
The 22-level music complex is "rolled", who can be the next "explosive booking"?

Author| Akagi bottle

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In 2023, who is still looking forward to a sound mix?

As a major category that is often new but difficult to find, under various factors, the market performance of Yinzhuan in the past two years has not been radical. As of March 9, the 2023 popularity annual list of bone data shows that the top five programs, including satellite TV variety shows and online variety shows, are "Infinite Beyond Class", "Detective Season 8", "Farm", "Half-Acquainted Lovers Season 2" and "Time Concert Season 2".

The first quarter of 2023 is nearing the end, and the top 5 popularity of the whole network is only "Detective Season 8", "Let's Farm" and "Half-Acquainted Lovers Season 2" three new variety shows premiered this year, and only one "Farm the Land" is a non-comprehensive N generation of "new in the new". At the same time, as the only ensemble among the top five, "Time Concert Season 2" is also a comprehensive N generation broadcast in December 2022.

In contrast, the new music ensembles broadcast in February and March, such as "No. 17 Music Warehouse" and "Baichuan Music Time and Space", have their own characteristics, but they have not been able to achieve high popularity from the public dimension. These phenomena may be a note of the mediocre performance of the new music complex in the first quarter, or it may be that the market is blockbuster after waiting for a buffer to officially recover.

According to public information, entertainment unicorns have incompletely counted the music genre variety shows to be broadcast in 2023 or have been broadcast in March, behind these 10 new music mixes that came out for the first time and 12 new music shows that have been tested several times by the market, we try to glimpse some industry signals.

New comprehensive "bet" stage, who is the next "blockbuster booking"?

Judging from the announced film list, stage music ensemble for Generation Z is indispensable for the video platform in 2023. There was even an industry insider who once ridiculed that the audience's favorite type of program returned. At the same time, the flood of metaverse types on the film list in 2022, as well as the differentiation of the past with music as the core, have been greatly reduced.

On the one hand, the well-performing comprehensive N generation still has more room to play. For example, "Riding the Wind and Waves" and "Overcoming Thorns" and other proposed guest lineups can be guessed, and you can flip several popular programs back and forth in the hot search. For example, the third season of iQiyi's "Summer of the Band" returns after two years of suspension, and just the revelation of the news of the return can make fans cheer and dance.

On the other hand, the new comprehensive launched last year performed steadily and continued to develop the second season. For example, Youku's year-round song program "Chaoyang Song Center" provides a stable output stage for new songs, with a Douban score of 8.4, and will also usher in a new quarter in 2023; Hunan Satellite TV & Mango TV's "Endless Sound" covers classic high-quality Cantonese songs, with a Douban score of 7.2, in 2023, it will not only launch the second season of "Endless Sound - Hong Kong Music Season", but also launch the "Endless Sound - Treasure Island Season" featuring Taiwan's golden songs; And another member of the hip-hop universe "Amazing! Dance Club" focuses on women's dance competition, with a Douban score of 7.0, and will also usher in the second season.

In the context of steady and steady progress in the momentum of recovery in the general environment, these freshly baked ensembles draw the "stage" to the forefront. Last year, "Come to See Our Concert" and "Our Folk Songs 2022" and other live music ensembles that fit the general environment were born, and some high-quality variety shows also had to run aground, and this year's overall recovery of the industry, music competition has finally emerged.

Think about it, even "The Voice of China, Youth Spring" has added a singing and dancing track this year, and the rigid needs and preferences of the stalwart group are self-evident. INCLUDING TENCENT VIDEO'S "THE NEXT STAGE 2023" (STAGE 2023), WHICH HAS ATTRACTED MUCH ATTENTION FROM THE INDUSTRY AND THE SELECTION OF MENTORS HAS BEEN HOTLY SEARCHED. The show has not yet announced more information, the current lineup of guests to be invited is mainly new-generation singers, Cai Weize, Lin Kailun, Ma Liang, Buy Chili Also Use Coupon, Taiyi, Tian Ying, Wang OK, Warren hue, Xu Ziwei, Yu Muyang, Zhang Endai and other 48 new singers. These new generation singers with different styles have their own fans, and competing on the same stage is bound to bring about collisions and discussions on music categories.

Another stage variety show "1+1live", the mode of duet singing in a two-person limited group is quite similar to the live variety show "Come to See Our Concert" at the end of last year, compared to the latter's spontaneous group of old friends, the former's male and female mutual selection and other elements will surely add ink at the reality show level. In addition, "Boy in Fresh Clothes" produced by Wa Haw Wa has also attracted more attention, and those over 18 years old can register if they meet any of the requirements of vocal music, dance, and performance. These stage variety shows show Tencent's determination to deepen youth culture this year.

Another strong contender for stage music is the S+ project "Youth π Program" co-produced by Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV (formerly known as "National Singer 2023" and "China Singing Competition"). The youth co-creation stage is only its "protective color", in fact, this show has launched the Supergirl talent contest mode, and several singers have led their own music variety shows. Audience recruitment is also aimed at groups under the age of 30 who have the attitude to dare to express themselves.

