
The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

author:Splendid v Shandong

#Spring plowing in progress#Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Jinxiu V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked dishes, which are also very popular and very common. Every day, ordinary ingredients are used to make the most delicious meals. At the same time, I hope that today's food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Sweet and sour tofu

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked


300g tofu, 1 egg, 15g minced garlic, 20g peanut oil, 50g tomato paste, 20g sugar, 10g vinegar, 3g salt, 30g water starch


1 Cut the tofu into small pieces.

2 Pound the eggs into a bowl and mix well.

3 Cover the tofu with a layer of egg wash.

4 Add a little oil to a nonstick frying pan and fry tofu.

5 Fry until golden brown on both sides.

6 Put oil in a pot and stir-fry with minced garlic. Add the tomato sauce and stir-fry.

7 Add sugar, vinegar and salt and stir-fry, pour in water starch.

8 Add tofu and stir-fry well.

9 Remove from pan and plate and enjoy.

Pea tip egg soup

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: pea tips, eggs, green onions.

Practical process:

1. Crack the five local eggs into a large bowl, then stir well with chopsticks, then boil the oil, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid oil and fry until the eggs are slightly charred and cooked through.

2. Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, put in a few green onions, boil over high heat, then add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

3. Then turn back to high heat, put in the cleaned pea tips to cook, and then add a drop of chicken essence to freshen, you can eat it out of the pot.

Stir-fried meat with peanut sprouts

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

【Ingredients】: Peanut sprouts to taste, pork to taste, oyster sauce 2 tablespoons, a little starch, 1 spoonful cooking wine, salt to taste, 2 cloves of garlic,


1. Cut the pork into strips, mix well with cooking wine, salt and starch, marinate for 20 minutes and set aside;

2. First remove the peanut coat, boil a pot of water, blanch the peanut sprouts for about three minutes, fish them out and set aside;

3. Heat the oil pot over high heat, first add ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, then add shredded meat and stir-fry until the pork changes color;

4. Put peanut sprouts and stir-fry for a while, add oyster sauce, soy sauce and sugar to taste, add a little water, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes;

5. Pour in starch water before leaving the pot to get out of the pot.

Scrambled eggs with garlic

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: Garlic seedlings, egg, light soy sauce, salt, white wine, chicken essence, oyster sauce.


1. Remove the yellow leaves from the outside of the garlic seedlings, remove the roots, clean them, and cut them into pieces of about two centimeters.

2. Crush the egg into a bowl, stir well, drop two drops of white wine into it, continue to stir well, pour vegetable oil into the pot, heat it to 60% hot, add egg liquid and fry until fragrant, stir while stirring, fry it into large pieces and present.

3. Heat the oil in another oil pan, add the garlic seedlings to start the reimbursement for about two minutes, and then put the eggs in. Pour in a spoonful of light soy sauce, stir-fry a spoonful of oyster sauce and sprinkle with salt and chicken essence.

Fried lotus root chips with Dutch beans

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked


Preparation: (1) A little Dutch beans, remove the old tendons and clean well. Remove the skin of the lotus root, rinse well, cut into thin slices, and wash twice to remove the starch.

(2) Peel and wash the carrots and cut them into thin slices; Soak the fungus in advance, wash and set aside. Prepare minced garlic and chopped green onion.

(3) Add water to the pot, pour in the lotus root slices after boiling, and cook for one minute to fish. Then pour in the Dutch beans and carrot slices, cook for half a minute. Then pour in the black fungus and cook for two minutes.

(4) Add oil to another pot, heat it up, pour in the minced garlic frying pan, then pour in all the ingredients, and stir-fry over high heat for one minute.

(5) Finally, add salt and sugar and stir-fry evenly, then pour a little starch water to hook the thin potato, sprinkle some green onions after coming out of the pot, and the dish is ready.

Broccoli eggs

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked
  1. Prepare a broccoli, cut off the stalks, then cut into small pieces, put them into a pot, put in a spoonful of salt, a handful of ordinary flour, soak for 20 minutes, stir a few times by hand salt can play a role in disinfection and sterilization, flour has a strong adsorption, because broccoli seeds are relatively dense, it is easy to leave some insect eggs and dust,

2. Prepare some dried fungus, soak it in cool water in advance, wash it and tear it into small pieces, half a carrot, match the color, cut into diamond-shaped slices, beat 2 eggs in the basin, stir well,

3. Prepare small ingredients, pat garlic and ginger flat, chop and chop some green onion,

4. After the broccoli is soaked, wash it several times, control the dry moisture and put it in the pot, pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, stir it evenly, lock in nutrients without loss, and stir-fry the color is emerald green without yellowing.

