
Sometimes I cry unconsciously, I always feel that I am sullen and unhappy, what should I do?

author:365 good mood

Some fans asked: I always feel that I am sullen and unhappy, and sometimes I even cry out unconsciously.

Why is this happening? What to do?

Sometimes I cry unconsciously, I always feel that I am sullen and unhappy, what should I do?

The following is for your reference!

Everyone will encounter a variety of difficulties and problems at different stages, triggering various types of emotional fluctuations, if it is because of certain special periods or experience some special events and occasional mood depression and sullenness, most of them are normal.

Don't worry too much.

It can be alleviated by relaxing appropriately, talking to someone, traveling, or even asking friends to go out, and not often being alone.

If you still have some things that you can't say and have nowhere to say, you can also find a counselor who is in a good mood, which may bring you some help.

I hope that the above content is helpful to friends with similar situations, and sincerely wish everyone a good mood every day.

- Jingle Good Mood

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