
Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

author:Magic huh

The long night is long, tossing and turning. Many people experience the pain of not being able to sleep or even worry that they have a sleep disorder (or insomnia). Is not being able to get a good night's sleep a sleep disorder?

Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

Worry in tossing and turning

Insomnia, insomnia and sleep disorders are actually three types of phenomena.

——Insomnia is mainly a sleep phenomenon related to difficulty falling asleep, which everyone may encounter, although uncomfortable, but normal;

——Insomnia, also known as primary insomnia, is a psychological disorder (disease) with difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep or early awakening, lasting at least one month and causing daytime functional impairment, is a kind of sleep disorder, belongs to the category of diseases;

——Sleep disorder is a type of psychological disorder (disease) with sleep abnormalities as symptoms, including narcolepsy, sleep rhythm disorder, sleep breathing disorder and sleep-like disorder in addition to insomnia.

Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

Snoring can be a sign of sleep-disordered breathing

From the above clarification, it can be found that the primary contradiction is to distinguish insomnia from insomnia.

The strictest distinction of course comes from the doctor's diagnosis. However, in life, we can also combine some criteria (in order) to make a brief distinction:

1. Whether there is an environment suitable for sleeping. If insomnia is not caused by absence, it is considered to be sleep deprivation syndrome; If there is still insomnia, move on to the next judgment link;

2. Whether insomnia causes a decline in people's functioning during the day (such as poor mood, work/social skills). If it does not fall, it is considered short sleep; If it drops significantly, it is moved to the next judgment stage.

3. The length and frequency of insomnia. If insomnia occurs infrequently (less than 3 times a week or less than 3 months), it may be short-term insomnia, and if it occurs frequently, it may be chronic insomnia, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

According to the above criteria, common insomnia phenomena can be basically distinguished and adjusted as a guide:

If insomnia is diagnosed, the main response should be medication, which should be under the guidance of a doctor.

Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

Follow your doctor's advice!!!

If insomnia is not achieved, there are many means of self-adjustment:

- Stimulus control method: adjusting environmental factors to interrupt the connection between difficulty falling asleep and the sleeping environment (bedroom). Specific operation:

Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

Young people who get everything done in bed...

- Cognitive therapy: Families who have difficulty falling asleep often have thoughts such as "I should fall asleep quickly", "it is difficult to fall asleep", and "the consequences of not falling asleep are serious". Such negative thoughts, in turn, affect sleep, creating a negative cycle. Typical methods such as reverse thoughts can liberate people from the obsession of "falling asleep quickly", and the specific operation is:

Did you sleep well last night? How to get a good night's sleep

Sometimes you can enjoy the night even if you can't sleep

There is also a small reminder that although there are many stresses and worries during the day, reasonable exercise and sleep will always bring better relief than playing with mobile phones and jumping wild.

I wish you a good night's sleep.