
Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

author:Illustrated movies
Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors


Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Today brings an oh roar very weird anime ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

From Israel. When it comes to this country, one key word cannot be ignored: the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Let's look at the illustration.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

At the beginning of the picture, a large tree has withered. Branches of the trees.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The title of the film appears faintly: Strange Fruit. The domestic translation is generally "The Murder of the Fruit", in fact, Pear prefers another translation: Kiwi Fruit.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

A rope was thrown up like a noose.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

A pair of large hands knotted the rope.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

It's an uncle with glasses. The uncle stepped back, pulled the rope, and his body was strange.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

It turned out to be doing a swing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The child appears as the uncle's son.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle lifted his son above his head. The appearance of the son has a very Jewish characteristic: high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, black hair.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle showed the swing to his son, who was very happy.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The son plays on the swing alone in the sunset. Father's figure is towering, like a big mountain.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle touched his son's head.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Tell your son that he is leaving for a while.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Have fun alone! Meow!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle left, and the son swung and swung

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors


Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Hey? A strange figure appeared under the tree!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

It's a green kid! It's amazing!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child said hello timidly

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

For the sake of distinction, let's call him Grey Boy.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child also wanted to play with the swing, and he stepped forward and sat weakly next to the gray child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The gray child was very happy, and finally had a playmate ~ he touched his shoulder and touched the green child's shoulder.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The shoulders were also infected by the color of the green child and turned green!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child shrugged and said he didn't know what was going on. Just then, the uncle appeared!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle's body cast a long shadow. The green child looked back and saw the demonic uncle.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child ran away. The Grey Child didn't understand what was happening and waved his hand to hold on.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle bent down and took out a pure white handkerchief in his hand.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Carefully and carefully wiped the green of the gray child's body.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

A few days later...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child was still under the tree, secretly watching the swing, waiting for the gray child to appear.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

For a whole day, the Grey Child did not appear. The green child sat sadly on the swing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The camera zooms farther away, and the uncle holds the little hand of the gray child and looks at the green child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle gave his son a look and signaled him to go to the green child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The gray child rushed to find the green child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Walk behind the green child~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

I'll help you push, okay?

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Push ~ swing so high and high.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Push again!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child called out and flew out.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Fell to the ground. The green child looked back at the gray child. The Grey Child's eyes did not have the slightest friendliness of the past.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The Gray Child rolled up his sleeves and threatened the Green Child to leave. The green child's eyes were full of hatred.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Seeing this, the uncle nodded.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Another few days later.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Or this old tree, or this swing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Under the tree, father and child...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

In a knot to a rope... Is it to make a swing for the green child as well?

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The other end of the rope is connected to endless darkness.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors
Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The Grey Boy came to the side of the swing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Seems to be waiting for someone to appear. The wind blew, and the gray child's hair fluttered.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Take a look at the swing, which also has the colors left by the green child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The gray child is on the swing, waiting for the green child to appear.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Is it to apologize for what happened last time?

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Bored ~~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

At this time, the green child appeared! Still timid. Because of the last incident, the green child was very afraid of the gray child.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The gray child waved his hand and asked the green child to come over.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child hesitated, or passed.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Sit on a swing. The gray child's expression seemed to be laughing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Night, deep night.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

A rope swung into the tree.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Knotted, as in the beginning of the film.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Step back and pull the rope~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors


Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child's body is still very fresh. His color turned liquid, dripping down drop by drop.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The gray child looked at the green child's body and seemed to be laughing.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The green child swayed in the wind, the green dripped down, and the flow became larger and larger.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The fading of green changed from drop by drop to intermittent.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The Grey Child can finally play happily on the swing ~ no one bothers anymore~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Green flowed to the gray child's face. The Grey Boy didn't know.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Gradually... The Grey Child has also become...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Turned into a green! child! child!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

What the Grey Boy remembered!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Daddy's axe behind him has been slashed!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Cut the swing with one knife! The Grey Child ran away!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Dad did not have the original kindness and kindness.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The grey child hid under the tree and shrank in fear.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle will be killed! Ultimate Upanishads!

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Little Black wiped his face, revealing gray skin.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Recognizing that it was his own child, the uncle stopped the mad killing. A drop of color dripped on the top of his head, and the uncle understood everything.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Looking at his own child, thinking back to the madness he just went to kill the green child, uncle...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Uncle covers his face (*/ω\*)

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The uncle put down his axe and stepped forward to comfort him.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Honey, I'm wrong, I'm wrong...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Don't sell cute! Sonata Kai ~

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The boy picked up the axe.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Stood under the tree

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

An axe

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors
Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors
Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The lens pulls away

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The trees are covered with green children...

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

Today's moonlight is very beautiful

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The film ends with the sound of gray children's logging.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

It is not difficult to see that this weird animation is about the exclusion of human nature. The grey child is Israeli, while the green child represents Palestinians of different skin tones. The father in the film cares for his son meticulously, but he shows no mercy to foreign races and kills them. What is even more frightening is that under his education, children also learn to instinctively reject foreigners. The fence metaphor at the end of the film is obvious, referring to the Palestinian-Israeli border. A child's logging can be seen as a child's awakening to his own atrocities and his conversion to evil.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

The film is only seven minutes long, and with very cruel pictures and storylines, it awakens people's reflection on racial discrimination and human nature. Father and son's inhumane atrocities against foreign races are beasts. In addition, the father's love for his son contrasts sharply with the father's ruthlessness towards foreign races, which makes people feel a lot of emotions. Just seven and a half minutes, contains too much stuff.

Illustration - "Kiwi" We have different colors

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