
An article that will take you to understand! What kind of country is Uzbekistan

author:New Observations on the Silk Road

Uzbekistan is located in central Asia and covers an area of nearly 450,000 square kilometers. The territory of Uzbekistan is mainly composed of deserts, sand dunes and river valleys. It borders Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and other countries.

Uzbekistan has a land area of 449,000 square kilometers, which is slightly smaller than the mainland province of Gansu. But its population is 33.4 million, nearly 7 million more than Gansu. It is also the most populous country in Central Asia, accounting for about 45% of the total population

An article that will take you to understand! What kind of country is Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, like Liechtenstein in Europe, is not only landlocked in its own right, but also landlocked in its neighboring countries. The sea is far from Uzbekistan, and although it does not have a real marine coastline, it has the southern "coastline" of the Aral Sea (inland lake).

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Uzbekistan is doubly landlocked. Uzbekistan has the 56th largest territory in the world. The territory of Uzbekistan, from the westernmost to the easternmost point, is 1425 km.

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The so-called doubly landlocked country means that the country is landlocked and its neighboring countries are also landlocked. All five Central Asian countries are landlocked, and Afghanistan, another bordering Uzbekistan, is also landlocked. As a result, Uzbekistan is also the world's largest doubly landlocked country.

Although Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country, in theory the economy should be underdeveloped, after all, as the old saying goes, if you want to be rich, you must build roads. But in fact, Uzbekistan's economic strength is among the top of these countries separated by the Soviet Union. Mainly because of Uzbekistan's rich reserves of gold, cotton, oil and natural gas. Therefore, relying on these industries, the living standards of the people of Uzbekistan are still good.

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The first to occupy Central Asia were Iranian nomads, who migrated south from the northern steppes of present-day Kazakhstan around 1000 BC. These nomads, who spoke Iranian dialects, settled in Central Asia and established irrigation systems near rivers. The affluence of the Transoxia region often provoked aggression from the northern Eurasian steppes as well as from China. Many regional wars were fought between Sogdian and other Transoxia countries, where Persia and China often clashed. In 328 BC, Alexander the Great brought the area under his Macedonian Empire.

During the same period, the region was also an important cultural and religious center. Until the first century AD, Zoroastrianism (known in China as Zoroastrianism) was the dominant religion in the region, but Buddhism, Manichaeism, and Christianity also attracted many followers.

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The Oda conquered all the cities of Central Asia in the fifth century, creating a great empire from the Caspian Sea to Kashgar, from the Aral Sea to India. They did not interfere in the politics of the Sogdians and were divided into many states, the largest of which was Samarkand. The Oda people promoted the Buddhist tradition and built many Buddhist temples. The people carried out foreign trade activities through the Great Silk Road. They maintained good relations with China, India and Byzantium. There were trade exchanges on silk, jewelry and spices.

Turkic Khaganate

In the sixth century, the country of Oda was destroyed by the Turks, who in 550-750 years established a powerful Turkic khanate through the union of various nomadic tribes and Altai states, stretching from China to the Volga River. Central Asia became a part of it. The Turkic Khaganate went through endless wars and became richer. The captives were housed in special villages and paid to the Hagan with products or handicrafts. The Sogdian and Fergana cities during the reign of the Turks retained relative autonomy and paid tribute only to the Kakhans. The Turkic Khaganate was involved in the politics and economy of the largest countries of that period - Byzantium, Sassanid, Iran and China and efforts to control the Silk Road. Cotton and silk production developed positively. In the early Middle Ages, cotton and silk were the region's main resources; Local gold and silver are also highly valued.

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Arab conquest and early Muslim expansion

In the 7th century AD, the fertile land of the Sogdians became the subject of keen concern for the Arabs who invaded the land from 673. The Arabs called it (in the river) ("beyond the river"). In 709-712, the Arab leader Ibn Muslim Qutipa conquered the main centers of the river: Samarkand, Bukhara and Khorezm. Thus, under the control of the Baghdad Caliphate (mid-eighth century AD, 750 AD, the Abbasi dynasty), Uzbekistan and the entire Central Asian region became part of the Arab Caliphate. The influence of the Arab world dominates in the river. The Arabs brought Islam and forcibly converted the inhabitants of the conquered lands to this new religion.

