
Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

author:Dr. Yu Fang talks about health

Everyone needs to consume a certain amount of food every day to maintain the operation of life. As the largest digestive organ in the body, the stomach needs to digest and break down a variety of foods every day; Good or bad eating habits often affect the health of the stomach.

Banana, ancient name sweet plantain. Its flesh is soft and sticky, sweet and delicious. Legend has it that Shakyamuni, the first Buddhist patriarch, gained wisdom by eating bananas, and was known as the "fruit of wisdom". Regular consumption of bananas is not only beneficial to the brain, prevent nervous fatigue, but also moisturize the lungs, relieve cough, and prevent constipation.

But some people say that you can't eat bananas with stomach problems, is this true? Let's find out together.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems?

Doctor: Patients with stomach problems can generally eat bananas, but pay attention to the appropriate amount.

Gastric disease is a general term for stomach diseases, including acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, stomach polyps, gastric stones, etc. Patients with stomach problems should strengthen dietary care in daily life, because developing good eating habits is conducive to disease control.

Bananas contain very high sugar, which will stimulate stomach acid, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and cause clinical manifestations such as fullness, belching, abdominal pain and so on.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

You can eat some bananas occasionally and in small quantities, bananas are also rich in nutrients, which can help soften stool and promote the excretion of stool. If the patient also has symptoms of constipation, they can eat some bananas in moderation.

Doctor's reminder: If you want to protect the stomach, the following 4 fruits should be touched as little as possible!

1. Lemon

Lemons also contain more acidic substances, if a large amount of lemons are carried out when stomach lesions, it may irritate the gastric mucosa, causing gastric acid to continue to secrete.

In this way, excessive gastric acid secretion will cause damage to the gastric mucosa and may also lead to impaired stomach function. Therefore, if there is a stomach lesion, you should choose suitable food to obtain nutrients and avoid eating a lot of lemons when the stomach function is impaired.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

2. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is a cold fruit, with the effect of moisturizing the intestines and relieving constipation, ordinary people eat too much, will be prone to diarrhea. And people with gastrointestinal discomfort eat, it is likely to increase the burden on the stomach, resulting in aggravation of discomfort symptoms, so it is still recommended that these stomachs are not good.

Patients with acid reflux and stomach pain themselves eat less, or even do not eat, if they can do not eat, of course, it is the best.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

3. Persimmons

People suffering from stomach problems should eat less persimmons, which contain tannic acid, which is easy to combine with stomach acid to form indigestible substances.

Suffering from stomach diseases, eating persimmons can easily lead to worsening stomach problems and causing adverse symptoms, so it is said that the diet should be strictly controlled.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

4. Fresh dates

Fresh dates taste crisp and sweet, and have a high vitamin content, known as "vitamin pills". Eating more fresh dates can help improve the body's immunity, but for people with a bad stomach, it is necessary to eat it with caution.

Because fresh dates contain a large amount of dietary fiber, it is very detrimental to digestion, and eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

And although the jujube peel looks thin and brittle, it is very hard, and it is easy to scratch the gastric mucosa after eating it, which will aggravate the stomach pain phenomenon for people who suffer from gastric ulcers and gastritis.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

How to maintain stomach health? It is recommended to do 4 points well

1. Massage more Shenque points

Shenque Acupoint is in the navel eye, has the reputation of "the foundation of the five internal organs", often massage the Shenque Point, can improve abdominal distention, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other problems.

The operation method is also relatively simple, one palm on the navel, the other hand on the back of the hand, slowly kneading clockwise, ten minutes each time, to local slight fever is appropriate. It can be done once in the morning and once in the evening. Adhere to it every day, help intestinal peristalsis, improve the digestive ability of the stomach, and improve the health of the stomach.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

2. Don't overeat

To improve the standard of stomach function is not to eat too full, many people eat a lot of food in three meals, always eat until they are very full, think that eating a little full provides richer nutrients, can promote health, meet the needs of the body.

In fact, to reduce the pressure on the stomach and digest normally, seven or eight minutes full per meal is the most ideal state. If you eat very well all the time, not only will digestion become slow, but it may also induce stomach problems, and this behavior needs to be corrected.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

3. Stay away from cold and irritating foods

Cold and cold irritating foods have always been very popular with the public, such as the most common sorbet, ice cream, cold fruit, etc. in life. However, from the perspective of body maintenance, regular consumption of cold foods is actually very detrimental to stomach maintenance.

Because cold foods are very irritating, regular consumption is likely to cause serious damage to gastrointestinal function. In this case, the incidence of various stomach diseases will be greatly increased.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

4. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning

Warm boiled water will not irritate the stomach, but also replenish and balance the water in the body in time, which has a very good stomach nourishing effect. In addition, because at night our body consumes a part of the water.

Therefore, drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can promote blood circulation in the body, improve the environment of the stomach, and also help detoxify the intestines.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

Extension: 4 behaviors that can damage stomach health!

1. Drink carbonated drinks

Many people usually drink carbonated drinks instead of boiled water, but they don't know that carbonated drinks contain more carbon dioxide, and it is easy to burp if you ingest too much.

Moreover, excessive intake of these substances has obvious irritation to the gastric mucosa, which may lead to more and more gastric acid secretion, so that the manifestation of decreased gastric function will become more and more obvious.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

2. Get angry often

Many people should have heard the saying "angry stomach hurts", this statement has some truth, anger does have a certain impact on the stomach.

Because when we are angry, the brain will be in a tense situation, and the central nervous system will cause stomach spasms after being affected, resulting in pain in the stomach.

Once you have stomach pain, you can relieve stomach cramps by massage, and if necessary, you can choose drugs to reduce the pain.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

3. Talk while eating

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking, this is the old saying. Until now, in order to be able to seriously "chew slowly and swallow", it is also necessary to avoid talking or swallowing during meals to avoid swallowing too much gas, resulting in adverse indigestion reactions.

At the same time, eating fast can also easily cause food to burn the oral and esophageal mucosa, which may bury hidden dangers for oral cancer and esophageal cancer.

Can't you eat bananas with stomach problems? Doctor: If you want to protect your stomach, try to touch these 4 fruits as little as possible!

4. Long-term use of the drug

You know, although many drugs can help the human body treat diseases, they also have side effects on the stomach.

These drugs include: antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, adrenal glucocorticoids, etc., which will eventually damage the gastric mucosa, cause inflammation and ulcers, and even cause gastric bleeding and perforation.

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