
Climb the ladder and change lanes to lead: How does the G60 science and technology innovation corridor activate the power of Anhui?

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Yang Zhe

Anhui is growing together with the Yangtze River Delta.

A "corridor" named after the highway number is like a spotlight belt, illuminating the three cities of Anhui and the other six cities of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor has now become synonymous with the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and an important source of power for regional high-quality development.

In 2016, the development strategy of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor was launched. In just two years, the strategy has been upgraded twice, and it has experienced the "triple jump" from version 1.0 to version 2.0 and now the 3.0 upgrade version. This district-level development strategy, which originally belonged to Shanghai Songjiang, has expanded to cover nine cities in the Yangtze River Delta and upgraded to an important part of the national strategy for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

In 2018, taking the construction of the Husu Lake high-speed railway as an opportunity, the G60 science and technology innovation corridor moved from the "2.0 version of the highway era" to the "3.0 version of the high-speed rail era", and the member cities were expanded to 9. It is also since then that the three cities of Hefei, Wuhu and Xuancheng in Anhui Province have become the new "group friends" of the G60 "circle of science and technology".

Climb the ladder and change lanes to lead: How does the G60 science and technology innovation corridor activate the power of Anhui?

Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor official website map

This year marks the third anniversary of the yangtze river delta's integrated development as a national strategy. As an important platform for implementing the national strategy, the outside world also regards the construction of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor as an important window to observe the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Among them, as a "transfer student" in the Yangtze River Delta, Anhui should rely on the latecomer advantage of scientific and technological innovation to ascend the ladder and change lanes to lead, and its performance is expected.

Recently, the surging news ( followed the network theme activity of "Welcoming the Party Congress and Anhui and the United States in the Past Five Years" sponsored by the Cyberspace Administration of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee into Hefei, Wuhu, Xuancheng and other places to witness the construction results of the Anhui section of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and feel the pace of Anhui's accelerated integration into the Yangtze River Delta matrix under the help of the national strategy.

The cooperation park injects new momentum into development

From Zhangjiang in Shanghai to Hefei in Anhui Province, the two comprehensive national science centers on the east and west wings of the Yangtze River Delta echo each other. As a new trillion club city, innovation has become the most distinctive urban feature of Hefei. Successfully cultivated a number of 100-billion-level industrial clusters, a number of leading enterprises in the "outlet industry" thrived in Luzhou. Hefei is actively acting as a protagonist to add luster to the G60,00, a "circle of science and technology circles."

The practice of Hefei's rapid development in recent years has proved that it is equally important to immerse itself in scientific and technological innovation and external resource interconnection. When it comes to collaboration, the construction of industrial cooperation demonstration parks is an important starting point for promoting regional industrial collaboration in the G60 science and technology innovation corridor.

In March 2019, the first industrial cooperation demonstration park established in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor was settled in Hefei Internet of Things Technology Industrial Park, and the cross-regional collaborative innovation of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor has since opened a new chapter.

In October of the same year, the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Environmental Industry Cooperation Demonstration Park was officially settled in Hefei Shushan Economic Development Zone. The nine cities of the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor are here to build an environmental industry highland serving the Yangtze River Delta region and build a "China Environment Valley".

According to the relevant person in charge of Hefei Shushan Economic Development Zone, in recent years, the "China Environment Valley" has gathered 145 key enterprises in the environmental field under the guidance of the "G60 Environmental Industry Demonstration Park" and based on the high-end and integrated development of the environmental industry. In order to make good use of the platform of the cooperation park, the park also benchmarks the first cities in the environmental industry in the Yangtze River Delta, learns from each other's strong points, and continuously optimizes the whole environmental industry chain by building an academic exchange platform and attracting big and strong. "Revenue in 2020 will exceed 10 billion yuan, and it is expected that the annual revenue in 2021 will exceed 20 billion yuan."

Climb the ladder and change lanes to lead: How does the G60 science and technology innovation corridor activate the power of Anhui?

Shushan "China Environment Valley" @ Hefei released the map

Today, in Hefei, the scientific and technological cooperation of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor has more carrier space. In the 2021 Hefei Municipal Government Work Report, it is proposed that in the process of promoting the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the construction of the G60 science and technology innovation corridor will be promoted, the development of Cooperation Parks such as Shushan Environmental Science, Luyang Financial Technology, Yaohai Internet of Things, and Feixi Biomedicine will be accelerated, and the Baohe Hehang Dream Town and the Feidong Changlinhe Science and Technology Innovation Town will be built at a high level.

Integrate into the "circle of friends" and embrace integration

This year, Wang Minghua, chief economist of Wuhu Municipal Development and Reform Commission, was selected by the Organization Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee to take up a post in the Science and Technology Innovation Development Office of Songjiang District, Shanghai. Songjiang District Science and Technology Innovation Development Office and G60 Joint Office co-located, as a representative of member cities, Wang Minghua also became a member of the Financial And Business Group of the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Joint Conference Office.

"When I came to the G60 Joint Office, I didn't just do things for Wuhu, but more from the perspective of the overall situation to serve the nine member cities." Wang Minghua told The Paper that the so-called "joint meeting" is not just through meetings to form some memorandums and documents. The G60 Joint Office operates a flat management, with cadres stationed in different cities assigned to five different groups. Here, the work tasks are specific and meticulous, and everyone comes with the needs and expectations of their respective cities to explore the way for integration.

