
These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

author:Qing'er's sister cooks food

Add some vertical spice to your home or yard with these ten extraordinary succulents that reach a height (or length) of one meter or more.

1. Foxtail agave

These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

Foxtail agave is a member of the agave family used to make tequila and agave nectar. This succulent plant grows tongue-like pale green leaves that protrude from the thick stem into a rosette. During the summer growing season, when conditions are suitable, the central peduncle can be bloomed and yellow flowers can bloom. It takes more than a decade to reach a maximum height of 1.5 meters.

Care tips for bristle agave

Foxtail agave loves light and plenty of sunlight in its location. Like all succulents, there is little need for water. As a rule of thumb – grow briscetail agave in slightly acidic, well-drained, sandy soil and change pots every 2 years while the agave grows. Prune this succulent by removing the basal leaves.

2. Madagascar palm

The Madagascar palm is not a real palm, but a succulent that looks a lot alike. This makes it a great houseplant because it is as low maintenance as other succulents. This tall succulent plant can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors and up to 20 feet outdoors.

These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

Maintenance tips

Madagascar palms thrive in full sunlight and need good sun exposure if kept indoors. Potting it in fast-draining cactus soil or well-drained sandy soil. Watering is only needed when the soil is completely dry; When it goes dormant, it retains moisture in winter. Feed with liquid manure at the beginning of spring.

String of pearls

These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

It grows long trailing tailstems covered with these "pearls" and can be more than 1 meter (3 feet) long. An excellent option for hanging baskets where you can show off the trailing stem. In its native Namibia, it spreads and drapes, and this striking appearance makes it attractive as a houseplant. It blooms every summer with small white flowers with a cinnamon flavor.

Tips for caring for pearl strings

Maintenance of this beautiful hanging succulent is easy. It prefers a bright location and avoids direct sunlight and warmth with temperatures at least 50°F (10°C). Watering is very light - only when the soil of your string of pearls dries up. It can only be fed during the growing season, diluted liquid feed is added to the watering.

4. Soap Yucca

These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

This dendritic plant is a popular tall succulent plant that can be maintained indoors or outdoors if the temperature is right. Under the right conditions, soap tree yucca can reach heights of more than 14 feet (4.5 meters). There are many varieties or subspecies of this popular plant that have long brown cylindrical trunks and stems that produce slender rotating leaves. Soap tree yucca can produce white bell-shaped flowers and long brown pods filled with black seeds.

Care tips for soap tree yucca

Soap tree yucca is hardy enough to grow in temperate climates and survive cold winters. In full sunlight, plant this tall succulent in well-drained, alkaline soil. If you want a tall plant, you will have to wait. This yucca grows very slowly, about an inch per year!

5. African milk trees

These 5 beautiful tall succulents are suitable for indoor growth! Do you have one at home?

If you want to grow fast-growing tall succulents at home or in your garden, African milk trees are one of the best options. This striking African succulent can grow up to 10 feet (more than 3 meters) in height. Prepare for rapid growth that can exceed 2 feet (60 cm) per year. This shiny, dark green succulent plant has an erect, ridge-like trunk from which the erect lateral stems break off. There are also thorns and thin teardrop-shaped leaves on the ridge.

Maintenance tips

This succulent is very hardy and can tolerate cold winters with temperatures as low as 27 °F (-3 °C). It also multiplies well and can be quickly established from stem cuttings. Grow African milk trees in fertile, well-drained soil. It loves the sun, so plant it outdoors in a sunny place or place your indoor plants next to sunny windows. Plant care is important. Without the right amount of sunlight and too much shade, it won't grow or even die. Limit watering during winter dormancy and feed once or twice during the growing season. Be careful! Due to its toxicity and shark sting, remember to keep pets and children away.

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