By the 10th century, all the population of Ha Na (the area between the Syr Darya and Amu Darya Rivers) had embraced Islam. All efforts of the local population to resist the aggressors were unsuccessful. However, these major rebels, such as those of Muana and Rafi ibn Leis, are forever recorded in the chronicles of the liberation movements of the Central Asian countries.

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Tahid dynasty

The Baghdad Caliph appointed rulers of Persian officials in the conquered areas. In 821, Abdullah bin Tagil was appointed governor of Khorashan. He founded the Tahid dynasty, whose influence spread to Cholasan and Mavarana (Central Asia).

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During the Arab conquest, the region's economy and culture were almost destroyed. Hundreds of the most precious monuments were destroyed. Arabic became the official language of the country. Tahrid took decisive measures, organized powerful forces and adjusted agriculture. They improved water supply conditions and established new channels. On the orders of Abdallah ibn Takhir, the country's prominent lawyers set standards for irrigation water. For two centuries, these standards have been the guiding principle for resolving disputes over water use.

Kingdom of Samanids

In order to prevent the wealth of Khorasan and the Transhesia region of Central Asia from increasing the power of the Tahid Empire too much, the caliph began to vigorously promote the Persian race of the Samarian dynasty. The descendants of the founder of Saman-khudat were appointed governors of the cities of the Transoxian region: Nukh of Samarkand, Fergana Akhmed, Tashkent Yahya, Herat Ilyas.

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In 900, the Samar dynasty counted Khorasan on their property. The Samarian dynasty became the founder of the first centralized feudal state in Central Asia, with its capital in Bukhara. Their reign lasted until 999.

The Samanid dynasty, based on a rational tax system, built a new economy and formed efficient state institutions. The Samanid dynasty made an unprecedented contribution to cultural life. Bukhara, Merv, Samarkand, Urgench were world-famous scientific and cultural centers in the early Middle Ages. Trade is booming like never before. In particular, paper and glass as well as leather, cloth, silk and wool in Samarkand sold quite well.

Karakhanid dynasty

At the end of the 10th century, the Turkic tribes (once the remnants of the powerful Turkic Khaganate) established a new state headed by the Karakhanid dynasty, occupying the Transoxian region in 992-999. In 999, the Karakhanid dynasty replaced the Samanid dynasty in Samarkand and Bukhara.

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The Karakhans had ruled for two hundred years, almost until the Mongol invasions in the thirteenth century, and during a brief break in the eleventh century, when the Seljuk dynasty gained power, the borders were constantly changing.

Ghaznavid dynasty

During the Samanid dynasty, Mahmud of Ghazni (the city of Ghazni in eastern Afghanistan) was appointed governor of Khorashan. Taking advantage of the rebellion in the Samanid dynasty, he began to interfere in the affairs of the Trans-river region of Central Asia, destroying the Samanid legacy. But he was unable to break the influence of the Karakhanid dynasty, which had already consolidated its position in the conquered Transhemia region of Central Asia and migrated to Khorezm. Khorezm was another country at the time.

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In 1017, he defeated and destroyed Khorezm. Then he decided to conquer India. Mahmud of Ghazni waged 15 wars against India between 1002 and 1026. In the 12th century, the Ghazni dynasty was replaced by the Cyrus dynasty.

Seljuk Empire

In 1040, the state created by Mahmud of Ghazni was weakened by the nomadic Seljuk Turkish tribe. The Seljuk Turkish tribes failed to hold power for long, and in 1059, the Seljuks took over Khorasan and Mavaranaar. Thanks to numerous crusades, these tribes succeeded in building a great empire in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. This empire included Asia Minor, the Middle East and major parts of the Armenian-Kurdish plateau region. After Western rule was recognized, the Seljuks turned their attention to the East, the Transheliviera region of Central Asia. They conquered the Transheliviera region of Central Asia in 1097. During the reign of the Seljuks, on the territory of modern Uzbekistan they built many wonderful palaces and buildings. Architecture, crafts, arts and culture flourished.