"Science and technology innovation should focus on industrialization, keep an eye on the head enterprises, and solve the problem of industrial chain card neck." Wang Minghua and cadres from other cities, on the one hand, closely follow the needs of national industrial development to solve the problem of card neck, on the other hand, they are also trying to find and graft related elements around the development needs of their respective cities.

In March this year, Wuhu City took the lead in Anhui Province to introduce a three-year action plan for the innovation and development of the industrial Internet, and promoted "Wuhu Manufacturing" to "Wuhu Intelligent Manufacturing" through the digitalization and intelligent transformation of enterprises.

The blueprint is clear. Next, how to let traditional enterprises establish an accurate understanding of the industrial Internet, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprises, has become a problem for the relevant departments of Wuhu City to think.

Climb the ladder and change lanes to lead: How does the G60 science and technology innovation corridor activate the power of Anhui?

Under the organization of the G60 Joint Office, in April this year, the first stop of the "G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Industrial Internet Nine Cities Tour" came to Wuhu, and the organizer invited experts from Haier Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Haier Industrial Intelligence Research Institute and other institutions to teach the heads of related enterprises with the theme of "Industrial Internet", "Automotive Industry Industrial Internet" and "Intelligent Manufacturing" respectively in view of the industrial development characteristics of Wuhu. Help entrepreneurs improve the theoretical level of the industrial Internet and accelerate the pace of enterprises using the industrial Internet for digital transformation.

The training has been welcomed and concerned by local enterprise managers, and a group of leading enterprises in the industry have taken the lead in embracing the wave of industrial Internet. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was selected as a national industrial Internet innovation and development project, and 10 enterprises such as Three Squirrels Co., Ltd. were approved as a national industrial Internet pilot demonstration project...... Build an industrial Internet around workshops, enterprises, industrial chains, and supply chains, carry out multi-scenario, full-chain, and multi-level application model innovation, and lead the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

"The cadres in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai have a strong ability to grasp implementation, and the high-quality elements of daily docking are very rich, so the field of vision is also broader." The experience of hanging out in the G60 Joint Office made Wang Minghua realize that Wuhu must seize the strategic opportunities of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, participate more actively in economic cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta region, and achieve high-quality development.

Make a big win-win cake

The G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor already has six trillion-level cities. In front of them, Xuancheng was obviously still a schoolboy.

In June 2018, the first joint meeting of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor officially released the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor version 3.0, and Xuancheng officially ranked among the high-end "clubs" of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

At the beginning of "joining the group", there was no shortage of voices that questioned. People can't help but ask: Why does the G60's "science and technology circle of friends" bring Xuancheng, where the total economic volume and per capita level are not far from other members?

However, as the geometric center of the Yangtze River Delta, Xuancheng is the only prefecture-level city in Anhui that borders the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is also an inevitable channel for industrial transfer and economic radiation from the east to the central region.

One day in mid-October, the surging news reporter walked into Anhui Yijiatong Battery Co., Ltd., located in the Xuancheng Economic Development Zone. Founded in January 2016, the company is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of special lithium-ion batteries for industrial vehicles, new energy ships and 5G energy storage base stations, and is a national high-tech enterprise and the chairman unit of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor New Energy Industry Alliance. In 2020, the output value of enterprises will reach 318 million yuan, and the output value in the first nine months of this year has approached 400 million.

"The G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor provides us with a good platform for docking elements, and enterprises can easily obtain the support of talents, capital and technology." Yang Yunqiu, deputy general manager of Anhui Yijiatong Battery Co., Ltd., told the surging news that the G60 new energy industry alliance has extensively joined enterprises and research institutes in member cities such as Shanghai and Hangzhou to further promote collaborative innovation in the new energy industry and accelerate the incubation of scientific and technological achievements and industrial agglomeration in the field of new energy. A number of initiatives have been launched in terms of technical research, construction of the whole industry chain and technology, industry and application exchange platform.

Climb the ladder and change lanes to lead: How does the G60 science and technology innovation corridor activate the power of Anhui?

Anhui Yijiatong Battery Co., Ltd. production line Zhongan Online figure

"This year's output value is expected to reach 600 million, and next year we aim to reach 1 billion yuan." As the new energy industry ushers in the "golden window period", the differentiated development positioning adhered to by Yijiatong Company has also been recognized by the market, and Yang Yunqiu is full of confidence in the future development of the enterprise.

In August 2020, the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Xuancheng (Shanghai) Science and Technology Innovation Center and Talent Building Project settled in Shanghai Lingang Songjiang Science and Technology City.

"R&D incubation in Shanghai, the transformation of achievements in Xuancheng." According to the relevant person in charge of Xuancheng City Science and Technology Bureau, compared with the one-way circulation of traditional elements of science and technology enclave model, the science and technology innovation center uses the existing industrial chain resources of the nine cities in the G60 science and technology innovation corridor in the Yangtze River Delta to carry out collaborative incubation and technical research, and build a new model of cross-regional cooperation that truly reflects the integration of science and technology + industry.

Xuancheng City also takes this opportunity to actively integrate into the industrial division of labor system of the G60 nine cities and strive to make a big win-win cake.

The deepening integration of the Yangtze River Delta has given Anhui the opportunity to face the gap and has also brought the motivation to rise up and catch up. Relying on the bridge erected by the G60 science and technology innovation corridor, Anhui has broken out a high-quality development path that conforms to its own laws with science and technology as the engine, and has created a series of achievements that have attracted the attention of the pioneer regions.

Editor-in-Charge: Yuhao Zhong

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