
Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

author:Piggy's House

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People often say that "there is nothing that cannot be solved with one meal, if there is, then eat two more", although it is an exaggeration, but it is true that everyone cannot resist food. No matter what troubles are encountered in life, food is the best comfort for people, taste bud satisfaction can make people happy, temporarily forget some troubles, so there has long been "only food and love can not be disappointed" this sentence, enough to show the importance of food to people. Stir-fried dishes are traditional famous dishes in old Beijing, today make a vegetarian stir-fried dish, economical, fresh and delicious and nutritious, appetizing rice, no meat, but also very delicious.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

Ingredients: White mushroom, green pepper, red pepper, fungus, egg

Seasoning: oil, garlic, ginger, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil

Production steps:

1. Remove the root of the white jade mushroom and cut it from the middle, then wash it and control the moisture for later use; After removing the seeds of the green peppers, change the knife and cut them into strips; Red peppers are also cut into strips; Prepare some soaked fungus; garlic cut into garlic slices; Slice the ginger into sliced ginger.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

2. Beat two eggs into an empty bowl and stir well with chopsticks.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

3. Boil water in a pot, add a little oil, pour in white jade mushrooms and fungus after the water is boiled, blanch the water, boil the water again and blanch for about 1 minute to control the moisture.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

4. Start another pan, add a little oil, pour in the egg liquid, turn on low heat and stir-fry slightly with a spatula to heat it evenly. Scrambled eggs and served.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

5. Leave the base oil in the pot, add ginger and garlic slices, and stir-fry over low heat to fragrant. Then pour in the white jade mushroom and fungus, and then put the green and red peppers in together, turn on high heat and stir-fry evenly. Add a little light soy sauce, a little oyster sauce, a little salt, a small spoonful of sugar, continue to stir-fry over high heat evenly, then put the scrambled eggs in, stir-fry evenly, add a little sesame oil before coming out of the pan, stir-fry a few times to get out of the pan and put on the plate.

Vegetarian stir-fried dishes that cost a few dollars are economical, delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages

Such a very delicious vegetarian stir-fried dish, economical, nutritious and delicious, adults and children love to eat. Friends who like it can collect it and make it for their families when they have time. If you like this vegetarian stir-fry, would you like to give it a thumbs up? Thanks for your attention, sharing different home-cooked food every day.

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