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In the twelfth century, the Central Asian region was invaded by a new nomadic tribe, the Karahai-Khitan region. They conquered the entire Central Asian Transoxia: large areas from Khorezm to Kashgar. The Karahai-Khitan defeated the Seljuk Empire and created all the prerequisites for a strong and consolidated Khwarezm kingdom in the early Middle Ages.

Kingdom of Khorezm

In the eleventh century, the Seljuk Sultan appointed the faithful Jin Muhammad of Anush as ruler of Khorezm and gave him the title of administrator of Khorezm. Later, the descendants of Anush began the war for the independence of Khorezm, and soon conquered a vast area, including the Central Asian Transoxa, Khorasan , Herat , Merf and other cities.

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During the reign of Takashi, Khorezm reached its heyday. Khorezm was one of the most powerful states in medieval Asia. Science and culture were developed.

The invasion of Genghis Khan

After conquering China in 1215, Genghis Khan began to invade the Transhelivia region of Central Asia. The kingdom of Khorezm was not ready to face such a formidable enemy. King Muhammad of Khorezm hastily retreated to Bark, taking all his valuables with him. Under his eldest son, the genius military commander Dzhalaleddin Manguberdi led the local people in their struggle against the Mongol invasion. However, due to the uneven military power between the two sides, the Mongols conquered and destroyed the cities of Khorezm with little hindrance.

In 1220-1221, the Mongols razed Samarkand and Urgench (the capital of Gurganj). Many monuments of ancient cultures of Central Asia were destroyed in the Middle Ages.

Rule of the Mongol Chagatai Khanate

The Mongol Empire founded by Genghis Khan was divided among his three sons: Shuchi, Wokotai, and Chagatai. The territory of the Chagatai Khan stretched from Xinjiang in China to Samarkand and Bukhara, from the Altai Mountains in the south to the Amu Darya River. These lands were called the Chagatai Khanate.

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Mongol rulers appointed Muslim merchants as governors of the Transoxine region and forced people to pay heavy taxes. This provoked one rebellion after another (for example, under Bukharamahmud Taraba in 1238), but all were brutally suppressed. This instability led to the division of the Transoxia region, with territories fragmented and competing with each other.

The Timurid Empire

In 1363, the military conqueror Emir Timur captured Samarkand, which later became the capital of his vast empire. Timur was considered supreme ruler of Central Asia in 1370. In 1388, Emil Timur destroyed the city of Urgench, an important point on the Silk Road, and then Salai Burke, the capital of the Golden Horde. Now all the large caravan routes pass through the cities of the Central Asian region: Tantara (southern Kazakhstan), Balkh, Tashkent, Herat, Sudan (Iran). In the Middle Ages, Samarkand, the capital of Emil Timur, was considered the most beautiful city on earth. The best architects have created more and more new architectural masterpieces: palaces, mosques, mausoleums, still stunning with their beauty and scale. In the second half of the 14th century, Timur began a military campaign against other countries, conquering a vast area from the Black Sea to the Ganges and from the Aral Sea to the Arabian Sea.

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After his death in 1405, the country began to divide. Shaharu, son of Emir Timur, managed to keep the territory of Khorashan, Afghanistan and the Transheliviera region of Central Asia. He established his capital in Herat, and Samarkand was ruled by his son Uluberg. In 1447, after Shah Rukh's death, Uluberg became the head of the ruling dynasty, but in 1449 he was intriguously murdered by his son Abdulladib. The Timurid dynasty and its rulers Shah Rukh, Uluberg and Babur marked the development of arts, crafts, trade, and the flourishing of literature and science.

Bukhara Khanate

In 1499, the territory of the Trans-River region of Central Asia was invaded by new conquerors, the nomadic tribe Dasht-i-Kipchak. The chieftains of the Muhammad Shaybani Khan tribe conquered Samarkand in 1500-1501, establishing the Great Khanate, which included the Transheliviera region of Central Asia, Khorasan and Khorezm.

