
On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

author:See the world in a small way

When the already complicated and ever-changing situation in the ROK political arena encounters the slightly tense and subtle Japan-ROK relations, the situation has become more and more intense and difficult to predict.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

Recently, Japan-ROK relations have taken a major turning point, first when ROK President Yoon Seok-yue publicly called Japan a "partner" at the "March 1 Movement" commemoration activities, and then the United States, Japan, and South Korea jointly held a joint exercise. The Yoon Seok-yue administration even announced that it would "replace" Japan in compensating the victims of the Korean labor case.

Although the series of actions of the Yoon Seok-yue government promoted the relaxation of Japan-ROK relations, they triggered strong dissatisfaction and protests among the Korean people, and Yoon Seok-yue's support rate also fell to a new low. is 3 8 %.

Under the huge controversy, Yin Xiyue also visited Japan, but he was not "treated" by the Japanese Government.

It has been learned that the Japanese standard for inviting Yin Xiyue this time is "level 4," while there are a total of four levels of Japan's standard for inviting foreign guests, namely, state guests, official guests, formal work visits, and work visits.

After making trouble for a long time, Yin Xiyue was only "the lowest level" in Japan.

In addition, Japan's first prime minister, Fumio Kishida, under the banner of "letting Yoon Seok-yue taste the way of familiarity," took Yoon Seok-yue and his wife to eat two meals in a row, but not omelet rice Compared with the banquet standards that Japan used to use to invite foreign guests, it was also not a star and a half.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

To make matters worse, before meeting with Kishida, Yoon Seok-yue also "bowed" to the Japanese and Korean flags, but I don't know if it was a coincidence or a "reason", and in the photos finally released by the media, I only saw Yin Xiyue bowing to the Japanese flag.

From Yoon Seok-yue's various "pro-Japan" actions before his visit to Japan, and then to the many "unwelcome" situations during his visit to Japan, the anger of the Korean people cannot be contained, and the largest opposition party in South Korea, the Communist Democratic Party, has organized large-scale protest activities in the first country. He opposed the "pro-Japanese" move of the Yin Xiyue government.

At the same time, when Yoon Seok-yue was not at home, the ROK police suddenly launched a "raid" campaign against the Ministry of National Defense.

On 1 7 December, South Korea's "East Asia Daily" reported that the Seoul Police Inspectorate launched a surprise search operation against the Ministry of Defense and seized important evidence such as vehicle entry records and monitoring videos. The purpose was to launch an investigation into the command and control of a feng shui master who was involved in the relocation of the president's government.

It turned out that after Yoon Seok-yue won the presidential election, he announced that he would move the president's office from the Blue House to Yongsan, but did not give any reason, marking the end of the "Blue House era" that lasted for several decades in Korean history.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

In February this year, Korean media revealed that Yoon Seok-yue's move to the president's office was influenced by a feng shui master called "Heavenly Supply," and believed that Yoon Seok-yue was addicted to divination, feng shui, and so on. Trigger external vibrations. Although the Yoon Seok-yue administration denied it at the beginning, it can be seen from the fact that the ROK National Police has taken decisive action to search the Ministry of National Defense and seize relevant evidence, which clearly shows from the side that this matter is very likely.

In addition, there are 2 observation points that cannot be ignored.

1. The feng shui masters involved in this matter are not simple.

"Heavenly Offering" is a well-known figure in Korea, born in Daegu City, Gyeongsangbuk-do, formerly known as Lee Byung-chul, although he claims to be a teacher, but he is a "self-created religion" and has been controversial in recent years. Especially after Yoon Seok-yue became president, there were frequent rumors of his close membership in Yoon Seok-yue's family, and even media revealed that Yoon Seok-yue was running for the presidential candidate of the National Power Party. He has begun to regard "heavenly supply" as a guide.

Judging from this, the main target of the ROK police's investigation of the "heavenly supply" this time is Yoon Seok-yue, and the one pushing the ROK police to launch a "raid" campaign against the Ministry of National Defense cannot exclude the communist Democratic Party and Lee Jae-myung who are currently being targeted by the Yoon Seok-yue administration.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

2. The South Korean police investigated the "heavenly supply" and could not help but make people think of Park Geun-hye's "cronies interfering in politics."

At the beginning, Park Geun-hye's best friend Choi Soon-sil was exposed to interfere in political preparation, and there were also characters such as mages involved, such as Choi Soon-sil's father, Choi Taemin, and successively worked as a monk The pastor is considered to be Park Geun-hye's "mentor."

Today, Yin Xiyue has also been exposed to be suspected of treating a feng shui master named "Tiansuo" as a guide, and it is very difficult for people not to associate this incident with the "political case of close friends." And Yin Xiyue's already unoptimistic situation will become even worse.

What do you think?

First, Yin Xiyue is in a situation where he is "suffering from the enemy."

On the one hand, Japan-ROK relations have undergone changes, and Yoon Seok-yue's visit to Japan has been "a succession of situations," which has caused a series of "pro-Japan" actions he has done before to produce counterproductive results. This will lead to a continued decline in the support rate and usher in a greater political crisis.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

On the other hand, the Yoon Seok-yue government has frequently exerted pressure on the former president's Moon Jae-in, as well as Lee Jae-myung, the head of South Korea's largest opposition party, for example, the ROK Defense Ministry has been "raided." Moreover, the spearhead is directed at Yin Xiyue, which can easily make people think that the Communist Democratic Party is launching a counterattack against him.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is not certain who will be able to laugh at the end, but what is certain is that the Korean political arena will welcome more turmoil and chaos in the future.

Second, the "rumors of feng shui masters" in which Yoon Seok Yue is involved should not be underestimated, and if this matter makes a big deal, Yoon Seok Yue will not be eliminated as the second Park Geun-hye.

Don't forget that after Park Geun-hye's "cronies case" was discovered, it directly led to her being impeached and removed from power and imprisoned, and it was not until the end of 2021 that she was amnestied and regained her freedom.

On the day of President Han's visit to Japan, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense was "raided", Yoon Seok-yue or the second Park Geun-hye?

What needs to be noted is that Park Geun-hye's original "crony case" was investigated by the then prosecutor Yoon Seok-yue, and now Yoon Seok-yue himself is actually involved in a similar turmoil. Indeed, people cannot help but lament the impermanence of the world. And this has once again highlighted that the impact of Yin Xiyue's involvement in the turmoil is "not to be underestimated."

As for how this matter will develop in the future, it will depend on what kind of investigation results the ROK National Police will give.

All kinds of signs show that a new round of turmoil and chaos is hitting the ROK political arena, and it has just begun.

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