
Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo


When I was a child, the side of the stove in the home was against the wall, and the couplet was written "No taboos, don't listen to children's words". Saying "no taboos" is actually a precaution for fear that children will not understand things and say taboo words.

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

Taboos, it can be said that there are everywhere. Just talking, if you are not careful, you may say something taboo.

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

There is a taboo on speaking at the dinner table. At a Spring Festival dinner table, a son-in-law respects the elderly and drinks. After three rounds of drinking, the old man had basically drunk in place. The son-in-law's original intention of toasting was not to let the old man get drunk, so when he toasted, he adopted a deliberative tone, saying, "Daddy, do you still drink?" The old man said, "Still alive!" The son-in-law continued to pour wine. One asked "Still drinking?" "One answer" is still alive! "So the third, seeing that the old man was drunk, he had to toast out of courtesy. For some reason, the son-in-law asked this time: "Daddy, do you want to add a little?" The old man was suddenly relieved, and he took a long breath and said, "You should have asked this long time ago!" Because in our dialect, "drink" and "live" are a pronunciation. In the first month, you ask people, "Are you still alive?" Does he have a reason not to drink?

At the dinner table, he is polite and often takes the initiative to add food to others. It's a good performance, but don't say" Do you want food? "Who wants food?" Beggars only want food! Therefore, "adding rice", "adding rice", "serving rice", a lot of words are easy to say, that is, do not say "want rice".

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

There are also taboos in speaking by boat. Ask people "your surname", and when answering, they generally say "don't dare to surname X", which is a classical civilization. If a ferry owner's surname is Chen, then he really "does not dare to surname Chen". Because "Chen" and "Shen" are harmonious, how can the ship be "sinking"? So avoid it with "bubbles". "Bubble", pronounced páo, means float, is our dialect.

People who do business are most taboo about "folding", so the word homophonous with "folding" is also taboo in him.

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

Legend has it that there was a pig killer, and this day he was killing a pig. Pig intestines, pig belly, pig's head, pig tongue, swinging, hanging. There was a child in the neighbor's house who had not seen the slaughter of pigs, so he felt very curious, saw a long tongue, and was surprised and said, "What a big tongue!" The pig killer heard "such a big fold (shé, polysyllabic) head", and he was angry, and in the past it was a slap, beating the child and screaming. When the child came home crying, his father asked why, and told him that the pig's "tongue" should say "earn the head", and asked him to say "earn the head" again, saying that the shopkeeper would not only not hit him, but also praise him.

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

The child really walked towards the place where the pigs were killed. However, when the pig killer saw that the child was coming again, he hurriedly collected the pig's tongue, afraid that he would say "fold his head" again. The child didn't see the pig's tongue when he looked left and right, and said strangely, "Why is there no head to earn?" "The pig killer ran over and gave the child another ear."

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

It is precisely because there are many taboos in language that some people take advantage of the psychology of people who like to listen to auspicious words and avoid taboo words to find a way to make money. For example, sending the "God of Wealth" during the Spring Festival is like this.

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

The so-called god of wealth is to cut a piece of red paper into the size of a palm, covered with a figure in the shape of a human head, and become the "god of wealth". Now that society has progressed, there are printed pieces of Fortuna paper. During the Spring Festival, the person who sent the "God of Wealth" held a stack of "God of Wealth" pieces of paper in his hand, went from house to house to door, saw the master and said: "The God of Wealth has arrived, will you pick up the God of Wealth?" ”

Without restraint? Maybe as soon as I opened my mouth, I made a taboo

Of course, the master picked up, dreaming of the "god of wealth" favor it, who can say not to pick up the "god of wealth"? However, to receive the "God of Wealth", you have to hand over the banknote. This is precisely a means for those who send the "god of wealth" to use people's taboo psychology to seek wealth. The small piece of paper he sent out was the real "God of Wealth" for him!

Original text. Image from the web.

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