
Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

author:Phoenix TV

Blind at 9 years old, play guitar at 15 years old,

Went to college at the age of 19, wrote poetry at the age of 21,

At the age of 24, he began to wander around.

He has been called "China's most humanistic folk singer",

But his world is only black.

The last impression left in the vision is

Elephants in the zoo play the harmonica with their noses.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"
Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Blind Cinema Zhou Yunpeng - breathing as silent as a mystery

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Celebrities face to face

Face | Zhou Yunpeng

"As soon as I am sick, I feel,

There's nothing you can't quit, you quit it all."

Zhou Yunpeng cut his hair short and appeared in the public eye with a new look.

In the past ten years, on major stages, his image of long hair and sunglasses has not changed. This change is due to a sudden serious illness - cerebral thrombosis.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Xu Gehui: I think you have lost a lot of weight.

Zhou Yunpeng: Right.

Xu Gehui: How long did it take to recover from that illness?

Zhou Yunpeng: I was hospitalized for more than ten days, and then I began to recover and exercise on my own, sometimes acupuncture and moxibustion.

Xu Gehui: It's particularly lucky, there are no sequelae, right?

Zhou Yunpeng: Also, the hand is still a little numb, the left hand.

On the last day of June 2016, Zhou Yunpeng suffered a cerebral thrombosis while training at the Dalian Guide Dog Base and was admitted to the hospital urgently. After several twists and turns, the test results came out, "multiple cerebral thrombosis".

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Zhou Yunpeng and the guide dog Bear Bear

Zhou Yunpeng writes in his new book:

Why am I? More than I drank, made more fierce, there were many people, how could my blood vessels be blocked.

He couldn't think straight, and felt like the sparrow in Turgenev's writing: a gunshot rang out, and all the other sparrows flew up in shock, and only he was hit.

In the past, whenever he ate, Zhou Yunpeng had to drink a little; after the performance, he was too excited to smoke a cigarette to calm his emotions. After recovering from a serious illness, Zhou Yunpeng not only changed his appearance, but also quit smoking, quit drinking, and lived a "healthy" life.

Xu Gehui: But some people think, for example, like drinking or eating, this is the most important enjoyment in life, isn't there a saying that I have abandoned all this, what is the meaning of my healthy life?

Zhou Yunpeng: That's all there is to say, but compared to being able to walk and move freely, you can give up anything, right?

Xu Gehui: So quitting drinking and eating attention, these are not a particularly big pain for you, not too difficult to quit?

Zhou Yunpeng: It was difficult before I got sick, and I also felt that drinking was not good at that time. As soon as I got sick, I felt that there was nothing I couldn't quit, and I quit it all. There are other pleasures in life, drinking coffee or eating something good, going out and traveling, can replace those things.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

"Then I said, 'Then jump yourself.

I have to go home. ”

A large part of Zhou Yunpeng's childhood was spent in hospitals, trains, and medical treatment. He wrote an article called "The Green Train" about the years of riding the train around. After suffering from an eye disease, he followed his mother around for medical treatment, but in the end he was unable to change his blindness.

Zhou Yunpeng: There is a story that when I was seven or eight years old, I went to Shanghai to treat my eyes. At that time, the eye problem has been a long time, but it has not been cured, that is, the worse it is, you know, and then it will not be seen in Shanghai. I was blind in Shanghai, invisible there.

Then my mother led me to the edge of the Huangpu River and said, Oh son, you see you can't see it, or we will jump into the river, she thinks this child can do it in the future, this life, it is better that we jump the river together. I said something very harsh, this is my mother told me, I forgot, my mother said, at that time I said then you jump yourself, I have to go home. My mother estimated that she would be lost, then I would not jump, forget it. My mother praised me like this, and when she said it, it turned this grief into an absurd and happy thing.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

"What would you do if you suddenly went blind?"

After becoming blind, Zhou Yunpeng often had to face the concerns and inquiries of friends around him.

In 2003, he wrote such a poem,

"What to Do If You Suddenly Go Blind".

Xu Gehui: I think this poem is like a social survey, which is particularly interesting. When I got your book of poems, I stared at the name in a daze.

Zhou Yunpeng: Let's ask ourselves first.

Xu Gehui: Yes, half a day. It's full of that, oh, if such a big thing comes to me, then I'm a scoundrel, I don't care. I don't know if you came up with these words yourself, or if you've actually asked someone, investigated, and got the answers, and you listed them.

Zhou Yunpeng: The source of this is, I remember that many people will ask me, saying oh you can't see it, if I can't see it, I jumped off the building earlier, I will listen to this very twisted, that means I live, or a little bit of humiliation and burden, or that I want it all, I shouldn't live. It's just that a lot of people can't talk but brain, he may want to comfort you, oh if I can't see, I can't stand it, I'm dead early. This awkwardness is always in my heart, and then I wrote such a poem, what to do if you are suddenly blind, as if the first sentence is that I want to jump off the building.

