
How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

author:Gu Xuan said history

Text | Gu Xuan said history

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How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

What should a person do if he feels that life is too dull? Let him look at the lives of people in northern Myanmar, where in August 2022 a man recounted his tragic experience in northern Myanmar, which quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list.

The man wept bitterly and said: They told me that I could earn 60,000 or 70,000 a month if I went to Myanmar to work, but when I arrived there, I was threatened with sticks and pistols.

They give dog food to those who don't perform well, and then whip and abuse us to our knees and reflect. This time, I was able to return home from northern Myanmar alive, which is really a great luck, and I am afraid that the good luck in this life has been exhausted.

The man said these words in a trembling tone, but there were many people who had the same experience as him.


The gap between dreams and reality

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

The Nanchang police announced a case of a man named Guan Wei (pseudonym), who had no education, no skills and no money.

But he had a dream, and one day Sekio's cousin wrote to him about a way to make a lot of money. Guan Wei heard that northern Myanmar recruits salesmen, and there is no education requirement, as long as they can surf the Internet and can type, they can earn 60,000 or 70,000 yuan a month.

Sekio was overjoyed, he immediately asked his cousin about the details of his work, and even asked with concern whether he was doing something illegal with such a high salary.

His cousin's sworn assurances were definitely not illegal, perhaps because of distant relatives, and Sekio trusted his words. A few days later, Guan Wei quit his original job and took a car to Yunnan with a large bag and a small bag.

Then a dozen like-minded colleagues sneaked out of the Yunnan border together. A dozen people packed into two vans and jolted all the way toward the Northern Myanmar Wire Fraud Company.

Halfway through, several colleagues talked and laughed, talking freely about how to develop in northern Myanmar and how to spend the money earned. But when the van stopped again, they were greeted by several hideous-looking soldiers.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

The rifles in their hands were glowing cold, and Sekio suddenly realized, but he had lost his last chance to escape. Guards escorted a dozen people into a room, and their mobile phones were confiscated.

Sekio was completely cut off from the outside world and assigned to a house full of colleagues. The lads in the house were shirtless, and the air smelled of sweat and feet.

Sekio saw that several people still had deep whip marks on their bodies, and a large lock was tied to their hands, and everyone looked sluggish and lifeless. On his first day in northern Myanmar, Sekio slept on the floor like this, hugging him with an iron chain.


The days when Sekio engaged in wire fraud

The next morning, Sekio was taken by guards to the Burmese Wire Fraud Company for skills training. The basic operation of this job is not difficult, but the technical test of Sekio is very high.

He wants to look for a target from domestic social software, looking at a person who is as greedy as himself. Tricking them into investing money on designated fake trading websites, Sekio discovers that there are specially edited scams on the company's computers.

For the next few days, Sekio sat in front of a computer and worked, not only for zero pay, but also for 12 hours. In addition, the company has 24-hour supervisors if they find that employees have fishing behavior.

Then a few people would drag him out to serve with sticks, then deduct the day's food and give him only swill-like dog food. Sekio regretted that he tried to beg the company's small leader to let him go, but the other party's conscience had long been extinguished.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

He told Sekio that if he wanted to leave, he had to pay for the company's reception these days. Unsurprisingly, the amount given by the company was amazing, and the food expenses of Guan Wei alone were already more than 10,000 yuan.

He understood that he could not go out justifiably, and Seki worked silently for the next few days. These days were not very peaceful, and the old employees of the company tried to escape.

As a result, the guards who guarded the door found that two colleagues were killed on the spot that night when gunshots rang out, and one is still missing. Sekio realizes that the group has lost their humanity and that if they run away, they will definitely rob them.

However, Sekio does not want to deceive his compatriots, and he pretends to look for targets on the Internet every day. When the prey is about to spit out a large number of banknotes, Sekio always confesses his identity as a fraudster at the last minute.

Half a month later, the performance of Guan Wei was miserable, and the company's small leader was very angry. He thought Sekio wasn't doing a good job, and sent several men to drag him out of the room and beat him up.

However, Sekio's original intention did not change, and he still tried to choose to cheat less money. Perhaps it was Sekio's conscience that brought him good luck, and he met a man who would be able to free himself in the future during an ordinary wire fraud event.

When Sekio was about to succeed in the scam, he repeated his skills to remind female netizens that they were liars, who knew that this time Sekio met a good person. The female netizen proposed the idea of wanting to rescue him, and Sekio realized that the opportunity had come.

He begged the female netizen to call the police for herself, and she came to the police station the next day to report the incident. When the Yunnan police learned of the situation, they immediately intervened and found out the specific location of Guanwei's company through the intelligence of an undercover agent.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

Later, with the help of the police, Sekio successfully escaped to the China-Myanmar border money. Before leaving, Sekio did something big, using the computer skills he had learned all his life to steal the company's list of victims of wire fraud, a total of 105 people.

After Guan Wei returned to China, he immediately handed the list to the Yunnan police, who took the opportunity to save the wallets of 21 people. After this encounter in Myanmar, Sekio no longer believed in pie in the sky.


Why has northern Myanmar been in chaos

Northern Myanmar is not only about telecommunications fraud, but also about the black market for human organs and the proliferation of drugs. The Myanmar authorities have weak control over the entire country, and northern Myanmar is a place over which they are unable to govern.

