
Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement

author:Housekeepers are in Jinan

Confinement is the common name of maternal and infant nurses, mainly professional nursing of mothers and newborns, the content of services is mainly confinement care, newborn care accounts for 80%, maternal care accounts for 20%. Confinement sisters-in-law belong to senior domestic workers, which is different from ordinary domestic care workers. Usually, confinement work is a nurse, dietitian, and newborn nursing work. Usually, the service time of confinement is 12 hours. And most of the confinement sisters-in-law provide services at the customer's home.

A qualified confinement sister-in-law must at least undergo professional skills training such as pregnant nursing, infant health care, pregnant women and infant nutrition and diet before she can work, and she needs to know not only the knowledge of maternal and infant nursing, but also the skills to assist in maternal postpartum recovery and physical therapy.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement

According to the current situation, more than 20 million newborns are born in China every year. In such a huge market, it also provides a good customer group for confinement training institutions. All babies born in training institutions place higher demands on confinement sisters-in-law.

We have summarized some of the common problems encountered by confinement sisters-in-law when they go to the house, and hope to help everyone!

  • The mother has been pregnant for 23 days, there is no lochia anymore, and these days there are again, is it normal?

Lochia will automatically become clean after half a month to 20 days, and will recur during confinement, such as Baoma's lochia appears again a few days after it is clean, it may be that there is a live blood food on the diet, increased maternal activity, moxibustion hot compresses, etc. may cause lochia to appear again.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • When is it normal for a woman to have her period?

Normally, the ovaries ovulate one month to one and a half months after giving birth, so menstruation resumes within 6–8 weeks. With breastfeeding, menstrual recovery time is slightly longer, usually after one year. Some mothers have little or no breastfeeding and come in the first birth.

  • What to do if my mother's nipples are sunken?

1. Manual pulling (areola doing cross exercises), with the help of tool attraction therapy;

2. Gently pinch the areola nipple to increase the elasticity of the areola and lift the nipple;

3. Eat the sunken nipple first, and give milk next to the milk if necessary;

4. Use milk shields when necessary, with the help of tools;

5. To prevent nipple illusions, use less bottles and spoon feeding.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • Why doesn't the mother let the baby pat her butt when she sleeps?

Because it is said that there are many nerves and acupuncture points on the buttocks, the bones are also small, the baby is small, and I am afraid that shooting in the wrong place will affect the growth and development of the baby.

  • How to disinfect and sterilize baby's clothes?

First wash the clothes with a baby-specific laundry detergent, and then boil it in boiling water for 5 minutes to dry, or you can also be sterilized after washing and being exposed to the sun for 2 hours.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • After half a month, is the bath cooled with boiling water and washed, or can you wash the water in the water heater directly?

The wound is well recovered, there is no tingling sensation when disinfecting, you can directly use the water heater, the water temperature is not too high, do not rinse the wound, and dry it in time after washing.

  • What should I do if my baby's external genitalia are red?

The suspicion of the baby's urethral lipstick red is a little inflamed, usually change the diaper a little more frequently, and pay attention when washing the fart, always like this to go to the hospital early to deal with Oh, otherwise the baby will urinate painfully.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • There is secretion in the intimate part of the female treasure, wash it with clean water and not wash it off, do you want to wash it off deliberately, or rinse it with clean water, you don't have to care about it?

It is generally normal for a baby girl to have secretions in her intimate parts, you can gently scrub it with a small towel when bathing, if you still can't wipe it off, don't use brute force, wait for it to fall off naturally.

  • Do I need to disinfect my baby's belly button after it comes off?

Yes, there will still be scabs there after the baby's navel comes off, continue to disinfect until the scabs are off clean, and usually pay attention to cleaning and drying.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • How to accompany a woman with a shaved abdomen?

Cesarean section women mainly pay attention to diet and action, must wait until postoperative exhaust to eat light soup, and cesarean women are more likely to bloating, to assist the mother to get out of bed more, follow around to prevent accidents, pregnant women sweat a lot of more attention not to pollute the mountain pass, to change clean clothes in time. In special cases, be sure to ring the bedside bell and wait until the medical staff arrives.

  • How long after giving birth can I eat fruit?

You can eat fruit with a normal diet, but be careful not to eat cold, and eat fruit during the month to be heated, not cold.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • What to drink in fifteen days?

In the third week, you can eat tonic food, you can drink crucian carp tofu soup, corn rib soup, pork trotter grass and other soups with milk, but be careful not to be overly greasy.

  • What is the normal weight of the baby during confinement?

Babies are born with different weights, but it can be known that the average weight gain is 30-50 grams per day during confinement, and about 900-1500 grams a month.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • How to care for miliaria?

Milia is a normal physiological phenomenon and does not require special treatment, usually pay attention to wear cotton breathable clothes, frequent bathing, pay attention to cleanliness.

  • Bao's mother's breasts are hard lumps, and there are lumpy slides, I have done 4 times for Bao's mother, but still can't spread, Bao's mother's milk is particularly much, in addition to the baby to eat, but also take a breast pump to suck out a bottle every day, what method can help Bao's mother spread the hard knots in the breast?

If the mother has a lot of milk and hard lumps, you can first squeeze some front milk, let the baby suck more back milk, can help suck away the lump, and put the baby's chin against where he can eat it if there is a lump. The baby is a master of breast dredging, and then pull out the excess milk after the baby is full, and some mothers with more milk can have more than one extra bottle a day.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • What happens when your baby has a thick shell after shaving?

This is a normal fetal scab, usually pay attention to clean when washing hair, you can also apply clean oil on the head will promote shedding.

  • After weaning the baby, what happens to the pain in some parts of the breast? And hard blocks.

That is the residual milk that has not been discharged, and it must be drained cleanly, otherwise it will be seriously blocked and inflamed.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • Can pregnant women drink honey water?

You can drink it without breastfeeding, or don't drink it if breastfeeding.

  • What is the right temperature in the room?

Thermometers and hygrometers should be purchased in the room, and the temperature is more suitable at 25 °C and 26 °C; A humidity of 50% to 60% is appropriate. If the temperature is too high and particularly hot, the child's body temperature center will not develop well. If the body temperature is too high, the child's thermoregulation center does not automatically adjust like adults, and it will not change with the temperature of the environment. A child's body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment. If the living environment is particularly hot, the child will have a fever. If the temperature is low, children are prone to colds, colds, and pneumonia. If the humidity is particularly high, for example, the weather is particularly stuffy and hot, and the postpartum feeling is particularly stuffy and uncomfortable, and the child is uncomfortable panting. If the humidity is too low, the room will be very dry.

Roundup of frequently asked questions about confinement
  • What if the milk always comes out on its own?

Don't be too anxious in the event of milk leakage, first pay attention to adjusting your diet, keep enough rest, and breastfeed as needed. When you feel bloated, breastfeed your baby in time. When you feel that the milk is about to overflow, press your chest firmly with your hands crossed to prevent the milk from flowing out. In addition, under the guidance of Chinese medicine, take some Chinese medicine, or replenish qi and nourish blood, converge milk, or clear heat and relieve liver and milk. Mothers often eat some sea stinger skin, which can also reduce the phenomenon of milk leakage.