Zhou Yunpeng found different people to answer, various dialects, various answers, with music, became a song.

What to do if you suddenly go blind

I'm going to jump off the building

I'm going to immediately propose a breakup to my girlfriend and wish her happiness

I'm going to kill and kill the most hated person of my life

I was fearless, eating dirt and drinking water from the gutter

I called my parents and told them to take care of themselves in the future

I'm going to find a way to destroy a pure and innocent girl


- "What if you suddenly go blind"

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

What to do if you are suddenly blind - Chinese child

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

"That happiness is still better than eating that pound of meat,

A little happier"

After the darkness came, the appearance of this world slowly faded in Zhou Yunpeng's memory, but the memories of those voices in his mind would not fade.

Zhou Yunpeng: Anyway, at that time, there was a shortwave radio, you can listen to shortwave, shortwave is a popular song in Taiwan, at that time listening to that Teresa Teng, Liu Wenzheng, it was really amazing, just listen from that short wave, wow, you can still sing like this, wow, this song is so beautiful, at that time it was not called beauty, I felt in my heart, soft. You think, is there such music, and their broadcaster's very soft voice, here is the Australian radio station or something, our broadcaster is the kind of broadcaster of central radio, ah people can still talk like this.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Then singing is also that kind, the light rain in March is pouring, I think this kind of enlightenment, including Teresa Teng, send you to the village, cute to put that song, around the curtains are pulled, just yellow songs, the sound of the melancholy, a listen to this song is really good, this mesmerizing sound is too good. It is a kind of enlightenment for us, I feel that people have a tender side, people have a gentle side, because when we were young, we were all steel, hard, and all of a sudden, the things in your body were revived.

Through a small tape recorder, the young Zhou Yunpeng heard another life, he longed for the outside world, picked up a guitar and embarked on the road to travel the world. From Shenyang to Beijing, from China to the rest of the world, he has stepped on more and more land, farther and farther away.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Zhou Yunpeng: I don't have many people who recall the beauty of childhood or something, I want to go back to childhood, I think childhood is not good at all, and when I was young, it was not very good. At that time, I didn't understand things, or I still didn't have wisdom, but I think it's getting better and better now. In fact, I am the happiest or travel, a while ago to Istanbul, to the Sahara, so many years, just see this term in the book, and then you really go to that dune, grab that fine sand, that sense of happiness, oh still different. Then you sit in that boat in Istanbul, in that Bosphorus boat, listen to those whistles, and feel that I have finally come to this place, and that happiness is still a little happier than eating that pound of meat.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

"The wound healed, when the incident became a memory"

In 2011, Zhou Yunpeng won the Outstanding Poetry Award of the People's Literature Award that year with the lyrics of "Love That Can't Speak".

He once had a romantic love that aroused the envy of countless literary and artistic youth, and now he has returned to a person's life, but he does not mind sharing his story in love.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Can't speak love Zhou Yunpeng - cattle and sheep down the mountain

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Xu Gehui: Is it not a girl who wants to fall in love with you, and she is a little afraid to dump you, otherwise it is morally unreasonable?

Zhou Yunpeng: Maybe when she realizes this, our feelings are gone, and there are only feelings of gratitude or debt. What you said is guaranteed to be, because I have been dumped many times, that is, people feel too tired, or feel that this life is unbearable, I don't like to make people feel sorry, I think it is a little evil thing.

Xu Gehui: Then will you become extremely sensitive because of this, and how do they talk to you when they dump you?

Zhou Yunpeng: It's all about saying, we're still inappropriate, so how to say it, roll, can you say that, isn't that more sad?

Xu Gehui: Does it have a healing effect after writing a song, or is it a song that heals after the wound is healed?

Zhou Yunpeng: Yes, I think it is the wound that heals, when this incident becomes a memory.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

"I don't like to see through the world"

After 16 years of sudden stroke, confrontation and reconciliation with "multiple cerebral thrombosis", he was determined to re-walk the road like when he was young. He first went to Hong Kong, shaved his head, and flew to San Francisco to see the concert of American singer-songwriter and poet, "punk godmother" Patti Smith, and also watched bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones and other "old mountain spirits" at the "Desert Journey Music Festival" in Los Angeles.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Many friends said that Zhou Yunpeng was an interesting person. As he himself said, he was always curious about the world. Sometimes, he used his mobile phone to take pictures and send them to his friends, and everyone would reply with various descriptions, and he saw the scenery in the photos through the eyes of his friends.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Xu Gehui: It feels like there is always a force driving you in your heart.

Zhou Yunpeng: I think it may be curiosity. I sometimes think that it's something that's very strong, but not exactly. If I have any good qualities in me, to support myself, it is curiosity. It is an interest in the world, always an interest. I think now I am also curious, so I love to travel, and then I still like to read, read some books, I don't see the world through, some people say I have seen through the world, I don't, I don't like to see through the world.

Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"
Zhou Yunpeng: "What if you suddenly go blind?"

Editors: Liu Mengqi, Meng Xiaodu

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