
Zhang Ying, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shuangzhu Road Community in Yinzhu Street: Deep ploughing at the grassroots level for twenty years to be the elder sister of the community masses

author:Overlook Qingdao

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The formation of a "red butler" team of more than 100 people, providing personal services for nearly 4,000 community residents, and being the loving big sister of the masses, this is the daily life of Zhang Ying, secretary of the Party Committee of Shuangzhu Road Community in Yinzhu Street, Qingdao West Coast New Area. Since 2001, Zhang Ying has been deeply involved in the grassroots for 20 years, and with her enthusiastic service, she has won the honorary titles of "Serving as a Good Secretary" in urban communities in Shandong Province, "Excellent Party Affairs Worker" in Qingdao City, "Model in Fighting the Epidemic" and "Striving for the Most Beautiful New District People in the 13th Five-Year Plan".

Epidemic prevention and control for two years Chinese New Year's Eve stick to the front line to be the loving big sister of the community masses

"Many people in our community receive the first condolences every day from Secretary Zhang Ying's phone." A resident of the community told us the story of Secretary Zhang Ying.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, a sudden new crown epidemic disrupted daily life. For the sake of the stability of the community residents, Zhang Ying has long stuck to the front line of the post, and even eats and lives in the first line when the fight against the epidemic is at its most tense.

Every morning, Secretary Zhang Ying will call and greet the difficult families, the elderly living alone, and the people in home isolation in the community, instructing them to go out as little as possible, and at the same time as the telephone follow-up, they do not forget to ask about everyone's living needs, and they have become "mass delivery workers" alone.

Shuangzhu Road community has 21 communities, 120 residential buildings, and more than 3900 residents. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the delivery of goods is a tiring and dangerous job, and the staff in the Shuangzhu Road community is mostly young people, and their health and safety are equally important to Zhang Ying.

"As the head of the community and their big sister, I should have done more." Based on this consideration, Zhang Ying acted as a delivery man alone, sending the purchased daily necessities to the doorstep of residents, even in the old residential area without elevators, Zhang Ying also completed her own delivery task step by step.

Two years of Chinese New Year's Eve nights, Zhang Yingdu chose to stick to his job. For the entire community, Zhang Ying led the community staff to carry out carpet searches, going door to door to understand the daily situation of residents and implementing whether each household had a situation of anti-youth in other places.

"In fact, my children hope that I can stay at home during the epidemic, but as a party member, it is our party member's unshirkable responsibility to protect the safety and health of the community." If we pay a little more, residents can live a little more steadily," Zhang Ying said in response to the epidemic prevention work of the new crown epidemic.

A team of "red butlers" was formed to solve the problems of the masses more than 500 times

For Zhang Ying, the community is her "home", and every resident is also her "family", and the "home" is naturally inseparable from the cooperation and support of the "family".

Shuangzhu Road community through the active formation of the "red housekeeper" team, mobilize party members with different professional characteristics and personal expertise, retired soldiers, old cadres and residents as residential building directors, the current community has a total of 120 residential buildings to recruit 112 "red housekeepers", service to solve the problems of the masses more than 500 times, truly let residents participate in the work of the community and community activities.

Pan Weihai, a retired soldier, is one of the red stewards of the Shuangzhu Road community, and as the secretary general of the table tennis association of the Shuangzhu Road community, Pan Weihai has been participating in the community's volunteer activities for many years.

Pan Weihai said: "Participating in community building and epidemic prevention and control is the responsibility of every citizen, not to mention that I was once a soldier. "During the epidemic prevention and control period, Pan Weihai voluntarily assisted the community in management, strictly controlled the property-free community, and helped the community to do a good job in monitoring the personnel and vehicle information registration of the monitoring point and other related epidemic prevention work."

The "red butler" team can continue to play the role of party members to unite multiple parties, understand the needs of residents in a timely manner, be a good "information officer", "mediator", "instructor" and "propagandist" around the residents, and also be the "clairvoyance" and "downwind ear" of the community, promote community activities and work into the building and enter the household, and open up the "last kilometer" of serving the masses. (Reporter Ai Kun Shao Shihua)

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