During the Republican period, it was still an era of tribal life, and dozens of chiefs of all sizes controlled northern Myanmar. Later, the chiefs were promoted to warlords, and they all had their own men and horses in their hands.

There are many small local forces, and there will inevitably be riots, and the Burmese government army will not be able to control here. Northern Myanmar was then transformed into the capital of hell, where the laws in force in Myanmar were a pile of waste paper.

The warlords are living at ease, while the people of northern Myanmar have been living in dire straits. In northern Myanmar, there is only the law of the jungle, and if ordinary people do not fight fiercely and have thorns, then sooner or later he will be eaten clean by others.

Northern Myanmar is not far from the Chinese border, and this place has become our vassal state many times in history. Therefore, many people in northern Myanmar and even Myanmar can speak Chinese and write Chinese characters, so that those who have lost their conscience can see business opportunities.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

Northern Myanmar has become a haven for criminals, and in 2009 the mainland signed an agreement with Myanmar to jointly crack down on criminals and smuggling in border areas.

The results of this cooperation are good, and the criminals who often smuggle back and forth have been eliminated, and the safety of the lives and property of the Chinese people has been effectively guaranteed.

But criminals in northern Myanmar are very chicken thieves, and they cannot move to northern Myanmar after causing trouble at the border. Simply find a place to squat and use Internet communication technology to engage in telecommunications fraud.

Because of their proficiency in the Han language, criminals often target Chinese. They use the Internet to publish false recruitment information, and lure poor people with high salaries and low education to work in northern Myanmar.

These criminals cannot survive in a normal country, but northern Myanmar is a place where no one governs. Local warlords, big and small, say that criminals only need to pay protection money on time to stay for a long time.

In addition, the authorities in northern Myanmar will also provide weapons for these man-made houses, and electricity fraud is now a characteristic industry in northern Myanmar, which is designed to generate additional income for warlords.

Whether they are warlords or fraudsters, their humanity has been wiped out. In order to deceive the victim in the past, they also have a lot of tricks. The more common ones are beauty meters, who will post some videos of Myanmar beauties on social platforms.

Then the beauty will publicize how palatial northern Myanmar is, inviting the victims to travel. For those who are full of guts, this temptation is undoubtedly great.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

After listening to the ghost story of beautiful women and coming to northern Myanmar, no matter how rich the victims are, they will eventually be emptied of their wallets. There are various large casinos in Myanmar, and beautiful women tempt victims to try their luck at the poker tables.

When the victims lose all their money, they will send in loan services in time. In the casino, the victim is impossible to win even if he has three heads and six arms, and losing the bottoms is their final end.

Casino staff will then ask the victim for the amount owed, and if they do not pay, they will be abused, and the collection call will even be made to the victim's family.

Only when the arrears are paid off will they release the victims. Yet most of the time, no one can afford that huge sum.

At this time, victims usually have three ways to go, the first is to engage in fraud to attract more victims over. The second is to be coerced into participating in drug trafficking, and the third is to be dumped into the wilderness after organ recycling.


Modern history of blood and tears in Myanmar

Myanmar is a small country, but its ethnic composition is complex. There are more than 130 registered races alone, and in the past they have been dependent on China for survival.

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, there was the first unification of Myanmar. The Donggu dynasty ruled almost all of Burma, and the dynasty rulers were Burmese.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

Relying on their large numbers in Myanmar, they often suppress and humiliate other small ethnic groups. Disunity would go wrong sooner or later, and the Donggu dynasty later swelled to send troops to fight the Ming dynasty.

As a result, the originally fragile country was directly broken up, and Myanmar returned to the pre-liberation overnight, and all ethnic groups took the opportunity to govern no one.

When the British colonists arrived, Burma became a colony. The British are masters of mud, and they only care about the resources and property of Burma.

As for the contradictions between various nationalities, the British said that as long as they did not burn their heads, everyone would fight casually. By World War II, the Japanese had chased the British away, and the devil proudly called himself the Burmese liberator.

However, they did the same tricks as the British until they were defeated and surrendered. Today's Myanmar, as in the past, has a high degree of autonomy for all ethnic groups, each with its own army.

Among them, the Burmese became the Myanmar government army because of their large number, but other ethnic groups were not convinced. In particular, the Karen and government forces fought the hardest, and even learned Chinese guerrilla tactics.

When the Burmese family is alone, other small ethnic groups sometimes resist in groups. In short, violence and massacres are often rife here, and without even the lives of the people, the economy cannot develop.

How scary is northern Myanmar? There is no gunsmoke and war, but it is a lawless "city of sin"

Northern Myanmar is predominantly inhabited by the Wa State, Kokang, Shan State, and Kachin States, who are opposed to each other with a high degree of autonomy. The Kokang people, who historically had ties to the Ming Dynasty, still use Chinese characters, and the renminbi can also circulate in the region.

In addition, most of the "Golden Triangle" is in the territory of Wa State, and the people here have a lot to do with our old Chiang. At that time, some remnants of the Kuomintang came to Wa State to recuperate, and finally developed into a big drug lord.

For all these reasons, northern Myanmar has become a paradise for fraudsters, because of its language advantages, and the domestic market is their key target.

Therefore, everyone should be vigilant, do not go to Myanmar blindly, let alone engage in wire fraud work.

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