
2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

author:Meggy dancing apples

Today, I will share with you 2 delicious stir-fries, the former is fragrant and soft, the latter is fresh and juicy and tender, every bite is addictive, the more you eat, the more you love to eat, on this basis, you can add more changes, and you can't get tired of eating.

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

---【Braised prawns and onion noodles】---

Shrimp are rich in protein and almost fat-free, and their special umami flavor is particularly appetizing. Stir-fry the prawns, put the thick and crispy shredded onion and sweet potato vermicelli, the umami of the shrimp is not wasted at all, most of it is absorbed by the noodles, soft and flavorful; The shrimp also absorbs part of the aroma of the onion, making it more tender.

【Ingredients】 16 prawns, half an onion, 1 handful of sweet potato noodles

【Seasoning】 10g oil, 1 pinch of shredded ginger, 15g soy sauce, 5g dark soy sauce, 2g salt, 50ml of plum wine

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble
2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble


1. The prawns are ready;

2. Squeeze out the internal organs in the shrimp head, remove the shrimp line, and rinse well;

3. Prepare vermicelli and onions; The vermicelli is soaked in warm water until soft, and the onion is finely shredded;

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

4. Heat oil in a hot pan, stir-fry the prawns in the pan for 1 minute;

5. Pour in the plum wine, the green plum wine is sweet and sour, which is equivalent to adding sugar to increase umami and viscosity; It can be replaced by 20 grams of cooking wine and 5 grams of sugar;

6. Sprinkle salt and pour soy sauce;

7. Turn the shrimp over so that they are all immersed in the soup; Add soaked vermicelli;

8. Stir-fry a few times to make the noodles absorb the soup and pour in the shredded onion;

9. Stir-fry over high heat, pour the dark soy sauce as appropriate to increase the redness, wait for the vermicelli and onion strips to become soft, and remove from the pan.

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

【Apple Private Talk】

1. Green plum wine is low in degree, sugary, the dosage can be larger, and the dishes made have a light fruity aroma;

2. Do not fry the onion too badly, and the residual temperature can be further heated to promote its ripening; Onions, peppers, carrots, etc. can be matched;

3. The soup can be more, and the noodles should continue to absorb the soup after being plated.

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble
2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

---【Zucchini Baked Eggs】---

This side dish has a rich egg aroma and rich zucchini juice, which is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Add a few slices of carrots to cook together, red, yellow and green, it looks good.

【Ingredients】 2 eggs, 1/3 zucchini, 1 carrot, 20g oil, 1g salt, 20g water

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble


1. Material preparation;

2. Slice zucchini and carrots thinly;

3. Beat the eggs with salt; Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour oil to moisten the pan, turn the heat to low, and put 1/3 egg liquid into the pan;

4. When the bottom is shaped and the top is not solidified, stack the zucchini slices;

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

5. Put the carrot slices in the stack, and pour the remaining egg liquid into the pot;

6. Cover and simmer for 2 minutes;

7. Turn over to set, pour a little water and fry for 2 minutes;

8. Turn the dough again, red, green and yellow, cut into chunks and serve.

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

【Apple Private Talk】

1. Medium low heat throughout the whole process to prevent the outside from being pasted and the inside is not ripe, and the eggs should not be too small, otherwise it is difficult to form;

2. Drizzle a little water to increase water vapor and accelerate maturation;

3. Choose vegetables that are tender and easy to cook, such as loofah, tender pumpkin, tomatoes, etc.

2 homemade stir-fries that I love to eat in spring, rich and fragrant, tender and juicy, you can't stop eating a bite, and you save trouble

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"Make food with love, record beauty with heart; The mellow taste of the ingredients is presented in a simple way." I am Meggy's dancing apple, once worked as an English teacher for 18 years, and now I am a housewife "for the kitchen for love", a food writer, a multi-platform special food creator, a health manager, and an ACI international registered dietitian. Gastronomic book "Home Cooking with Million Hits".

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