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The Shaybani dynasty ruled for nearly a century, turning Central Asia into an arena for bloody wars. In a series of civil wars vying for the throne, all members of the Shaibani clan were killed. In 1599 the Astrakhan dynasty began to rule the Shaybani dynasty. Under Astrakhan, the centralized state was divided into three states: the Emirate of Bukhara, the Khanate of Kokand and the Khanate of Khiva.

Khiva, Kokand Khanate and Emirate of Bukhara

As an independent state, the formation of Khorezm is associated with Ilbars Khan (1511-1525), a descendant of Shuchi. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the state was ruled by khans from the Dasht-i-Kipchak tribe. Khorezm became an independent state known as the Khiva Khanate. It flourished under Abdul Jah Khan.

In the mid-18th century, Bukhara was ruled by the Mangit dynasty. Muhammad Rahim Biy became ruler of the Bukhara Khanate. He was called the emir, and since then, the country has been known as the Emirate of Bukhara. The history of the Emirate of Bukhara is a history of constant civil wars and conflicts, which have affected the economic and cultural life of the country.

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Due to the small size of the territory and the economic independence of the developed Fergana Valley, the separation of the Kokand Khanate (1709) from the Bukhara Khanate was possible. The Kokand Khanate included Northern Fergana from Namangan to Pansanagar. Shah Rukh-Biyi, chief of the Mingue tribe ("thousand"), was appointed the first ruler of Fergana in 1710. The three independent states that emerged in Central Asia during the Middle Ages were closely related to each other. Political events in one khanate undermine the interests of other khanates.

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The Central Asian Khanates of the mid-19th century were typical feudal states. The social order is characterized by sedentary people and nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes. The Khiva Khanate is a typical representative.

Due to the armed invasion of Russian troops in the sixties of the XIX century, the Kokand Khanate was abolished and the Viceroyalty of Turkestan was established on July 11, 1867. The Emirate of Bukhara and the Khiva Khanate received the status of protectorate. Power is concentrated in the hands of the Governor, who carries out all military and civilian affairs. The new government focused on the agricultural economy of Uzbekistan: this led to an increase in the demand for cotton in Russian industry. A gin distillery and cottonseed oil plant were built, mining operations began, and the Caspian Sea Railway was built connecting Central Asia with the European part of Russia.

Uzbek SSR

In the autumn of 1917, Soviet power was proclaimed. Turkistan received the status of a Soviet republic within the SSR. The nationalists did not agree with this decision and went to the mountains, where a fierce guerrilla war was waged for the sovereignty of the Motherland. From 1917 to 1921, in Central Asia, a struggle between the partisans of the Red Army and the Red Army ended in the victory of the USSR. In 1924, five new republics were established in the Soviet Union, including the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which existed until 1991.

In the first years of Soviet power in Uzbekistan, many of the measures taken were aimed at literacy and school construction. At the same time, traditional lifestyles and cultures have been destroyed. In the 30s of the 20th century, there was an industrial revolution in Uzbekistan: large factories and textile factories for light and heavy industry were built, these factories were built near these new cities, and the old cities were rebuilt. During this period, Uzbekistan suffered from Stalin's political oppression: among the victims were the leading politicians and cultural figures of Uzbekistan.

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During World War II, in 1941-1945, men from the republics of the USSR were sent to the front of the war, and the most important enterprises and people were evacuated to the Central Asian republics, including Uzbekistan. During this period, Tashkent became an evacuation center, providing refuge for refugees throughout the Soviet Union, known as the city of bread and the city of national friendship

In 1966, a powerful earthquake struck Tashkent, destroying much of the old city. For this, the city was rebuilt in the Soviet style by Soviet architects. In 1977, the Tashkent Metro was put into operation. It was the first metro in Central Asia.

Independent Uzbekistan

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the political independence of Uzbekistan was proclaimed on August 31, 1991 at the Sixth Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Soviet.

September 1 was declared the country's independence day. The Republic of Uzbekistan is officially recognized as an independent State by 160 countries of the world. On 2 March 1992, Uzbekistan became a Member of the United Nations. On 8 December 1992, the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a new Constitution.

