
Rare Animals#Wildlife##Headline Creation Challenge#Glass FrogYou can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. Although the background color of most glass frogs is mainly lime green

author:A plain as water

Rare animals

#野生动物 #

#头条创作挑战赛 #

Glass frog

You can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. While the background color of most glass frogs is predominantly lime green, some members of this family have translucent abdominal skin. Through this translucent skin, the internal organs can be seen, including the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, hence the name.

Nature's beautiful elves can survive happily deep in the rainforest.

All things have spirit! Everything is precious!

Man and nature live in harmony! Harmonious symbiosis!

#摄影 #

Figure from the web

Rare Animals#Wildlife##Headline Creation Challenge#Glass FrogYou can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. Although the background color of most glass frogs is mainly lime green
Rare Animals#Wildlife##Headline Creation Challenge#Glass FrogYou can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. Although the background color of most glass frogs is mainly lime green
Rare Animals#Wildlife##Headline Creation Challenge#Glass FrogYou can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. Although the background color of most glass frogs is mainly lime green
Rare Animals#Wildlife##Headline Creation Challenge#Glass FrogYou can see its unborn offspring through its flesh. Although the background color of most glass frogs is mainly lime green

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