
There are countless Wen Dongen in real life, and I hope they can also usher in spring

There are countless Wen Dongen in real life, and I hope they can also usher in spring

This past weekend, many people stayed up late watching "Dark Glory 2".

For this show, viewers who have been waiting for the second season shouted "Do you know how I have spent most of the year!"; The hoarders were ecstatic, showing off 16 episodes in two days, watching and praying that it would not end like "The Little Son of the Chaebol Family" next door;

People who were not interested in Korean dramas were also shocked by the hot search on the day of the broadcast, and actively or passively joined the trial of this "Dark Glory 2"...

So after just two days, the Internet audience was automatically divided into "Yeonjina, Yeonjina" and "Who is Yeonjin?" There are two clear attitudes in this way. The former is addicted to this drama and can't extricate himself, while the latter is obviously a faction that has not seen this show.

A bar did not say that the audience who has not watched "Dark Glory 2" is wrong, everyone has different aesthetic orientations to watch the drama, and everyone has the freedom to watch the drama, but for the audience who have just brushed "Dark Glory 2", the stamina brought by this drama is too great.

From an authentic plot point of view, "Dark Glory" tells the story of Wen Dongen, who has suffered school violence, who "counter-kills" the abuser as a victim after a series of self-rescue.

The first season of the plot focuses on the victim's harm to the victim, and buries many details in the story lines of different characters, building a complete and huge network of character relationships. The second season focuses on how victims can exploit human weaknesses and let the abuser camp kill each other.

From the audience's point of view, because the expectation of the outcome of the victim's eventual victory has been clarified before watching the play, the actor performance and intricate character relationships of "Dark Glory" have become a topic of interest to everyone.

#Dark Glory aka black comedy is not blown #

The first thing that "became a hit" was the "Yeonjin literature" developed under the nagging of the heroine Moon Dong-eun at least three times per episode "Yeonjin-a, XXX". "Yeonjin-a" is already equivalent to the use of "God", and everyone has to sigh about it.

What's to say, the entire Internet is like Park Yeon-jin's doll at the end of the bed, whispering to her demon every day.

Even Park Yeon-jin's crazy literature is arranged:

(Laughing and crying (gloomy squatting walking (screaming) (slamming a wine bottle on the head of a passerby (syelling) (throwing the bag like a meteor hammer (yelling) (crying) running around on the road with a curling instrument (calming down, smoking) (writing a letter of resignation (rushing to sleep in the wizard's house (yelling after waking up) (throwing out his name tag (scolding passers-by Siba.)

In addition to the most typical Yeonjin literature, "Dark Glory", as a humorous large-scale comedy (at least we Chinese think so), has produced countless hilarious clips under the strange divergent thinking of netizens.

In order to get close to Park Yeon-jin's daughter, the heroine in the play deliberately chose the path of elementary school teacher, but it will naturally be localized by the audience after entering the Chinese market.

The audience based on the facts said that if Wen Dong Eun was a domestic elementary school teacher, she would have to wait until she retired at the age of 65 to seek revenge on Yeon-jin.

Hahahahaha, imagine that Wen Dongen is firmly trapped by teaching competitions, open classes, and leading class teachers, and has no time to think about revenge.

#笑着笑着就哭了 #

Cui Huiting, who was grabbed by the heroine, knelt down to confess her mistake to the heroine, hoping that the heroine would raise her noble hand and let her go, and netizens immediately arranged for this to be linked with "Crazy". According to the process, Cui Huiting should say, "If you don't dislike it, I want to give you a pension!"

Wen Dongen on the other side: Six months later, I bought Bai Jinhan and gave it to you.

Laugh to death, be strict, should be to buy the nap hahahahahaha

Also linked to "Crazy" are Park Yeon-jin and Crazy Donkey, Park Yeon-jin's expression of turning things and being caught in the middle of the night is exactly the same as Jack's donkey.

Make a bold guess, add the two together, and the swearing quote will be "Hey one west eight donkeys".

Park Yeon-jin has the same traditional virtues as the crazy donkey, that is, never take the route of internal attrition, never reflect on yourself, and always blame others.