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Since gaining independence, Uzbekistan has embarked on the path to the establishment of a democratic State with a market economy. The Republic was given the opportunity to independently conduct foreign economic activity. Today, Uzbekistan is a member of such well-known organizations as the Economic Cooperation Organization, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the International Labour Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and others.

Uzbekistan today

To be fair, Uzbekistan is rich in natural resources and has advantageous conditions for economic development. Up to now, proven gold reserves are 3,350 tons, oil reserves are 100 million tons, condensate reserves are 190 million tons, natural gas reserves are 1.1 trillion cubic meters, coal reserves are 1.83 billion tons, uranium reserves are 185,800 tons, and manganese ore reserves are 15 million tons. At the same time, the reserves of silver, copper, tungsten, potash, rock salt, fluorite, talc, kaolin, alum stone, phosphocalcium soil and other resources are also considerable, which can be called a country sitting on a "cornucopia".

As a major agricultural country in Central Asia, Uzbekistan has 4.27 million hectares of arable land, accounting for about 10% of the country's land area, and is suitable for large-scale cultivation of food and cash crops due to its fertile soil and developed water infrastructure. As early as before independence, Uzbekistan was known for its rich cotton, accounting for 2/3 of the total output of the former Soviet Union, and is still the world's second largest cotton exporter, known as the "Platinum Country". In addition, Uzbekistan is also rich in forest resources, with a total forest area of more than 8.6 million hectares.

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It is no exaggeration to say that if Uzbekistan can effectively develop and utilize the above-mentioned resources, if the country's political situation can maintain long-term stability, and if the rulers can govern the country according to common sense, even if it cannot become a developed country, it is still possible to escape poverty and join the ranks of middle-income countries.

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Today, Uzbekistan is still a country with a single economic structure and a serious imbalance, agriculture, animal husbandry and mining are relatively developed, but the processing industry and light industry are quite backward, 62% of daily necessities rely on imports, virtually increasing the financial burden and lowering the living standards of the people. In 2022, Ukraine's GDP will be US$80.384 billion (888.3 trillion sums, with an average exchange rate of US$11,051 sum), a year-on-year increase of 5.7%, and its per capita GDP will reach US$2254.9 (about 24.92 million sums), a year-on-year increase of 3.5%; Annual inflation is 12.3%.

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The impoverishment of the economy has led to hardship for the people of Uzbekistan and social security problems, which has seriously affected the well-being of the population. To date, Uzbekistan has a poverty rate of 62.1 per cent, an unemployment rate of 13.2 per cent, a neonatal mortality rate of 11.6 per thousand, a under-five mortality rate of 21.4 per thousand, and a national malnutrition rate of 2.6 per cent. In order to make a living, many Uzbeks have gone to work abroad, with the largest number in Russia, which has reached 1.8 million, accounting for 5.4% of the total population.

In the absence of the ability to solve the problem of survival on its own, it is the "best choice" for the Government of Uzbekistan to seek assistance from foreign countries or international organizations. For example, between 1993 and 2003, the United States provided as much as $500 million in aid to Uzbekistan, with the European Union, Japan, South Korea, France, the United Nations, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank playing important roles. Although a large amount of foreign aid is conducive to helping Uzbekistan tide over the difficulties, it cannot eliminate the root causes of its poverty and backwardness.

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Uzbekistan attaches importance to education, which accounts for about 10 per cent of the State budget. International students from more than 20 countries study at major universities. Citizens enjoy 11 years of free and compulsory education.

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Most Uzbeks speak two languages, Uzbek is the country's official language, and Russian is widely spoken.

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English is not widely used among the older generation, but the country's young people are very happy to learn English, and they will take the initiative to approach foreigners and practice their English. People are friendly and welcoming, and sometimes the enthusiasm seems to go too far.

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If you are an English-speaking or Chinese foreigner, the taxi driver will definitely ask you where you are from, whether you have ever been married, what your job is, how much money you make, etc.

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For locals, prices in the capital, Tashkent, can be very expensive, and their wages cannot cover most of their consumption. So, I think for the locals in Uzbekistan, the living conditions here can be stressful and sometimes difficult.

