
People who are truly worthy of love are like this

author:An emotional story of loving life

Emotionally, some people take the initiative to love, and some people wait to be loved.

People who actively fall in love are giving personalities; waiting for someone else to be loved is a demanding personality.

Give personality and be willing to pay more for love; demanding personality, no matter how much others give, they will not be satisfied.

The personality that pays is too frank and vulnerable to emotional damage; the personality that lingers because it is too greedy is often easily hated.

Therefore, loving and being loved should be measured, not too much, too much is not enough, the gain is not worth the loss.

In fact, whether it is a personality of giving or a character of demanding, the heart longs to be loved, but in a different way.

Just think, if you don't want to be loved, why take the initiative to give? If you don't want to be loved, why ask again and again?

It's human nature to desire to be loved, but few people reflect on themselves and objectively examine whether they deserve to be loved.

There is a saying on the Internet: "You should strive to be a person worthy of love, not force others to like such a bad you." ”

If you're not good enough right now, don't complain that no one loves you and put all your energy and energy into improving yourself.

If you bloom, the butterflies will come; if you deserve it, someone will love you.

So, what kind of people are worthy of love?

I think people who are truly worthy of love have at least these three characteristics.

1. True

Truth means sincerity, no fraud.

Whether a person needs to be loved or not, it first depends on whether it is "real" or not.

You know, any relationship with deception, concealment, and lies is destined not to go very far.

For example, at a blind date, it is understandable that men and women will first show each other their best side in order to make a good impression on each other. But if you deliberately falsify your identity or deliberately hide important information, the nature is different.

The feelings we pursue are sincere and beautiful; the life we yearn for is happy. To have it all, you have to meet a lover first.

The so-called good people naturally have many excellent qualities, one of which is "truth".

If you're not real, you can't be true. If we go around cheating, how can we be honest with each other?

If you choose to love, I want you to love someone who is sincere; if you choose to be loved, I want you to be a sincere person.

Only sincere people deserve love.

2. Goodness

Kindness is kindness. There is love in the heart, there is no evil thought.

Human nature is complex, with both good and evil. Good people exude the brilliance of humanity everywhere. Good people should be treated gently by the world, and naturally they should also be loved.

A kind person will be more emotional in many things. He couldn't bear to hurt anyone. He can't see others being wronged. Sometimes, he would rather suffer than embarrass others.

Although kindness is too kind and easy to be bullied, there is nothing inherently wrong with kindness itself. It is the people who are wrong who deceive others.

Whether it's love or marriage, it's very important to find a kind person together.

Whether a person is kind or not depends not only on how the teaching assistant treats you, but also on how the teaching assistant treats your relatives, friends, and even other people.

Often see some news, stepmother or stepfather beat the child, hit the hospital, it is really heartache, but also angry. For whatever reason, those who poison children are evil in their bones. How can you feel comfortable living with someone like that?

To love, you have to choose the good and the love. If you want to be loved, choose the good one.

Only good people deserve love.

3. Beauty

Beauty is beauty, beauty, sunshine and warmth.

Beauty refers not only to superficial beauty, but also to a charm, spirit and power from the inside out.

Everyone loves beauty. All beautiful people, things and things have a unique charm. They are always liked, appreciated and desired to have.

Meeting a beautiful person and managing a wonderful relationship together is a dream for many people. If you want your dreams to come true, first of all you have to be a beautiful person.

What kind of person can be called a beautiful person?

In my opinion, people who are independent, confident, optimistic, positive and hard-working will always be the best people.

Independence is not about having the ability to connect to the sky, but about living well and always having your own talents even if you don't depend on anyone.

Self-confidence is not arrogance towards people, but not humility or arrogance in any situation and in the face of anyone.

Optimism is not about laughing all day, but about being able to maintain a good attitude when encountering difficulties and falling into a trough.

Being positive is not a blind desire to become strong, but an initiative to take responsibility and do what you should do.

Hard work is not to aim ambitiously, but to always have an enterprising heart. Even if you work hard, it is still ordinary, but the heart is rich and never mediocre.

We should love a beautiful person and be a beautiful person.

Only beautiful people deserve love.


Carnegie said, "The most important thing is not whether others love us, but whether we are worthy of love." ”

When you complain that no one loves you, think about whether you deserve to be loved.

If you're good enough, you don't have to feel sorry for yourself. The fate that truly belongs to you will one day meet you on the road.

Until then, all you have to do is love yourself, manage yourself, and make yourself better.

If you think you have a lot of flaws, try to adjust and change slowly.

Believe that as long as you pay enough and stick to it for a long enough time, you can become the person you like. Even in the end, there is still a gap with the ideal self, but compared with the original self, it is good enough.

May you know not only how to love someone worthy of love, but also how to be loved. Always sincere, kind and beautiful

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