
What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

author:Filipino chats about emotions

We've all seen The Love Notebook or True Love Supreme, and maybe that's the problem. Knowing how to make a man feel loved doesn't have to be so dramatic.

We watched a few romantic comedies and forgot that it doesn't take a flashy gesture to make a man feel loved. You don't need to buy him a new car or sing outside his window to express your love – true love is not like that. The truth is that men are extremely simple individuals.

While big moves can make them feel loved, there are other ways to do it. Reality is nothing compared to love movies, and not everything needs to be publicized.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > how to make a man feel loved and needed</h1>

Of course, you want your man to feel loved and needed. However, no matter how much money you spend, or how attached you are to him, it is still possible for him to feel loved. An important factor in the relationship's unsustainability is that you don't show love to him in the right way.

You don't have to worry, there we are. We will learn how the best way to make a man feel loved.

1. Get to know Him

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

If you don't know who he is, you can't love him in a way that makes him feel loved. Sometimes, we end up so entangled in our own lives that we completely forget our partner. If you want your man to feel loved, the focus should be on him and not on yourself.

It also means learning more about his love language and the things that make him feel cared about, whether it's knowing what coffee he likes or making breakfast he loves. Making a person feel loved doesn't always require big shots or endless plans. If you want to get to know him more deeply, don't hesitate to ask him questions.

2. Seek his advice

You may not realize it, but men like to ask for their opinion on certain things. If you're not going to ask them what they think about certain topics, then why would you want to find a partner? A relationship is a partnership, which requires sharing each other's opinions.

There's no reason why you shouldn't ask him for help, especially when you know it makes him feel appreciated and loved.

3. Be kind to him

Men are just as worthy of pampering as women. Just as we want flowers, gifts, and all sorts of material things, so do men. If you've never tried to do this for your man, you might want to start treating him well.

Have you ever taken your man to his favorite restaurant and surprised him? Or buy him tickets to see his favorite sporting event? Don't forget that effort should go both ways.

4. Make him feel safe

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

For him, the relationship should be a safe space, not something that deprives him of peace and happiness. You want him to vent his frustrations and worries to you. Just like you tell him all the things that make you depressed, so is it for him.

The last thing you should do is make him feel like his emotions and thoughts are wrong, because that would build a wall in your relationship.

5. Express your gratitude to him

A relationship should work together, so if you see an opportunity to express gratitude to your man, don't hesitate to grab it. If he's been nice lately and really helped you, tell him how much you appreciate what he does for you.

Don't express how much you appreciate his efforts because he doesn't expect anything in return. It doesn't have to be a big deal – it could be as simple as taking him to dinner.

6. Affection

Uh, of course, right? Who isn't intimate in love? But you'd be surprised at how many people overlook physical feelings, especially when it's not their love language.

Even small gestures like kissing their cheeks and holding their hands can make men feel loved. Physical feelings are an integral part of any relationship for a reason.

7. Don't forget about sex

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

Yes, sorry, but sex is important in any relationship. If you want your man to feel connected to you, take the time to actually have sex. This is the most intimate act you can enjoy together as a couple, and no matter how long your relationship has been, don't neglect sex.

If you have children, that's another matter. However, if you want to keep sparks and chemistry going, sexual intimacy isn't something you can completely ignore.

8. Give him space

Now, you may be confused. Should I give them space? yes! Just as you need time alone to recharge and do your own thing, so does your man. Suffocating him with your presence may do the opposite, pushing him away from you, which is exactly what you want to avoid.

Let him hang out with his friends, play video games, and you can do your own thing too. You don't have to worry – when you give him space, his love for you doesn't diminish.

9. Give him praise

There is no one in the world who does not like to receive praise. If he looks particularly good today, or if he smells good, be sure to praise him a word or two.

Men may portray themselves as insecure people, but they also have insecurities and doubts. As his partner, all you have to do is use every opportunity to cheer him up and reassure him.

10. Don't use your phone very often

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

We feel as guilty as men when it comes to using our phones – maybe even more. Social media is very addictive and it can also lead to you completely ignoring your partner.

Instead of spending all your time brushing up on circles of friends and TikTok, spend quality time with your partner and focus all your attention on them. If necessary, put your phone on the table, but don't let the screen get in the way of your love.

