
Chiang Kai-shek failed, why did he hate Zhang Zhizhong the most?

author:Chen Guanren

According to Chiang Kai-shek's secretary Zhou Hongtao, after Chiang Kai-shek's defeat and escape to Taiwan, there were two people he hated the most, one was Marshall of the United States and the other was Zhang Zhizhong in China.

Why did he hate Zhang Zhizhong?

Chiang Kai-shek failed, why did he hate Zhang Zhizhong the most?

It was not because Zhang Zhizhong had lost the battle.

Rather, it was because Zhang Zhizhong "defected to the Communists" in the summer of 1949, so Chiang Kai-shek hated him to the bone.

Why did Zhang Zhizhong "vote for the Communist Party"? He himself has this explanation:

"[I] spoke very early in Nanjing, and during the War of Resistance in Chongqing, and not only casually with my friends, but also with the leaders of the Kuomintang and the responsible persons of the government on many occasions. The Kuomintang was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, for the revolution, for the implementation of the Three People's Principles, and as far back as the First National Congress in 1924, the three major policies of the United Russia, the United Republic, and the support of peasants and workers were adopted. Have revolutionary policies been implemented? No, not revolutionary! counterrevolutionary! Have the Three People's Principles been implemented? Which department of the government is implementing the policy of the Three People's Principles? Completely violated the Three People's Principles, abandoned the Three People's Principles, a party called for revolution, and later became a non-revolutionary counter-revolutionary, hanging on the sheep's head and selling dog meat, is there still a natural reason not to fail?

Chiang Kai-shek failed, why did he hate Zhang Zhizhong the most?

What I saw in Beiping was the style of the CPC and the spirit of the cadres and party members, and then looking at the style and cadres of our Kuomintang, the spirit of the party members, I had to make people feel ashamed I was a responsible cadre of the Kuomintang, and I saw how people struggled hard for the country and the people, and what did we do in the past?! ”

This is why Zhang Zhizhong changed from following the Kuomintang to following the Communist Party.

Chiang Kai-shek failed, why did he hate Zhang Zhizhong the most?

The book "The Great River Goes East: Why They Follow Mao Zedong" published by the CPC Party History Publishing House uses many historical facts to reveal the historical roots and practical reasons why senior Kuomintang cadres like Zhang Zhizhong changed their ways and became followers of the CCP. The book is a favorite bestseller of the year for readers. The book's companion book, The Great River To the East: Why They Converged Under the Banner of Mao Zedong, has also been published.

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