5. Bring water to a boil, put in a grate, spread the broccoli evenly on it, steam for three minutes,

6. Then come the seasoning sauce, put an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, steamed fish soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, a spoonful of potato starch, half a spoonful of water, stir well,

7. Pour oil into the pot, pour in the egg liquid and fry into crushed eggs, put it out, put a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the green onion, ginger and garlic to make the aroma, stir-fry until slightly yellow, pour in the steamed broccoli, stir-fry a few times, pour in the scrambled eggs, pour the seasoned sauce into it, add a little onion oil to make the color bright, stir-fry 5 or 6 times, you can take it out of the pot and put it on the plate.

Homemade wood beard meat

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: black fungus, lean meat, 2 eggs, cucumber, oil, cooking wine, peppercorns, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, starch, green onion, ginger, minced garlic.


(1) Wash the black fungus soaked hair, tear it into small pieces, and slice the cucumber; Put the lean meat slices in a bowl, pour a little cooking wine, soy sauce and a little starch or tender meat powder, mix well and marinate for a while; Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat up; Put the wok on the fire, put oil, and after the oil is hot, spread the eggs out, beat and put out;

(2) Add some more oil, heat the oil and add peppercorns, take out the peppercorns after they change color and aroma, put the meat slices and stir-fry, put green onions, ginger, minced garlic, soy sauce and stir-fry after the break, pour eggs, fungus, cucumbers into the color and continue to stir-fry, add a little salt, you can also add some soup or water, and finally put some chicken essence, stir-fry and evenly out of the pot.

Chilled cucumber

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 1 spoonful of chili 椒️ powder, 1 spoonful of minced garlic, 1 spoonful of white sesame seeds, 2 spoons of cooked peanut rice


  1. Clean the cucumber, pat it flat and cut it into chunks, put it in a bowl and set aside.
  2. Mix the sauce: Add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, white sesame seeds, chili powder to a bowl, add an appropriate amount of hot oil to stimulate the aroma, then add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of white sugar and stir well.
  3. Pour the coleslaw into a cucumber bowl and mix well with peanut rice.

Stir-fried garlic with minced meat

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: 300 grams of garlic, 200 grams of minced meat, 2 grams of salt, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, 2 small red peppers, some chopped green onion, some minced ginger, some cooking oil

1. Cut the garlic into small cubes and finely chop the minced meat.

2. Put oil in a pot, heat the oil, add chopped green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add minced meat and stir-fry until the meat turns white. Pour in the diced garlic and stir-fry well.

4. Add salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, stir-fry well to collect the juice.

Stir-fry chrysanthemums

The 10 delicious dishes in March, the family has to eat every three to five, very smooth and tender and cooked

Ingredients: chrysanthemum, 2 pieces of garlic, dried red pepper, garlic cloves, salt, light soy sauce, a little chicken essence.

Method: 1. I prepared 6 chrysanthemums, this vegetable looks like rape, the color is more green than rape, the leaves are staggered, very like blooming chrysanthemums, the leaves are broken off one by one, put into a large pot, soaked in light salt water for five minutes, rinse several times with running water, and then take out the controlled dry water.

2. Cut the dried red pepper into small pieces, mince the garlic, put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, pour in the chili pepper and garlic minced after the oil is hot and stir-fry until fragrant, pour the clean moisture of the chrysanthemum into the pot and stir-fry, stir-fry for a few minutes to make the chrysanthemum soft.

3. Add a small spoonful of edible salt, a little chicken essence, a spoonful of light soy sauce to taste, continue to stir-fry for a while, the vegetable leaves are all soft and collapsed, you can put it out, sweet and nutritious low in calories, degreasy and not on fire, delicious and easy to do.

I am the author of the field of gastronomy Splendid V Shandong, if you like my article, welcome to follow me! Follow me, cook every day without getting lost, and update the food every day. What's your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor, everyone in the comment area to tell us which of the most memorable foods you have eaten. If you don't know what to eat every day, welcome to follow me and share delicious food with everyone every day. Daily update articles, see you and do not disperse, welcome to forward, so that more people who love food can share together.

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