The heroine said that I will have such a life because of you, and she replied "You were already in hell when you were born, no wonder I am"; met her husband at the heroine's house, the school bullying was exposed, and Representative He was very disappointed with her, she said, "When I meet you at the heroine's house, it should be me who is disappointed", secretly poking and suspecting that Representative He was cheating;

Caught by the river representative cheating on the real hammer, she took the lead to occupy the moral high ground, accusing the other party of making mistakes, "I am trying to maintain this marriage, but you have to tear things out and destroy our relationship!"

Friends, although Park Yeon-jin is a complete bad person, we should really learn from her attitude of actively seeking solutions. Let's not learn from her bad, but from her self-confidence. No matter how much mistake you have made and how many hurtful things you have done, directly reverse PUA on the victim, this logic is really perfect.

Park Yeon-jin's life is like:

In addition to the above, "Dark Glory" also has: more lively than Gu Li's birthday is Son Myung-woo's funeral, Son Myung-wu's accurate remarks to the bad guy squad, Park Yeon-jin's message to Representative Ha The other party did not reply, he said "I returned silence" and other wonderful content.

#没看的都给我去看!!! #

Needless to say, the lines of "Dark Glory" are really easy to use.

Overall, "Dark Glory" is definitely a good work of high quality, logical online, and can withstand repeated scrutiny, each actor interprets their role to the best, and after the audience's bells and whistles, the show shines with new brilliance.

If you have to talk about the shortcomings of this show, it may be that "Dark Glory" is suspected to be a realistic documentary...

"Dark Glory 2" was updated by Netflix at 16 o'clock last Friday, but at about 11 noon on the eve of the broadcast, the director of the show, An Jihao, was accused of committing school violence when he was a student.

The person who broke the news said that An Jihao threatened and beat his classmates with violence during his school in the Philippines, and said words such as "bring a knife" between words, and the violence lasted nearly 2 hours. Because the Philippines does not follow the strict seniority system in South Korea, under Ahn Jiho's instructions, boys in the lower grades of the school began to be beaten by the senior grades.

And the reason why this whistleblower came forward to expose An Jihao now is because he usually doesn't watch Korean dramas very much, and he doesn't know that An Jihao directed "Dark Glory". After the drama caused local discussion in the Philippines, he learned that An Jihao was the director of the show.

The whistleblower's original words: In fact, if An Jihao just lived well, I wouldn't say anything, but the bullying perpetrator's production of "Dark Glory" is absurd and unforgivable, so it is public.

If this is true, it is that the perpetrator of school violence, An Jihao, filmed a TV series that sounded the alarm for school bullies.

Aside from anything else, from the perspective of the TV series alone, whether this matter is true or not, if there is a problem with the director, the drama will definitely be affected, so An Jihao unexpectedly refuted the rumors.

According to the content provided by the whistleblower, everyone also began to wonder whether An Jihao was considered a school bully that year, because the cause of this incident was that An Jihao's girlfriend who was dating at that time was ridiculed by more than a dozen boys, and the reason for being ridiculed by the group was that she was dating senior students, and An Jihao, as a boyfriend, couldn't look past it, and then follow-up things happened.

After some viewers broke the story and crumpled it, they felt that An Jihao was excusable.

The attitude of some viewers is as follows: Before watching: How so??? After watching: this is the retribution that the whistleblower deserves!!!

Another group of viewers believes that even if there are extenuating circumstances, An Jihao's choice of method is wrong.

He had a dozen high school students violently beat two junior high school students for two hours, instructing his seniors to continue to abuse junior high school students, which is very problematic in itself???

Lined up the timeline, the news that An Jihao is suspected of being a perpetrator of school violence happened on the day of the broadcast of "Dark Glory", and he denied it at the time. As a result, two days later, the wave of people who were interested in the show had finished watching the play and began to discuss, and he admitted that he had committed school violence against others.

Ah this, ah this, An Jihao's wave is denied when the show is not broadcast, and it is admitted after the broadcast.

Yeonjin-a, our drama seems to be finished...

How to say, director An Jihao's series of operations outside the play has made a subtle correspondence between the ending and reality in "Dark Glory". His apology also made the entire drama form a "complete" closed loop.

In the ideal, we all hope that abusers like Park Yeon-jin can go to a bad end of self-inflicted suffering, and we all subconsciously think that evil will be defeated, but the reality is that as long as the victim does not speak up, the abuser does not remember what he has done.

The harsh reality just confirms Kim Eun-suk's original intention of creating this story.

