
The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

author:I hope to meet the child-rearing story today

While electronics bring us convenience, they also harm our children. Have you found that mobile phones have become children's "electronic babysitters"?

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

The child is addicted to the mobile phone and cannot extricate himself

Children's addiction to mobile phones seems to have become a serious social problem, and many families are facing this problem.

Children who are addicted to mobile phones not only often conflict with their parents, but also abandon their studies.

Xiaoyu, a colleague's child, was originally a child with excellent character and learning, but since the child became addicted to mobile phones, his academic performance has plummeted.

Colleagues said that the child was like a demon and could not be controlled at all. Colleagues have smashed several mobile phones, I don't know how many times they yelled at their children. But afterwards, because of the need for learning, he prepared a mobile phone for the child. But parents can't always monitor their children, so children always take advantage of their parents' lack of attention to secretly play, and several times light rain gets up in the middle of the night to hide in the bed to play. What made my colleagues even more angry was that Xiaoyu secretly used his mother's mobile phone to transfer money to him and recharge money in the game. The money charged to the game adds up to almost 20,000 before and after.

There are so many such situations that I have a few friends around me whose children are addicted to mobile phones, use mobile phones to play games, and recharge them. But this is all light, and there are more serious ones.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

Xiao Li, a first-year boy at a school in Guangxi, was playing with his mobile phone in bed, and when he was excited, he fell to the ground from the upper bunk, causing a head injury and died after being sent to the hospital.

A junior high school student playing with a mobile phone was discovered by his parents, who threw the mobile phone off the windowsill on the 33rd floor, who knew that the child jumped down with the mobile phone.

Because playing with mobile phones causes tension between parents and children, conflicts between husband and wife, children's academic performance plummets, boredom, dropout, etc., mobile phones have become an important factor affecting this generation of children.

Why do children rely on mobile phones and play with mobile phones?

Children's "mobile phone dependence" has become a "new pain point" in family education. Children's dependence on mobile phones can basically be divided into three types.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

First, social dependence

If the classmates in the child's class are playing with mobile phones, it is difficult for children to insist on not playing mobile phones, because classmates are discussing topics related to mobile phones and games. Children also rely on mobile phones in order to have common topics with their classmates.

Second, game-based dependence

The various games in the mobile phone can be said to have everything, plus the sense of achievement and satisfaction brought to the child by the continuous upgrading of the game, so that the child can't stop.

Third, recreational dependence

Mobile phones are constantly updated, with more and more functions, such as chat, video, games, movies and television, music, photography, etc., each function is a "Pandora's box" for children.

Parents can see what kind of dependence their children have on mobile phones.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

Everyone says that mobile phones destroy our next generation, but few people understand that it is not electronic products that destroy children, but people.

Think about who gave the phone to the child? A large part of the reason why children are addicted to mobile phones is in parents.

The child cries and gives the child a mobile phone to play;

When the child behaves well, reward the child for playing with the mobile phone for a while;

When parents are busy, they give their mobile phones to their children as babysitters.

This is how children are addicted to mobile phones step by step.

An experiment at the University of Washington showed that from 10 months onwards, every additional hour of screen time increased the risk of "attention deficit disorder" by age 7.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

How to solve children's mobile phone addiction?

Once children are addicted to mobile phones, it is very detrimental to the growth of children, which parents know, but many parents do not understand the method and cannot stop their children from addicting to mobile phones.

Some parents even use extraordinary means to smash mobile phones and yell at their children, but the more so, the more rebellious the children become, and some children have embarked on an irreversible wrong path.

My children used to be addicted to mobile phones, and I have been looking for ways and learning experiences to help my children break this habit as soon as possible.

Later, the child's homeroom teacher recommended a book "Let the child put down the mobile phone" to me. The head teacher said that we are all inexperienced parents for the first time, so our parents should also study more so that we can master better ways to help children solve problems.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

After reading this book, I know that blindly preventing children from looking at mobile phones, smashing mobile phones and yelling at children at every turn is not only useless, but hurts children and makes children more rebellious.

There are strategies, methods, theories, and practices in this book. Starting from family education, let parents take their eyes off the mobile phone in their children's hands, and then use the method of encircling Wei to rescue Zhao to conduct in-depth discussions on the problems existing in family education and find solutions to solve them.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

The book proposes that mobile phone addiction is an "infectious disease". Lack of love and companionship are the main causes of a child's loss.

In this book, I learned many more useful ways to deal with children's mobile phones more intelligently.

Now, my child can get off his phone, only once or twice in the winter and summer vacations, and he doesn't play overtime when he says he does.

The baby is addicted to the mobile phone and has no intention of learning, and the parents smash the mobile phone to yell at the baby, and let the baby put down the secret of the mobile phone to know

After quitting mobile phones, children have more time to read, read a lot of extracurricular books, and their academic performance has skyrocketed.

Family education is the core of children's growth, and the high-quality companionship of parents is the foundation for children to obtain a sense of security, belonging, and value, and it is also the foundation for children to quit mobile phones.

Have your child put down their phone for ¥39 purchase

If your child is also addicted to mobile phones, start with this book, read it with your child, and use the methods and strategies in the book to help your child quit mobile phone addiction as soon as possible.