
【Healthy diet】Eat green peppers in moderation, and run around the disease

author:Square and round lyz

Healthy diet will directly affect physical health, and people are now paying more and more attention to health, especially in terms of diet, will be more concerned about the health of ingredients and balanced diet, vegetables and meat food should be reasonably matched, a wide variety of vegetables, a variety of practices, each vegetable has its own unique taste and nutritional value.

【Healthy diet】Eat green peppers in moderation, and run around the disease

Green pepper is a common vegetable in life, the taste is slightly spicy, there are many nutrients, and it is an ingredient that people like to eat very much. So what are the nutritional values and effects of green peppers?

First, the nutritional value of green peppers

Green peppers have thick and crispy flesh and are rich in vitamin C. Green fruit contains about 93, 9% water, carbohydrate about 3, 8%, vitamin C; Ripe fruit contains up to 460 mg of vitamin C. Can be cold, stir-fried and marinated.

Second, the effect of green peppers

1. Accelerate human bile acid metabolism. People eat more green peppers can also prevent gallstones, because the vitamin C contained in green peppers can convert cholesterol into bile acids in the human body, and can accelerate the metabolism of bile acids in the human body to fundamentally prevent the formation of stones.

2. Boost immunity. Vitamins C and E in green peppers can enhance immunity, inhibit melanin production, stay away from aging, remove free radicals, purify blood, and prevent myocardial infarction.

3. Purify the blood. The green part of green pepper comes from chlorophyll, which can prevent the absorption of excess cholesterol in the intestine and actively lower cholesterol and excrete it from the body, thereby achieving the effect of purifying the blood.

4. Supplement nutrition. Green pepper is a highly nutritious ingredient, which can not only supplement plant protein and vitamins for the human body, but also allow the body to absorb some pectin and a variety of amino acids.

5. Relieves fatigue. Green peppers have an important role in eliminating fatigue, and green peppers also contain vitamin P that can promote vitamin C absorption, even if the vitamins in it are heated will not be lost, so it is very good to eat green peppers to supplement vitamin C.

6. Increases appetite. The active ingredients in green pepper can kill parasites in the stomach and abdomen, and its strong spicy taste can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, increase appetite, promote intestinal peristalsis, and help digestion.

Green pepper, as a very common vegetable on the table, there are various methods, such as green pepper fried meat, green pepper scrambled egg, green pepper fried eggplant, tiger skin green pepper, etc., many people also like to order a few skewers of grilled green pepper when eating barbecue, the taste is spicy, especially rice. Here are a few dishes:

One. Stir-fried meat with green peppers

Ingredients: green pepper, pork, ginger and garlic, soy sauce, etc

【Healthy diet】Eat green peppers in moderation, and run around the disease

【Cooking steps】

1. Before stir-frying, you still have to prepare all the ingredients, mainly pork and green peppers. The rest is the seasoning.

2. Next, after removing the seeds of a green pepper, wash it and cut it into shreds. About half of the carrot can be prepared, washed and cut into thin strips, and after washing the ginger and garlic, it is also cut into slices for later use.

3. The meat can be pork belly, a little fatty meat will taste more delicious, or it can be whole lean meat. After washing the meat, cut it into shreds, if you like it, cut a little more, but green pepper is the main dish, shredded meat is still a side dish, so the amount is best not to exceed green pepper.

4. After the shredded pork is cut, it is necessary to marinate it, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, soy sauce, some salt and cornstarch to it, mix it together after adding, mix well and marinate for about ten minutes, and you can stir-fry after marinating.

5. Next is stir-frying, add oil to the pot, add ginger first after the oil is warm, then add the marinated shredded meat to it, stir-fry until the shredded meat changes color and then serve out.

6. Don't pour the base oil in the pot, add the ginger and garlic that were washed and cut before, continue to fry until fragrant, add shredded carrots, shredded green peppers to it, and stir-fry them together after adding well, to fry the dishes until they are broken.

7. Wait until the dish is stir-fried and then add shredded meat to it, stir-fry the shredded meat and the dish together and start adding seasonings, to add an appropriate amount of bean paste, this dish wants to eat good bean paste is very important, because the aroma of the fried sauce will be more rice.

8. After the stir-fry red oil has the aroma of sauce, you can turn off the heat, so that a small stir-fry is completed, but don't add too much salt, because the bean paste has a salty taste inside, if you add more salt, it will be too salty.

【Healthy diet】Eat green peppers in moderation, and run around the disease

After stir-frying, this dish goes well with rice, and it is also very delicious.

Two. Stir-fried eggplant with green pepper

Eggplant is rich in protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron and other nutrients, after consumption helps to enhance human immunity, especially eggplant is rich in vitamin P, this substance after consumption helps to enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce blood cholesterol, promote blood flow, protect cardiovascular disease, blood vessels are smoother, prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, eggplant is rich in vitamin E, which has a good antioxidant effect, and often eaten to help anti-aging.

Therefore, stir-frying eggplant and green pepper together is a very suitable match, the nutritional value is instantly doubled, and the method is easy to learn.

【Healthy diet】Eat green peppers in moderation, and run around the disease

Ingredients: green pepper, eggplant, minced garlic, dried chili pepper, etc

【Cooking steps】

1. Soak the purchased eggplant in lightly salted water for about 5 minutes, wash and cut into pieces, it is best not to peel, because the nutritional value of eggplant skin is also very high.

2. Wash the green pepper and remove the seeds, break into slices and set aside.

3. Put a little cooking oil in the pot, add minced garlic and dried chili pepper after the oil is hot, stir-fry until fragrant, add eggplant, a little light soy sauce and stir-fry.

4. After the eggplant is soft, add the cut green pepper, add a little salt and chicken essence to taste, and then it can be taken out of the pan.

Such a green pepper fried eggplant is ready, it looks very fragrant, very rice, do you like this way of eating?