
Wagner and the Wagner Group

author:Sui and Tang flying birds
Wagner and the Wagner Group

Lao Xi almost became the stepfather of Lao Wa's two grandsons

Wagner and the Wagner Group

Artistic Wagner

Wagner and the Wagner Group

Imperial eagle emblem on the chest

Wagner and the Wagner Group


Tomorrow is a year from the date of Russia's launch of the special military operation on February 24, 2022, and countless strong men have been sleeping in the vast land of Ukraine for a year, which is regrettable. From a geopolitical point of view, the undefeated and invincible Russian special military operation is also very good for China. I have been looking forward to the day when China will recover all the lands of North Asia east of the Ural Mountains, which were originally the homeland of the yellow people, the homeland of the Russians. Of course, all of America and Australia and Greenland are the inherent homeland of the yellow race, and they must first conquer North Asia before they can plan for others.

Today, without talking about this serious topic, let's discuss why the famous Wagner mercenary group was named Wagner. Wagner was a German musician, the first to combine classicist and romantic music, and at the same time composed a large number of operas. Even if Chinese are not familiar with Wagner, they must have attended weddings and most likely heard one of his music "Wedding March". The Russian people have a very high level of art, and even the mercenaries who wield guns and cannons and killed people also gave their killer organizations the name of a musician, which is very elegant and pressing, which is imaginative. This name reminds me of a gentleman killer who carries a piano box with him, and every time he kills, he sits in front of his prey and plays a song, and the music captures the prey, and when the song is over, he will be shot to kill the prey anesthetized by the music. This kind of forcing is really "killing one person in ten steps, leaving no line for thousands of miles." After everything, hide the merit and fame." Because of this artist's great name, the Wagner Mercenary Group has made countless men feel like they have joined, making countless men want to compose a song in the battlefield. But the question arises, why did the Russian mercenary group take the name of a German musician? Russia is a big country of the arts, there are many top musicians, even I know two musicians, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. However, the founder of the Wagner mercenary group, Utkin, chose the name of a German musician as the name of the killer organization. I suspect that Utkin was a fan of Wagner, who loved Wagner's music and opera, identified with Wagner's ideas, and was impressed by Wagner's charisma. A guy who loves to lick blood with a knife head, take chestnuts in the fire, and use the shrapnel flying and gunsmoke-filled battlefield as a playground still loves classical music, this buddy seems to have some tiger in his heart and sniff the style of roses!

Musician Wagner's biggest fan is Hitler, Hitler's favorite musician, and Hitler almost became the stepfather of Wagner's two grandsons. Then can it be said that Lao Xi has a fierce tiger in his heart and sniff the roses? Apparently not. People cannot be fooled by appearances, and universal values and basic worldviews cannot be shaken. Wagner also has half of his big fans for Nietzsche, who regarded Wagner as his first confidant when he was young, but Nietzsche felt that Wagner was not worthy of being his confidant in the second half of his life, no longer agreed with Wagner's ideas, and thought that Wagner was very vulgar. Wagner was a complex German, and anti-Semitism, heroism, and nationalism were Wagner's best-known ideas, and their ideas ran through their music. From the psychological analysis of human nature, extreme, paranoid, and instinctive ideas from the depths of human nature are the most demagogic. Teugin, as a former lieutenant colonel officer of Russia's most elite special forces GRU, his spiritual belief is Nazi, with the German imperial eagle emblem and the Nazi swastika tattooed on his body, and his eyes emit a beast-like light, this buddy is absolutely sublimated, serving Russia with Nazi ideas and fighting for Russia. In our Chinese capacity, we will never serve China with the concept of bushido! Putin mentioned in his State of the Union address a few days ago that the reason for Russia's special military operation is anti-Nazism, and the name Wagner is somewhat ironic at this time!

Of course, it is not feasible for the Russian mercenary group to take the name Tchaikovsky, who is a well-known homosexual. The military, Muslims, killer organizations are the most averse. It is also impossible to use Shostakovich as the name of the killer organization, because Shostakovich became a member of the Communist Party in his later years, and the killer organization preferred members of the National Socialist Workers' Party. Moreover, the names of native Russian musicians are too long and not catchy. I think the name Wagner is very good. In contrast, the name of the American mercenary group Mozart is very wise, and the Americans are obviously imitating the Russians, and they vainly want to use Mozart to be Wagner's predecessors to press the Russians. Unfortunately, the killer organization pays attention to hard power, and the Wagner Group far exceeds the Mozart Group in both hard and soft power, and the Mozart Group is only crushed. Prigogin, now the 62-year-old boss of the Wagner Killer organization, has run Wagner more and more well-being. Prigogin has spent ten years in prison, and such a person cannot become a civil servant in China, let alone enter the power class, so he can only be an entrepreneur with his tail between his legs.

Then again, as a man, it would be a very annoying thing to become the big boss of a powerful killer organization like Prigogin, or the big boss of a huge chain of green buildings like Wei Xiaobao!!!

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