
Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

author:Manage the little birds

What is unique about Huawei's cadre management concept, which is sought after by the industry? How did Huawei create such a large number of cadres who can "die-hard" to open up territory for the company? Let's take a look with the editor next~

1. Revealing Huawei's cadre management

What exactly does cadre management do? It is nothing more than the four modules of selection, education, management and use. So what is special about Huawei's cadre management philosophy?

1) Selection: Cadres must come from the grassroots frontline

Huawei's cadre team is very large, currently there are about 12,000 cadres, and there are many talents with comprehensive capabilities. However, personnel who do not have successful practical experience at the grassroots level cannot be selected to become cadres.

Huawei's Basic Law stipulates: "A person who has no peripheral work experience cannot serve as a department head. Persons without grassroots work experience cannot serve as cadres at or above the section level. ”

2) Education: New cadres are required to participate in the 90-day turnaround program

Within 90 days, cadres will manage through three processes: personal role recognition, transition coach training, and job achievement assessment. The first fire is to let you know what you should do, the second fire is to roughly see what you can do, and the third fire is to evaluate and review the results of your work to help cadres better adapt to new management roles and ensure a successful turnaround.

3) Pipe: Frequent cadre flow

Huawei resolutely does not allow cadres to be rigid, and does not allow cadres to circulate only in a certain department or system, generally speaking, a cadre has to be adjusted in less than 3 years, and Huawei pays attention to the "of" of cadres. "Growth" means job rotation and rotation. That is to say, a cadre does not go up in his own field, for example, R&D cadres go to the market, to the supply chain, and then to procurement, etc. must go through multiple business fields.

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

4) Use: the spirit and culture of cadres who can go up and down

After the change of position, it will be easy to change the post, and Huawei will eliminate no less than 10% of cadres every year, and high-level cadres also need to be eliminated, which is strongly implemented at Huawei.

2. Interpret Huawei's three major thinking on the supply chain of cadres

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

Almost all HR and companies know to value cadres and key positions, and they are actively practicing it. But why is Huawei's cadre management praised by the industry? This is not only because Huawei's cadre management is effective, but also because Huawei is good at using the three major thinking of talent supply chain to do cadre management.

1) Product thinking

Huawei treats every cadre as a product. The selection criteria for cadres are as important as product standards, and the first step in Huawei's cadre management is to clarify the mission and responsibilities of cadres and unify the selection criteria for cadres. How high the requirements for products are, how high the requirements for cadres are, how the products are produced, how the cadres manage.

2) Business thinking

To manage cadres based on business thinking, we must learn to allocate resources rationally and maximize benefits. The reason why Huawei insists on selecting cadres from the grassroots frontline is that only the grassroots personnel are closest to the frontline and most familiar with the company's business, and the selected cadres are more able to create benefits for the company. Huawei's cadres "can go up and down", insisting on eliminating 10% of cadres every year is the same reason, if cadres only go up and not down, it will cause cadres to be hardened, waste of resources and difficult to produce benefits.

3) Agile thinking

Many companies are advocating HR agility, but few are fully agile. In Huawei's cadre supply chain system, Huawei has always insisted on building a reserve talent pool. Behind each management cadre there will be a management level 3 reserve team, a management level 4 cadre reserve team, a management level 5 cadre reserve team, and an employee cadre reserve team, ensuring that Huawei has enough cadres to select at any time and achieve cadre supply without time difference.

03 Cadre management is a complete set of system engineering, the essence of which is to serve and employ people

Of course, in addition to Huawei, there are many benchmark companies that have done excellent management of cadres, and in the process of serving enterprises for many years to carry out cadre management and selection, and build a talent supply chain, Basewise has also made the following four key findings:

1) Organizations with different levels of maturity need cadres with different styles and characteristics

Excellent cadres all have common characteristics, but not all cadres must have exactly the same characteristics. Huawei's cadres have always been known for their "wolf nature", but in fact, in Huawei's development stage in the past few decades, the cadre characteristics needed are not only wolf nature.

From 2005 to 2010, Huawei transformed itself into a telecom solution provider, and it needed cadres who were proactive, able to navigate change, and drive growth. In the future, Huawei needs cadres who dare to take risks and build a vision with enterprises in the no-man's land of 5G R&D.

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

2) Cadres who match people-posts and people-organizations are really suitable good cadres

The ability of cadres to be competent for the post depends not only on their matching degree with the post, but also on their compatibility with the organization. Many companies use "performance" as the only selection criterion, but at Huawei, employees must be measured against their core values, and the more senior the personnel, the more they need to recognize, practice, and inherit the company's core values. Only in this way can we ensure that the selected cadres match Huawei's organizational culture and overall atmosphere, and accompany Huawei to go longer and further.

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

3) Cadre selection requires more dimensional data support

Different enterprises have different evaluation standards for cadres, and Huawei requires cadres to have 4 forces, decision-making, interpersonal connection, understanding, and execution, but what are the criteria for evaluating these 4 forces? Different people have different evaluation criteria and lack comparability.

The assessment products of Basewise can be directly linked to various ability items required by the enterprise, and a large number of candidate cadres can be collected in a short period of time, and the candidates' ability scores are clear at a glance, efficient and reliable.

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

4) Integrate testing and training, find the crux, and don't waste time on unnecessary training

Huawei's most important training model is the "721" rule, which means that 70% of competency improvement comes from practice, 20% from the help of tutors, and 10% from classroom learning.

The portraits of cadres are varied, and the training courses required are different depending on the advantages and disadvantages of their abilities. How to ensure that this 10% course study can truly solve the problem of cadres' shortcomings? The best solution is the integration of testing and training! Diagnose the problem first and understand the shortcomings of the cadres' capabilities, so that we can tailor training courses in a targeted manner and truly personalize to maximize the ROI of talent development.

Reveal Huawei's unique features in cadre management: 3 talent supply chain thinking and 4 cadre management concepts

04 Summary

Learning benchmarked HR models is never a copy. Even if you learn to copy, you can't paste. Human resource management must be closely integrated with the strategic business of enterprises, and Huawei's executive management model is a successful practice of combining human resources management and business, and it is the best case that every HR should learn and think about.

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