11. If you are buying something for yourself, include him as well

This is an unspoken rule of the relationship that you need to follow. If you buy yourself a cup of coffee on your way home, buy him something too!

Even without asking him, this action will make your man feel needed and recognized. After all, action is always more convincing than words. This simple action, as if you are reminding him that you love him and have been thinking about him!

12. Payment in turn

Society does convince us very well that men always have to pay for everything. However, sometimes men also like you to pay from time to time!

Taking the initiative to pay will make him feel appreciated and loved, especially when it's not something that's often done.

13. Make eye contact

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

Eye contact is an underrated form of intimacy, but it's important for knowing how to make men feel loved. Well, maybe you don't need to look at him like a hippie, but you can keep eye contact and smile.

Be naughty, be flirty – he'll love it. Eye contact may seem bland, but it's enough to make him feel needed and loved.

14. Make him a priority

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's hard to balance your career, family, personal interests, and your relationships. However, you can always find the time to show your man that he will always be one of your priorities.

In the process of making your man feel loved and recognized, time is the most vulnerable but yet concrete thing you can give him. Sure, don't disrupt your other priorities, but learn how to create the right balance.

15. Listen to His voice

A man should feel like he's being listened to, just as he listens to you complain endlessly about everything in life. Instead of shutting him out or simply nodding, actively listen to everything he wants to say.

You never know how this affects how this makes a man feel loved and listened to, especially when he feels like you're also engaged in the conversation.

16. Try his interests

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

We know it's a hard thing to do, but try to focus your interest on what he's passionate about. Maybe he likes video games or watching sports, so why don't you try to do those activities with him? Not only will this make him feel loved, but just watching you try to understand his hobbies will make a spark in his eyes!

17. Trust Him

The foundation of any working relationship is primarily about trust, so if you want them to feel loved, it all comes from trust.

Otherwise, if you're always guessing his every move, what's the point of building a relationship with your man? If you trust him, then he already feels full of love!

18. Restrain yourself from controlling Him

As we've said before, a relationship is a partnership, which means you shouldn't try to control him as much as he doesn't try to control you.

If you don't like the way he looks now, then why would you want to fall in love with him? You can't express love by trying to control a man, you have to express love by accepting him.

19. Forgive Him

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

When your man is in trouble, do you blame him for his mistakes to his face, or do you forgive and understand him? As long as it was an excusable mistake.

Your actions reveal how he feels about love, so make sure your actions are consistent with your love for him.

Forgiving your man doesn't mean he wins the argument, but it reflects that your love for him is stronger than your pride. Meaning you choose to forgive him rather than let him suffer in order to hurt him or get revenge on him.

20. Fight with Him, not Against Him

In an argument, it's easy to forget that you and your partner are in the same camp.

What you need to focus on is not attacking and bringing him down, but the problem. Your partner is not your enemy, and if you want him to feel loved, even in an argument, remember that he is always on your side.

21. Be his best friend

One of the factors in how to make a man feel loved is when you give him friendship and love that you share. When you're his best friend, he'll feel more loved and appreciated because you know himself better than he knows himself.

Whether it's making each other laugh or doing your own thing together, he already feels loved when you're his best friend.

22. Support him

When a man is going through a challenge, the last thing he needs is someone nagging him. This will bring him more anxiety and depression than he does now.

Instead, make him feel loved by giving him the support and understanding he clearly needs.

23. Do not give up on Him

What exactly do those who feel unloved need? 23 Ways to Make a Man Feel LovedHow to Make a Man Feel Loved and Needed So, what are some ways to make a man feel loved?

Obviously, if you keep giving up on him, you can't make a man feel loved. Never threaten to leave or abandon the relationship at every time you argue, or prove yourself unreliable in difficult situations. Prove to your man that no matter what happens, you'll be there for him – that's how you make him feel loved.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="141" > so what are some ways to make a man feel loved? </h1>

When you try to express your love to him and make it all he is, men will feel loved. Always remember that loving him is never a flashy gesture, but a thought and emotion from the heart.

Most importantly, when you express your love, you should do it with the purest intentions. Love is unconditional, so whether you bring him a cup of coffee or show him love through a hug, don't expect anything in return. Do this because you feel loved and want him to feel loved too.

Now that you know how to make a man feel loved and needed, don't expect anything in return right now. Express your love and make him feel needed and he'll feel like the luckiest man ever to be able to date a good girl like you.

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