
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold

author:Jiu Yimei

Now office workers are tight on time, there is no time to cook after work, order takeaway, takeaway oil has a lot of fat, and even more "gutter oil" and "fake mutton", creating office workers "invincible". The following is an introduction to a fast dish that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold, simple and easy to learn, low-fat and nutritious food.

In the lamb radish stew vermicelli, the smell of lamb can be fused with the sweetness of carrots, and the aroma of lamb masks the earthy smell of carrots, which is simply delicious!

Spring belongs to the season of recovery of all things, at this time eating mutton can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, but also resist the spring cold. Mutton contains a variety of nutrients, with the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, nourishing yin and kidney, warming qi and blood, etc., but it is not advisable to eat more in spring, which is easy to make the body on fire, causing indigestion, sore throat, constipation and other phenomena.

In the past few days, the body is weak, and the child has suffered from wind and cold. Today, let's get a nutritious and cold-repelling lamb radish stew vermicelli, which is simple and can be made in 3 minutes.

The first is to prepare the ingredients, a small piece of cooked lamb left over from the Spring Festival, 2 carrots, a piece of tofu, an appropriate amount of vermicelli, green onion, ginger, coriander, salt, monosodium glutamate, and an appropriate amount of peppercorns.

The second is to slice the lamb, cut the carrot and tofu into thick strips, chop the green onion, minced ginger, and coriander for later use.

A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold

The third is to spread the noodles to the bottom of the casserole, put in the salt prepared in advance, peppercorns, and then add lamb slices, carrots, tofu, green onions in turn, pour an appropriate amount of boiling water, and turn on the fire.

A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold
A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold

The fourth is to boil the casserole until the vermicelli becomes soft, add MSG and sprinkle coriander.

A good product that nourishes yin and yang, warms the stomach and drives away cold

(If you like spicy, you can put some chili oil)

Hot, delicious and healthy lamb radish stew vermicelli, ready in a few minutes. The deliciousness of lamb and the sweetness of carrots, simple seasoning increase the integration of lamb and carrots, delicious in the world, rare.