Kim Eun-sook wrote "Dark Glory" when her daughter asked her, "Mom, I bully others, or I am bullied by others, which one is more heartache?" , her answer was that she would rather her daughter be bullied because she had the money to drag the perpetrator into hell. But most parents in real life do not have such confidence, so she wrote Wen Dongen's revenge story, hoping to have a positive impact and let everyone achieve mutual redemption.

She asked Wen Dongen, who was deeply hurt by school violence, to lend a hand when she met a little girl who was subjected to domestic violence, telling her, "The world is too messy and bad, so you must go to study abroad, study hard, and live a better life."

She wrote about Wen Dongen's mother's torture of Wen Dongen, telling everyone through the mouth of the character that although the mother-daughter relationship is destined, it is not unchangeable.

This is truly a salvation for East Asians, who are often bound by blood ties.

After Wen Dong Eun finally completes his revenge, she arranges an air conversation between Wen Dong Eun and another girl who died as a result of school violence, and Don Eun says that "the time has finally passed, congratulations to you and me, using in the age of 19".

The girl who was bullied died at the age of 18 in her youth, and since then her entire life has been lived in darkness, and after the completion of revenge, she ushered in a new life.

When watching the play, we admired the screenwriter's ability to lay out the details and take back the foreshadowing, and felt heartache for everyone who suffered from school bullying, and applauded when we saw them punching and punishing the abuser, but once they left the story created in the play and returned to reality itself, most victims could not get the ending like Wen Dongen.

Cheng Min, the prototype victim of the school bullying incident in "Dark Glory", said in an interview that the perpetrators "have always appeared in my dreams, and I was not alive even if I was alive when I was a student."

She was burned with a heated curling iron, and the scars are still on her body; Once the abuser is in a bad mood, she will prick her whole body with a pointed fork, and everywhere she can see it, which makes her dare not wear half sleeves in the summer; The abuser threatened her with Cheng Min's brother and told her that if you can't come, then we will go to your brother. For the sake of protecting his family, Cheng Min could not and did not dare to resist...

The most ironic thing is that the perpetrator only needs to provide 40 hours of social service plus a one-week suspension of school. When these people grew up, some worked in charities, some became sacred medical workers in the eyes of everyone after taking the nurse qualification certificate, and some obtained the social welfare teacher qualification certificate and began to contribute to society.

As if nothing had happened, the abusers did not have to take responsibility or pay any price, and walked step by step towards an incomparably brilliant life.

Just like director An Jihao, if it weren't for the victims jumping out to identify him after many years, it is estimated that he would have forgotten what happened back then, and won countless flowers and applause with the drama "Dark Glory".

Perhaps many viewers will resist the drama "Dark Glory" because of director An Jihao, and feel that it is ironic that a perpetrator of school violence filmed this drama. But Ah Ban feels that no matter how many years have passed, these perpetrators will not condemn themselves from the heart, they will apologize for public opinion, interest chains, public image, and other issues, but they will not repent because of their conscience.

Therefore, it is also unfair to the victim to block the perpetrator. People who have not experienced school violence must experience this experience from the perspective of the victim, so that they can bravely fight back when they and those around them encounter school violence.

#这段经历希望大家共情, and I hope you never encounter it #

Whenever we talk about some sharp and profound social topics, we will always subconsciously define these victims as "marginalized groups", such as how many people are subjected to domestic violence in the total population, how much probability of school violence occurring, etc., some people may also have a fluke mentality, feeling that as long as this matter does not happen to themselves, it doesn't matter what others are tortured into.

But for others, it is a matter of probability theory, and it is 100% devastating to put it on the person.

As ordinary people, in the face of these injuries, based on the instinct of seeking benefits and avoiding harm, everyone will choose to escape, which has nothing to do with right or wrong. But if you think from a different angle, when you are in it, everyone else is watching coldly, what will you think?

Not being an abuser is only the first step in moral standards, and there is still a long way to go. How to help the victim and how to avoid causing secondary harm to the victim are all things that need to be considered.

In real life, there will be countless Wen Don Eun, who do not have the executioners to dance for themselves, nor do they have the ability to overcome their fear and start over. In real life, there will also be countless Jiang Xiannan who have suffered domestic violence, they are trapped at home, unable to save themselves and cannot go out of the house to seek help, let alone someone will hand them a lipstick.

Any form of violence, any physical and psychological harm, can affect a person's entire life, regardless of size. So we hope that they in reality can also usher in a new spring like in the play.

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