
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

author:Bright Net

Vegetables, we eat almost every day, but some vegetable scraps are thrown away as garbage. So today, the folk master Gao Yan and the chef Xu Shiquan will teach us how to "turn waste into treasure" the part of vegetables that we don't like to eat or can't eat, so let's take a look with Fan Xiaoer~

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Folk master dish: corn leaf rice

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


After cleaning the peeled corn leaves, put them in a pot and blanch for 30 seconds, don't forget to cool the water after blanching. Note: Please keep the water that has been blanched from the corn leaves, it will be of great use.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Corn leaves are tough when blanched and convenient for wrapping minced meat.

Small class: corn leaves

Corn leaves are not only rich in polysaccharides and dietary fiber, but also contain a variety of amino acids and minerals, soaked in water to help promote blood circulation and relieve edema.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


Put the minced pork in a bowl, add green onion and ginger water, light soy sauce, salt and marinate for 5 minutes.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


After marinating, add the glutinous rice, corn kernels, crushed carrots, green beans, crushed seaweed, starch, chicken essence (fresh) soaked in advance to the minced meat to mix, and finally add a little water for blanching corn leaves, and the filling is completed. Note: The water in the minced meat should not be excessive.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Add starch to the minced meat, the taste is sticky and tender.


Wrap the prepared filling in the corn leaves, tie the ends of it, and finally place it on the water used to blanch the corn leaves and steam for 30-40 minutes.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Steamed corn leaf rice with boiled corn leaves to make it fragrant.

Folk master dish: lettuce leaf egg cake

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


Bring water to a boil, add salt, put the lettuce leaves into the pot and blanch for 1-2 minutes.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Blanch lettuce leaves with salt to remove bitterness. Lettuce leaves are rinsed with cool water to better maintain their crisp taste.

Small class: The nutritional value of lettuce leaves

(1) Lettuce leaf is the leaf part of lettuce, with high nutritional value, rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C, carotene and potassium, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements;

(2) Proper consumption of lettuce leaves can help improve mental condition, relieve fatigue, and the faint bitter taste can also stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, thereby promoting digestion and increasing appetite.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


Finely chop the lettuce leaves and put them in a large bowl, add the shrimp skin, flour, beat four eggs, stir all the ingredients well, add salt and chicken essence to taste.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Add shrimp skin to the lettuce leaves to enhance the flavor.


Heat the oil, pour the lettuce leaf paste into the pan and fry over medium-low heat, during which you can use a spatula to turn the dough and let it fry until golden brown on both sides, then pour it out and divide it into small pieces with a knife.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

The lettuce leaf egg cake cleverly removes the bitterness of the lettuce leaf, tastes crunchy, has a good taste, and is rich in layers, which makes people sincerely like it. Corn leaf rice is full of creativity, glutinous rice will fully absorb the aroma of corn, one bite, the rich corn aroma blooms in the mouth, you can also draw inferences, give full play to your imagination, add your favorite ingredients as filling~

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Celery may be a nightmare for many onigiri, but the nutrition of celery cannot be underestimated. Today, Chef Xu is going to make a dish with celery leaves to capture everyone's discerning taste buds in minutes!

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Kitchen science "stew" - why is celery flavor disgusted and loved?

In life, many people form two distinct factions of celery and coriander, and those who like it can't put it down, and those who hate it stay away. This is most likely caused by the special flavor of these two types of vegetables - aldehydes. Some people think that this phenomenon is likely related to human genes. Scientific studies have found that people's likes and dislikes of coriander may be related to the diversity of a nucleotide near an olfactory gene, OR6A2, which happens to be responsible for sensing aldehydes, but the final conclusions of this study are not enough to support this view. In short, genetics has little effect on whether people like coriander, in fact, taste preferences are affected by many aspects, which may be personal experience, acquired environment, etc., so we don't have to worry about this.

Grand Chef dish: celery leaf meatballs

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


Blanch celery leaves and cool the water, chop the shrimp into fillings, add the fat meat and mix, then add salt, pepper, green onion and ginger water and beat vigorously (stir in one direction).

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Blanch celery leaves with salt to remove odors.


Squeeze out excess water from celery leaves, chop and squeeze out the juice to further remove the odor of celery leaves.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~


Take a small bowl, add garlic, millet spicy sauce, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, stir well to make a dipping sauce.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Pour more rice vinegar when preparing the dipping sauce to remove the odor in celery.


Mix the minced meat with celery leaves, make the filling into meatballs, fry them in a frying pan at low temperature, and then remove the meatballs after they float and eat.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~
The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Tip: Do not stir the balls in the pan to prevent them from falling apart.

The hand-beaten celery leaf balls eat the teeth, tendons, and burst juice in the mouth, without the slightest peculiar smell of celery leaves, but with a touch of fragrance and sweetness, which really makes people addicted, eat and want to eat.

The humble vegetable leaves are actually treasures! This is delicious~

Sometimes if you change a pattern, you can turn waste into treasure, and make your favorite ingredients into favorite dishes, and maybe you can get the picky mouth at home.

Source: CCTV Home for Dinner

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