In the program recruitment information released by netizens, the program will recruit the following types of contestants. Musical monsters: unique creativity, unique musical style; Instrumental music master: proficient in blowing, pulling, playing and singing; Voice of the Times: Singing is good; Stage King Fried: Stage Feeling; Heart-stealing boy: singing from the heart. The guest lineup of the program has been spread by netizens in a variety of ways, Su Youpeng, Wang Xinling, Li Yuchun, and even writer Yu Hua, which are typical of the first to be popular.

It is not only new variety shows that bet on youth culture, such as the return of the third season of iQiyi's "Summer of the Band", which will also bring an impact on youth culture.

In addition to the video platform mentioned in the table, Zhejiang Satellite TV, as a "big user of the music complex", is also very enterprising. "No. 17 Music Warehouse", broadcast on February 17, uses the overall rules full of "dream-making", and mature musicians such as Zhang Dongliang and He Jie who have experienced the highlights and troughs of their careers, complete the stage of Livehouse music performances with different themes, connecting different social groups. The texture of the show is acceptable, and the popularity is dull.

Zhejiang Satellite TV's new music ensembles in 2023 also include "Elopement to the Ball" and "Chorus is Crazy", supplemented by the three must-have music ensembles "The Voice of China", "The Voice of God" and "Shining Band" every year. Everything points to a single principle: to capture the audience's desire to watch, it is necessary to maintain stable production and continuous innovation.

When the market warms up, can the sound complex be "supported"?

When Avril and Quan Zhilong have been "hotly discussed" on the proposed invitation list of domestic music ensembles, and Lisa Textile Department has actually appeared on the invitation list, the variety show market that can feel the integration of Chinese and foreign cultures seems to be slowly returning, can the music ensemble "support" in this year?

In the external environment, the recovery signal of the variety show market in 2023 is obvious enough. "Wuha 3" was broadcast less than a week ago, and it won the Maoyan Network Variety Show Hot List Daily View and Tencent iQiyi Popularity Double Day Crown; "Our Inn" has become a slow variety show; Pull in Fu Seoul, Yang Li, Yi Lijing, Yang Tianzhen four Internet "mouth replacement" dialogue guests Xiao Xianzhu "Expand and Talk", about appearance anxiety and other social topics are constantly discussed; "Let's Farm", which brought in a group of young men to farm, was hotly discussed, and the Weibo topic accumulated 3.748 billion and so on.

From the perspective of the investment market, the first half of 2022 seems to be a double heaven of ice and fire. The situation in the first half of the year is not optimistic, the situation of new variety shows "running naked" is not an exception, and it is not uncommon for variety shows with corresponding influence to be blocked from attracting investment. In 2023, the investment situation of iYoutengmang's variety show has become relatively considerable. Many new programs have been launched to attract as many as 5 or 6 brands, "Half-Acquainted Lovers 2" won 4 brands such as Zhixuan, Jinfang, Xinsanjiu Gastric Tai, and Tang Daren, and iQiyi's "Vowel Adventure" has six brands including Snapdragon and Baidu Intelligent Cloud to attract investment and so on.

Specific to the music variety market, in addition to the stage variety shows that are the easiest to "bet on treasures", some more vertical new variety shows that will be launched this year are also quite innovative. For example, Youku's "Drama Song" put the OST program on the stage for the first time. The growing OST market is related to the maturity of the industrialization of the film and television drama industry, the improvement of the standard and emphasis on the integration of drama and song, and the market demand reflected behind the desire to buy paid OST albums. Interestingly, in 2022, when the series carries a banner, there are few explosive OSTs. The program launches the OST variety show at this node, which may open the door for the industry to try its first attempt.

The attack on short video platforms should not be underestimated. The known information for 2023 is that several Baichuan variety show shows recorded by Douyin last year for broadcast will be broadcast successively this year. "Baichuan Le Time and Space", which has been broadcast on March 3, is also the highest program in the Byte variety show. Musicians including Ren Xianqi, Zhan Wenting, Huang Qishan, Wang Yuan and other musicians get along with cross-era audiences with music, staging scenes of "emotional killing". At the viewing meeting, the producer once told entertainment unicorns and other media that the Baichuan series of variety shows can be described as large-scale content production involution scenes, and the tidbits that have not been edited to the feature film may be the most. As of press time, the Baichuan variety show season as a whole has been played 1.92 billion times on Douyin.

In addition, Douyin's comprehensive n generation "Praise for Songs", Kuaishou launched last year whether there will be a follow-up to whether there will be a follow-up.

Music ensemble has always been an indispensable category in the variety show market, but the polarization is also particularly serious, and there are many cases where people are empty or unattended. According to past experience, although stage music ensembles are easy to produce explosive models, under the premise of endorsement by well-known production companies in the industry and the standard of standards, the key lies in "people". In 2023, the industry will ask what kind of rookies or works these new music ensembles can bring into the public eye, which needs to be tested by the market.

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