
Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

author:Kim Bei Bei Po Ai Bei

Today, with the increasing diversification of food intake, gallbladder disease has become a common and frequent disease. But in the early stages of the disease, because there are no symptoms, you do not know that you have gallbladder disease, and you can only find it during regular physical examinations. If not enough attention is taken, gallbladder disease can gradually develop, causing pain and other discomforts. Therefore, whether you have suffered from gallbladder disease or not, you should have enough awareness and understanding of it, especially some groups with underlying diseases. So next, let's take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to suffer from gallbladder disease:

People with poor eating habits

As one of the important digestive organs, the gallbladder is responsible for concentrating and secreting bile, which is involved in digestion. Diet and gallbladder are closely related, what to eat and how to eat, will directly affect our gallbladder health.

1. Irregular diet

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

A balanced breakfast

Due to some living habits, work reasons or physical conditions, three meals a day can not be regularly quantified, let alone balanced nutrition, often do not eat on time or skip breakfast.

Since going to work, because the interval between breakfast and lunch is only three hours, for a long time my breakfast was a cup of yogurt or milk. Dinner is also very confused, always because there is no time to simply skip it, or just a few bites of snacks.

2. Frequent overeating

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

People who overeat

Usually drink water and eat faster, stay in the mouth for a short time and swallow directly, or eat and drink without control or irregularity.

I eat lunch in the canteen on weekdays, the air conditioning in the canteen is not often turned on, it is cold in winter and hot in summer, so everyone quickly solves and returns to the workstation. Because I think the food in the cafeteria is not good, I will always eat a few meals on weekends to make up for it.

3. Eat a greasy diet

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

Although but, it is really fragrant

Usually like to eat greasy food containing more fat, cholesterol, moderate intake of greasy food can supplement the human body with energy, but long-term excessive intake of greasy food is not good for health.

I like to eat snail powder hot pot barbecue fried skewers stinky tofu, as a Hunan person, I can't leave chili oil and chili powder, and I don't like to eat green vegetables since I was a child.

4. Sweets lovers

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

Although, sweets can make people forget a lot of worries

Sweets have a high sugar content, sugar is people's basic energy source, about 50% of the body's energy comes from the oxidation of sugar, but eating too much will make the internal organs accumulate a lot of fat.

I don't eat much sweet food myself, but after coming to Shanghai, maybe it was influenced by the local food, maybe there were too many dim sum shops here, and I began to like dessert and milk tea.

People who are overly stressed at work

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

It's stressful

Usually work is tense, too much pressure, irregular rest, will easily lead to gallbladder disorders, resulting in bile excretion disorders, excessive bile accumulation in the gallbladder, easy to cause bacterial infection and induce cholecystitis.

Since my department was just established when I joined, I was busy with affairs, and I often had meetings until 12 or even 1 o'clock in the night. Every project bidding time is very urgent, always have to keep writing, constantly revising, busy until the early hours of the morning.

Patients with chronic liver disease

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

Common types of liver disease

The liver and gallbladder are closely related, and when liver disease persists for a long time and cannot be controlled, bile secretion is also affected, increasing the stimulation of the gallbladder by bile and increasing the risk of inducing gallbladder disease.

Chronic liver disease refers to the course of the disease for more than 6 months, manifested as persistent or intermittent recurrent liver biochemical abnormalities, common causes include the following:

  1. Viral hepatitis.
  2. Autoimmune liver disease.
  3. Drug-induced liver damage.
  4. Alcoholic liver damage.
  5. Inherited metabolic diseases.

People who smoke regularly

Take myself as an example and talk about who is more likely to develop gallbladder disease

Smoking can cause damage to all aspects of the body

Nicotine and other harmful substances in cigarettes will delay the emptying of the gallbladder, resulting in bile staying in the gallbladder for too long, which in turn will continuously stimulate mucosal epithelial cells, resulting in epithelial cell proliferation and thickening of the substrate.

Although I don't smoke, because my father and relatives like to smoke, I have been ravaged by second-hand smoke since I was a child, and after work, although the office is smoke-free, I can't help my leader like to smoke.

Write at the end

Eating habits and living habits are not only linked to the health of the gallbladder, but also closely related to our other organs, and poor eating habits and living habits will keep the body in a sub-healthy state for a long time, leading to various diseases. Although he has been ill for a long time, he has not yet become a good doctor, and the writing may not be comprehensive, and friends are welcome to add corrections.

In the early stages of most diseases, doctors always advise a light diet, regular work and rest, regular exercise, although it is very happy to indulge yourself, but having a good body is more important. I hope everyone is healthy and away from illness!