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An article that will take you to understand! What kind of country is Uzbekistan

However, as a foreigner, as long as you have money, you can buy almost anything you want in the capital Tashkent. Most of the delicious pasta, meat and fresh fruits and vegetables here are much cheaper than in the United States or Europe.

Lagaman noodle soup is similar to northern ramen: handmade noodles are topped with chunks of lamb and vegetables, drizzled with a spicy broth. The noodles are smooth, the lamb is crispy, and the soup is delicious, which is completely the Central Asian version of spicy ramen.

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Triangle Samsa buns are one of the locals' favorite dishes, and the pastry baked in a mud oven is charred and crispy on the outside and soft and delicious on the inside. Samsa fillings are varied and usually made from tender lamb and herbs, with the most interesting traditional filling being pumpkin filling.

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Uzbeks love their families and they see them as everything. Both boys and girls live with their parents before they get married, and their parents are usually involved in interfering in the lives of their children, and even the children's marriages are arranged by the parents.

Although many young men and women are pressured by their parents, most of them actually prefer this arranged marriage because it saves them trouble and does not have to worry about finding a partner.

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Uzbekistan is a predominantly Muslim country, and the capital, Tashkent, is the largest city in Uzbekistan and a multi-ethnic cosmopolitan city inhabited by Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Armenians and some Russians.

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Despite its rugged terrain, three-quarters of the territory is meadow, desert and semi-desert. However, its agricultural cultivation is very developed, with more than 60 million mu of arable land, and cotton planting is developed. During the Soviet era, it produced 70% of its cotton. Now the annual cotton production is about 3 million tons, making it the world's second largest cotton exporter. Therefore, it is also known as the "country of platinum".

Over the past 20 years, the population of Uzbekistan has increased by almost 10 million, equivalent to the population of a Tajikistan nation. There are more than 130 ethnic groups in Uzbekistan, of which Uzbeks account for 70% of the total population, followed by Russians, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Koreans and Belarusians.

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An article that will take you to understand! What kind of country is Uzbekistan

Known as the "Sun City", Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, was once a must on the Silk Road and now has a population of more than 2.5 million. Tashkent is blessed with a unique geographical location, with tall mountains blocking sandstorms and strong winds from the steppes, and the nearby Syr Darya River providing it with sufficient water, which has made it the largest city in Central Asia. Tashkent's greenery is very good, there are dozens of parks of all sizes in the city, the total number of trees has reached more than 70 million, it can be called a "forest city".

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The historical and cultural city of Samarkand has a history of more than 2,500 years, was the capital of the Khwarazm Empire and the Timurid Empire, and is known as the "Athens of Central Asia". Samarkand means "fertile land", and historically it was a place where merchants were destroyed and reborn. In 2000, the ancient city of Samarkand was designated a World Heritage Site.

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Uzbekistan's silk industry is world-renowned, and the silk produced here is colorful, delicate and beautifully patterned. Now, Uzbekistan is the world's third largest silk producer after China and India, and many high-end clothing stores in Europe have counters specializing in selling Uzbekistan brocade robes, which shows its popularity.

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Uzbekistan is rich in mineral resources, including proven natural gas reserves of 3.4 trillion cubic meters, with an annual extraction of more than 60 billion cubic meters; uranium reserves are also very rich, close to 190,000 tons, ranking seventh in the world, mining more than 3,000 tons, mainly exported to France, the United States, Canada and other nuclear power countries.

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The Tashkent-Samarkand high-speed rail is the only high-speed rail line in Central Asia with a total length of 344 kilometers, which opened in 2012. It was built under contract by a Spanish company.

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In recent years, Uzbekistan has introduced a series of reform measures to strengthen infrastructure construction, actively adjust the economic structure, reduce dependence on the external market, introduce foreign investment and advanced technology, improve the quality and technological content of products, produce export-oriented products, and encourage the development of small enterprises and private enterprises. Judging from the results, the above measures have achieved some positive results, making the economic development show a strong momentum of development, but I am afraid that there is still a long way to go to completely get rid of poverty and move towards moderate prosperity. , Duration 04:21 Uzbekistan today

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