
Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

author:I'm happy to say today

In the 7 Harry Potter novel series, there are many characters who may not be remembered by the viewer, but their presence enriches the magical world set in the entire book. Some of the characters may appear only on the hurried side, but it is the rush side that leaves a deep impression on the reader, although the role is not much, but it is a short moment, which can surprise the time. Today we will take stock of the high-value supporting characters who have appeared in seven movies, they do not have the protagonist to eat heavy roles, but their existence is indispensable. #哈利波特 #

1. Draco Malfoy

The student at Slytherin House "was a man of pale face, a sharp chin, light blond hair and gray eyes". The pure-blood family of the wizarding world is a sworn enemy of the protagonist Harry Potter, but because of his appearance, his popularity is high among the Fans, and he is a true noble prince of the Snake Courtyard.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Tom Felton

2. Lucius Malfoy

"Pale blond hair, cold gray-blue eyes, pale pointed face." He is arrogant, scheming, good at dominating everything, the Malfoy family is born with an aristocratic atmosphere, the first time in the movie to see Lucius's temperament is really amazing, a dark seductive temperament is constantly diverging, the gentlemanly temperament of the Dark Wind of England is absolutely amazing.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Jensen Isaac

3. Tom Fidel

In the book, Rowling was quite recognized for Voldemort's appearance in her youth: "black jade hair; long, slender figure; slender fingers" (see "The Chamber of Secrets" for details), "He simply wore a black robe, his hair was a little longer than when he was in school, and his cheeks were thin, but all of this made him look more handsome than before." (See The Half-Blood Prince for details).) It can be said that before the Buddha Devil did not split his soul, he should be a very handsome and very promising young wizard, and from the casting of the movie, we can also find that the actors played by the Buddha Devil when he was young were also high-valued.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Frank Tierney and Christian

4. Neville Longbottom

Harry was at the Glay Rudder (he could make a mistake in the "Rudder" and "Fanta" input methods every time and was silly). "A round face. Slightly fatter body type. "The little actor who played Neville was very much in line with the description of the original book when he was a child, but he didn't expect that the longer he grew up, the more handsome he was, and his appearance was about to hang Ron and Harry.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Matthew Lewis

5. Cedric Diggory

This one needless to say, whether in the original or the movie is a big handsome guy, otherwise we can't let Qiu Zhang da beauty fall in love with him at first sight, I have sent an article specifically about him before, anyway, for him no amount of praise is too much, the only drawback may be that there is no protagonist aura, the first time I met Voldemort, I hung up.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Robert Pattinson

6. Pansy

。 This role may be relatively unfamiliar to readers, both in the novel and the movie appear very rarely, but in the "Philosopher's Stone" movie her appearance is quite eye-catching, in the first part, except for Hermione's actor Emma Watson, she feels that she is the most beautiful little actress, although in the novel is described as "face like a poodle".

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

A generation of Pansy

7. Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange, arguably one of the most obnoxious characters in fiction, was the most dangerous and brutal of Voldemort's many followers. She had an admiring fascination with Voldemort and eventually gave birth to a child for Voldemort (see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for details). But what she hates most may be that she killed Sirius Black, and Neville's parents were also tortured by her with a drill spell, and the actor Helena Bonham Carter, who played Bellatrix, was very beautiful herself, but she was forced to be ugly for the sake of styling.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Helena Bonham Carter

8. Fleur de Lakour

Needless to say, Fleur is the first beauty in the book, the descendant of Maggie. Personally, I feel that the actor who plays Fleur is a bit crossed, in fact, the actor himself is not ugly, but because the description of Fleur in the book is too beautiful. A long waterfall of silvery hair fell to her waist. She has big blue eyes and a mouth full of white, neat teeth. The description of Fleur at the Christmas Ball is that "she is wearing a silver-gray satin robe, which is really beautiful and amazing." The actor, Clemans Posey, is a little far from what I think of as Hibiscus, and the female elf on the right in the picture below is more in line with the description of the offspring of Meiwa in the book.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Clemans Posey

9. Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks, Professor Lupin's wife. Natalie Turner, the actor in the film, is attracted by her lively and cheerful appearance and approachable personality as soon as she appears in the film, not to mention that she is still a transfiguration margus, and her hair color change technology is afraid that many girls want to have.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Natalie Turner

10. Minerva McGonagall

Professor McGonagall appears in front of us as a stern teacher in both novels and movies, and the only time I have a change in her impression is in the Goblet of Fire, where Professor McGonagall teaches Harry ballroom dancing, as if she had changed into a person, a mature intellectual, very elegant woman. Played by Maggie Smith, her youthful appearance can also be described as breathtakingly beautiful.

Take stock of the high-valued supporting characters that amaze you in Harry Potter

Played by Maggie Smith

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