
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother

author:Above the stream

The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want.

The film tells the life attitude of the three in the order of sister, brother and younger brother.

My sister is beautiful and quiet on the outside, but strong and stubborn inside, which is an idealism. She is always in no hurry to do what she loves. By chance, she met a male paratrooper, and since then the paratrooper has become her white moonlight. In order to get close to Bai Yueguang, she volunteered to be a female paratrooper, and she wanted to buy drinks and gifts at any cost in order to be selected as she wished, but she eventually found that there was already another girl next to the male paratrooper, and she didn't care about her coming to give gifts. Since then, my sister has been hit hard in her heart. She vented her anger through a hunger strike, made a parachute bolt out of cloth and ran around the streets on her bicycle, leaving her mother in disgrace. She also met an old man for learning to dance, took the old man as a godfather, and was eventually accused by the old man's family of being a bad woman who destroyed the family and was beaten one by one. These things didn't seem like much to her, because she could do more rebellious things, such as giving herself to the man who looked bad in the woods, and even marrying casually, not the person she loved the most anyway.

My sister always dreams that do not belong to herself, and eventually married someone she didn't love and lived an unhappy life. Occasionally, she saw the male paratrooper on the street, but Bai Yueguang was no longer the handsome young man of the year, but a greasy uncle who accompanied his daughter-in-law to buy toilet paper. She approached with a hint of shyness, but the other party did not know her at all. Since then, Bai Yueguang has only become someone else's mosquito blood, and she can still cry in middle age, either because of chagrin or regret.

My sister eventually divorced and moved back to her parents' house, watching love dramas with her parents every night in front of the TV. Her life is unremarkable, but she still looks forward to the arrival of her love, just like in the TV series.

The older brother is a realist. is a fat man with intellectual deficiencies who is bullied everywhere in society, but he is cared for and even favored by his parents at home, which can meet some of his unreasonable demands. For example, in the New Year, his parents gave him a lot of more candy, and he would rather take the extra sugar to feed the goose than give it to his siblings. He also liked the factory flower in the factory, forced his mother to talk to the factory flower, and finally failed. In order to teach him to ride a bicycle, his parents mobilized the whole family to protect him.

Under the care of his parents, his brother is full of confidence in life, and his mother finds him a daughter-in-law with a slope, and he initially dislikes this old daughter-in-law in the countryside. The daughter-in-law of Pojiao was particularly shrewd and frankly announced her thoughts on living her life when she met her mother-in-law for the first time, and her mother-in-law was very happy to find a capable person for her son. After my brother got married, the two began to set up a stall to do small business, and life slowly improved.

Although my brother looks stupid, he is the one who has the best life. The ruffian who had bullied him came to him to borrow money, and he brought him a box of cigarettes he had accumulated before. It was ironic for the man who came to borrow the money, because cigarettes were the reward of his brother's hard work, and he accumulated a full box after years of pressing. It's equivalent to a shame before the snow.

The younger brother is introverted and lonely, and has a strong sense of self-esteem. It's escapism.

The younger brother once sent an umbrella to the class because it rained once, and he was vain, he didn't want to deny his brother, and finally in order to prove to the class that the "mentally retarded" was not his brother, he actually stabbed his brother with an umbrella. Such anger is not only proof that he does not want to recognize his brother at the moment, but also repays the hatred of his brother because of his parents' partiality. Even he once teamed up with his sister to put a rat in the water to kill his brother, but was eventually discovered and stopped by his mother in time. Later, in order to give the lie of the umbrella, he asked someone to pretend to be the navy to send him an umbrella for the second time, but no one believed him, and even the girls in the same class called him a liar.

After the younger brother stabbed his brother, he was embarrassed and indignant, did not dare to face the reality, and finally ran away from home. Years later, my brother returned to his parents' house with a singing woman and a child who didn't belong to him, and he had a broken finger. Many things must have happened outside the home for many years since my brother disappeared, and I didn't have a good life, and in the end, I had to rely on the woman who sang to support myself, and I was living under an indifferent appearance.

The lives of the three siblings in the film are the life trajectory of most people, who begin to be full of ideals or fantasies about life, and then begin to accept real life after knowing that ideals are not easy to achieve, and everyone's life will be flat.

The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother
The film tells the life of a family of five in the 80s, and the movie has a faint sadness from the beginning to the end, and the ending is that everyone does not live the life they want. The film is based on the sister, the older brother

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