
What happens to the vagina after childbirth? Learn 5 things that will help you get back to life as a couple after giving birth!

author:Yangcheng good doctor, Nanyue good doctor

The arrival of a new life adds a lot of joy and happiness to the family, but with it comes the pressure of parenting. While women enjoy the happiness of being a mother, they have a negative impact on sexual desire. Whether it is a vaginal or caesarean section, a woman's vagina changes a lot, both in shape and color. But don't be frustrated and panic because of this, do the following points to help the couple life recover.

First, changes in the vagina before and after childbirth

1. The length of the vagina is extended

The length of the vagina in adult women also varies slightly due to ethnicity. The length of the anterior vaginal wall averages 7-9 cm and the posterior wall is 9-12 cm. The vaginal length of 280 adult women of Xinjiang Uygur nationality and Han women was counted, the former had an average length of 10.2 cm for the anterior wall and 12.2 cm for the posterior wall, and the latter had an average length of 8.0 cm and a length of 9.5 cm for the posterior wall.

Later, with the increase of fertility and age, the vagina also extended, with each delivery, the anterior wall of the vagina increased by 0.5-1.2cm, and the posterior wall increased by 1.0-2.0cm.

What happens to the vagina after childbirth? Learn 5 things that will help you get back to life as a couple after giving birth!

2. The vagina will become loose

During labor, vaginal and perineal tears often occur due to injury to the birth canal, involving the perineum and the tissues attached to it (eg, urogenital septum, bulbocavernosus muscle, levator muscle, etc.). Sometimes there are no obvious lacerations on the vaginal mucosa and skin, but the deep muscles, fascia and nerve fibers are broken, the supporting tissues of the vagina and the external vaginal opening are weakened and relaxed, and some need to be repaired by the anterior and posterior vaginal walls.

However, the vagina itself has a certain repair function, and the expansion phenomenon that occurs after childbirth can be restored 3 months after delivery. But after all, after squeezing and tearing, the muscles in the vagina are damaged, so it takes longer for the vaginal elasticity to recover. Postpartum mothers can strengthen the recovery of elasticity and promote vaginal firmness through some exercises. You can try the following:

(1) Hold urine: In the process of urinating, consciously hold the urine for a few seconds, interrupt urination, and continue to urinate after a short stop. This repeatedly, after a period of exercise, can improve the tension of the muscles around the vagina.

(2) lifting exercise: When you have the intention to defecate, hold the stool and do lifting exercise. Repeated often, pelvic muscles can be exercised well.

(3) Contraction exercise: lie on your back, relax the body, contract the vagina, clamp the vagina, for 3 seconds, then relax, repeat several times. The time can be gradually extended.

What happens to the vagina after childbirth? Learn 5 things that will help you get back to life as a couple after giving birth!

3. The vagina is easy to dry

Some women have such a situation, after confinement, sexual arousal has appeared during sex, but the vagina is still very dry, which is normal. Because after giving birth, hormone levels do not return quickly to what they used to be, at least 6 months or more, so vaginal dryness will occur. Sexual activity should be scheduled six weeks after delivery.

4. The color of the vagina is deepened

The darkening of vaginal color after childbirth is closely related to estrogen levels. As estrogen levels stabilize, vaginal color fades. And even if the vaginal color cannot be restored to before pregnancy, there is no need to worry, and it will not affect the health and sexual quality of the body.

5. Vaginal odor

After delivery, the uterus and vagina can produce too much secretion, which generally lasts about 6~8 weeks. If it produces a strong odor, so that there is no sexual desire or decreased libido, it is necessary to have a medical examination as soon as possible; In breastfeeding women, blood may flow from the vagina. Both husband and wife should communicate fully and give adequate comfort and understanding.

2. How to improve the quality of life of couples after childbirth?

1. Don't resume intercourse too early

Generally speaking, the best time to resume intercourse is 6~8 weeks after giving birth. Because expectant mothers have significant physical changes during pregnancy, these conditions usually gradually recover 6 weeks after giving birth. In addition, the uterus does not return to normal until about 1 month, and before that, sexual intercourse too hard can cause discomfort.

Some "episiotomy" women and "caesarean section" wounds also take about 6 weeks to recover, and they do not ache only after exertion.

What happens to the vagina after childbirth? Learn 5 things that will help you get back to life as a couple after giving birth!

2. Foreplay should be done enough

The physical, psychological and environmental changes in postpartum women may cause women to be less interested in married life, and husbands should treat their wives more with caresses, kisses, etc., so that women can enjoy real happiness physically and mentally. This is the core foundation for improving the life of couples after childbirth.

3. Moderate intercourse

During the breastfeeding phase, the vitality of the follicles in the woman's ovaries is weakened, and it is difficult for women to secrete more estrogen. We must know the role of estrogen on the female vagina, so we can appropriately reduce the number of intercourse.

4. Prevent vaginal injury

Women are likely to have a split during childbirth, so postpartum intercourse needs to be controlled to prevent vaginal re-injury. Generally, when the vagina is accidentally split, vaginal bleeding will occur, and the mother will have severe pain. If this happens, you need to seek prompt medical attention.

5. Pay attention to contraception

When a woman is breastfeeding, there is also a 3% probability of pregnancy after childbirth, so it cannot be considered that she will not be pregnant because menstruation has not yet recovered, otherwise pregnancy will occur again, and the damage to the woman's body is very great.

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