
Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

Source: Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

On October 25, 2021 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Interim Government in Doha during his visit to Qatar.

Wang Yi said that at present, Afghanistan is in a critical stage of transformation from chaos to governance, ushering in a historic opportunity to truly control its own destiny, achieve inclusive reconciliation, and promote national reconstruction, but also faces the fourfold challenges of humanitarian, economic, counter-terrorism and governance. Overcoming these difficulties requires more understanding and support from the international community, and we also hope that Atta will further demonstrate openness and inclusiveness, unite all ethnic groups and factions in Afghanistan to work together for peaceful reconstruction, earnestly protect the rights and interests of women and children, pursue a policy of good-neighborliness and friendship, and build a modern country that conforms to the wishes of the people and conforms to the trend of the times.

Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

Wang Yi said that China has always respected The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and supports the Afghan people in independently deciding the fate of the country and choosing the path of development. China has never interfered in Afghanistan's internal affairs, never sought private interests, never sought spheres of influence, firmly pursued a friendly policy for all afghan people, and supported efforts to rebuild a stable situation in Afghanistan. China attaches importance to the humanitarian difficulties currently facing Afghanistan, urges the United States and the West to lift sanctions, and calls on all parties to engage with Ata in a rational and pragmatic manner to help Afghanistan embark on a benign development path. China is willing to continue to provide humanitarian material assistance within its capabilities and work with the international community to help Afghanistan alleviate temporary difficulties and achieve economic reconstruction and independent development.

Wang Yi stressed that the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement" is an international terrorist organization listed by the UNITED Nations Security Council, which poses a real threat to China's national security and territorial integrity, and also poses a danger to Afghanistan's domestic stability and long-term peace and stability.

Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

Baradal introduced the current situation in Afghanistan and said that the overall situation in Afghanistan is controllable and improving, governments at all levels have gradually established, decrees are smooth, and they are working hard to meet the needs of the people. Afghanistan will learn from historical experience, take a development path suited to its own national conditions, has taken and will continue to take inclusive measures to expand the representation of the regime, most of the former government officials and professional and technical personnel have remained in office, and in the future will also absorb more outstanding talents of all nationalities to participate in national governance. Atta is willing to make greater efforts to protect the rights and interests of women and children and will not deprive them of their right to education and work. At present, women in medical institutions, airports and other places have resumed work, and many girls in provincial junior and middle schools have resumed school, but they are still facing difficulties such as insufficient facilities and shortage of funds. It is hoped that China and the international community will increase their assistance to Afghanistan and help Afghanistan overcome the humanitarian crisis and embark on the right track of development.

Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

Baradal stressed that China is an important neighbor of Afghanistan and thanked China for its respect and friendship during The difficult period in Afghanistan. Pursuing a friendly policy toward China is a firm choice of Atta and hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields. Atta attaches great importance to China's security concerns, will resolutely fulfill its commitments, do what it says, and never allow anyone or any force to use Afghan territory to do anything harmful to China.

During his time in Doha, Wang Yi will also meet with Acting Foreign Minister Mottaki of the Afghan Interim Government.

Wang Yi met with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Baradal of the Afghan Taliban Provisional Government

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