
After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

author:Hi Boom Society

As we all know, since the old artist Pan Changjiang sold goods to make a fake wine scandal some time ago, all his achievements and contributions have been erased, and the before and after comparison is really embarrassing. The former "Uncle Pan" has also become "Panzi", and he proves with his actions that "the water of the network is very deep, Panzi, you can't grasp it."

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented
After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

I thought that Pan Changjiang would live a good life safely after these incidents, but I didn't expect that some netizens exposed the news that Pan Changjiang's family emigrated abroad, which once again attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

Originally, where others have the ability to settle is the business of the person concerned, and as outsiders, we not only have no right to interfere, but we cannot even denigrate others. Therefore, netizens are quite tolerant of Pan Changjiang's immigrants, saying that as long as they don't come back to make money after they go out, this comment can be described as a word.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented
After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

However, it is obvious that Pan Changjiang has not been able to do what netizens say, because this revelation is still recommending a certain brand of wine, so Ruye also doubts whether someone will use Pan Changjiang to immigrate to earn traffic and sell goods?

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

After all, netizens are still quite sensitive to the immigration of stars in the entertainment industry, although they will be tolerant and acceptable, but there is also a premise, that is, do not return to China to make money. Therefore, Pan Changjiang immigrants this material, many people speculate that it was deliberately made by someone with a heart, and the real purpose was to sell that wine.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

I have to say that these people really know how to play! At the beginning, Pan Changjiang overturned, and it was precisely because the wine sold in the live broadcast was fake, so that all the reputation of old artists accumulated over the years was buried. Let Pan Changjiang become a jumping beam clown that everyone laughs at.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

Unexpectedly, Pan Changjiang was still entangled with this wine even after immigration, but I don't know if this wine will overturn like the wine sold last time?

In recent years, many celebrities have immigrated, most of them just want to live a normal life, celebrities live too depressed in the mainland, they are afraid to recognize them when they go out, and there are many people chasing them everywhere they go. If you ask the security guard to maintain it, you will be said by the media to play a big name, do not interact with fans and worry about being said to float, get together with the opposite sex and be afraid of scandal, and you have to think twice about speaking, for fear that saying a wrong sentence will be overly guessed by everyone.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

On the contrary, it is not so serious abroad, after all, after going abroad, first of all, people there do not necessarily know these stars, and secondly, even if they do, there will definitely not be many. At least there will be no containment as in the country. Therefore, this is also the reason why so many stars want to go out.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

In fact, for celebrities to immigrate, Ruye still has that sentence, that is, wherever they want to go is their freedom, as long as they go out, don't take foreign nationality and come back to make money, Ruye is still indifferent to those stars immigrating.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

As for Pan Changjiang's exposure to the migration of the whole family, Ru Ye thinks it is also a half-truth! I think it's true, that's because Pan Changjiang's reputation really fell to the bottom after the wine selling incident, even if he later participated in the Spring Festival Gala, but he couldn't save the collapsed reputation.

After the fake wine storm, Pan Changjiang was exposed that his family emigrated abroad, and netizens commented

The reason why it is considered false is mainly that the revelation this time is the news of Pan Changjiang's migration, and then took the opportunity to sell alcohol. So from this point of view, it should be the fake news released by the relevant personnel of this brand of wine. Of course, it is not ruled out that the melon released by the brand side and Pan Changjiang is jointly released. So which one do you think is more likely?

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