
Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

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Commanders, missed me?

Rumi is carrying it again today

The strategy of "Alloy One Point" is here~

In "Metal Slug Awakening", in addition to passion to break through

You can also experience exciting PVP battles

So this time I will introduce it to you

Fair Competition Mode - Sharp Soldier Showdown

Find Commander Victor in the main city to enter the Sharp Soldier Showdown gameplay!

Here, the balance system has balanced both sides, so there is no strong or weak, only top-level game understanding and the ultimate operation show.

When you come to the preparation screen, commanders can freely choose 3 hero combination squads, and at the same time match them with weapons at hand to create a variety of routines!

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

Of course, heroes and weapons are not enough, but the choice of vehicles and combat skills is also important to win the duel. Whether to ride a tall camel or drive a powerful tank is your choice.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

In terms of combat skills, shields and medical kits can give you good endurance, snowmen, thunderclouds and carpet bombing can provide you with the most powerful output, and charges and jetpacks are more suitable for commanders who want to play brilliant maneuvers and want to throw a fog at their opponents? Then choose smoke bombs.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

After the pre-war preparations, let's move on to the actual combat session!

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the other will not be lost! Next, let Rumi take you to understand the map of the sharp soldier moment. It's a huge platform with three tiers and many connected parts, and it's a platform where commanders will fight.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

In the map, there is a height difference between the platforms on each floor, and these height differences can be used to avoid opponents' attacks.

Next, I will explain the idea of the game for everyone by Liumei.

After entering the match, commanders will appear on either side of the map, because the balance system has balanced attributes, so if you want to achieve poor attacks, you need to gain higher experience!

So how can we gain more experience points in less time? This will put your control over the location of the monsters to the test. The intimate Rumi has prepared tips for everyone.

On each commander's side, two wild monsters will spawn, one directly in front of and one directly above the hero, and a cylinder will appear in these two places, from which the wild monster will emerge each time it rises. We need to quickly clear the monsters in front of us and the monsters above us so that we can gain more experience one step ahead of our opponents.

When quickly killing the wild monsters on your side, don't rush to fight, you can use the jumping platform in the map to quickly shuttle the map to grab the opponent's wild monsters. In this way, you can get a head start and open up the experience gap between each other.

With the level advantage, the opponent will not dare to go head-to-head with us, and then we will go to grab other resources.

For example, there will be occasional drop supply chests at the top of the map, which contain a lot of treasure, and after destruction, you can get shields, medical kits that restore health, and blue gems with skill charging effects.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

With these supplies, we can safely find opponents and start the duel! However, here to remind commanders to always pay attention to their vehicle energy, summon vehicles when fully charged, with its bonus, victory will be one step closer to you.

At the same time, each vehicle also has different skills, and the skills possessed by vehicles have more powerful damage capabilities, which can be used to inflict a fatal blow on opponents at the right time.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

See an opponent driving a vehicle one step ahead of you? It doesn't matter, we also have the battle skills we chose when preparing for battle, use the battle skills, and withstand the fiercest round of attacks, here is your show time.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

After reading the game idea, are you already eager to try? Don't worry, it's not enough to have a duel idea, you have to master the rules of victory if you want to win the game.

In a Spike Showdown, six badges are required to achieve the final victory, if neither side gets six badges within 3 minutes, the one with the most badges will win, and if both sides have the same number of badges, it will go to overtime, and the team with the most badges will win the final victory.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

So, in a duel, smooth moves will help you the most, maximizing your output while moving to increase your chances of winning.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

Everyone, Rumi also wants to provide commanders with a shortcut to victory, that is, after a period of time in the game, a boss will appear in the center of the map. Defeating bosses earns you two medals, and the balance of victory will instantly tilt in favor of you, but be careful not to give benefits to your opponents.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

After winning the game, we can get a star.

The highest rank in the Sharp Soldier Duel is the strongest king, it's time to prove your strength to your friends, what are you waiting for? Get up and running.

Introduction to the gameplay: At this moment, you are the strongest king

Okay, that's it for this issue

What else does the commanders not understand

Then we'll see you in the next issue, 886

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