason why those small countries in Central America and the Caribbean maintain diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities is because the Taiwan authorities are quite comfortable with money and do not have much contact with our mainland.

From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras

Vegetable packs

This is also the ninth country with which Xiaocaibao ended diplomatic relations after it came to power. At present, only 13 countries still maintain diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities: Nauru, Palau, Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands, Belize, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guatemala, Haiti, Paraguay, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Eswatini and the Vatican. In addition to Paraguay and the Vatican, which can still hold up some façade, the rest are basically small and oceanic island countries that are difficult to find on the map. The Taiwan authorities are not far from the day when there will be no diplomatic relations.

From the severance of diplomatic relations to the establishment of diplomatic relations in Honduras

After Xiaocaibao came to power, it was a country that severed diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities

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