
For the death of the Italian actress fell "today's first tears" director Almodóvar isolation diary exposed

author:Red Star News
For the death of the Italian actress fell "today's first tears" director Almodóvar isolation diary exposed

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Speaking of Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar, many Chinese film fans are not strangers, his representative works include "The Skin of My Habitat", "About My Mother", "Return", "Pain and Glory", etc. Recently, Almodóvar's home isolation diary was exposed, causing fans to forward. In his diary, he shed tears over the death of Italian actress Lucia Poseidon and recalled details of his dealings with Sean Connery.

On March 30, Almodóvar published a quarantine diary in the Spanish media, in which he said: "During the first nine days of quarantine, I refused to write any words. Until this morning, a piece of news that looked like the headlines of a black humor magazine: Madrid's famous ice rink had become a makeshift morgue. ”

Pedro Almodóvar, born in 1949, is a Spanish director, screenwriter and producer whose representative works include "My Skin", "About My Mother", "The Return" and "Pain and Glory".

Almodóvar said in his diary that he began self-isolating on March 13, "And from then on, I began to adapt to facing the night and the darkness alone, because I was like a savage, living according to the rhythm of daylight shining into the windows and balconies." I started looking at the clock again, unless I needed to know how many steps I had taken in the hallway of my home, the same corridor in Pain and Glory where Julieta Serrano told Antonio Banderas that he wasn't a good son, but it was actually me. ”

Regarding the new screenplay, Almodóvar said he wasn't interested enough to start working on it, "but I can already think of various plot points, some of which are about intimacy: I believe there will be a baby boom when the pandemic is over, but I also believe that there will be a lot of separation — because Sartre once said that the other person is hell, and there are many lovers or couples who will face both at the same time, separation, and a new life coming to this brand new broken family." It may be easier to understand reality these days as a fantasy fictional story than a realist story."

During the quarantine, Almodóvar specially planned time to watch movies, watch TV news, and different reading times. He watched "Big Dawn" and "Goldfinger" and recalled the details of his interaction with Sean Connery, "I met Sean Connery in Cannes, and we were sitting together for dinner, and I was surprised by his knowledge of movies, and even more surprised that he was interested in my movies."

On March 23, local time, the famous Italian actress Lucia Pose died of new crown pneumonia at the age of 89. Almodóvar learned the news through television news, "In the free time between the two films, I turned on the TV to watch the news and found that Lucia Poseidon had been killed by this virus, and I shed the first tears of today. Lucia Poseidon, as an actress and as a normal person, fascinates me. I remember that in Antonioni's Record of a Certain Love, she exuded a rare beauty that had never been seen before, and that her walking posture was so neutral and full of wildness."

One of the benefits of not having a schedule during quarantine, Almodóvar said, is that there is finally no rush, "the stress is gone, and the anxiety in the body has never been so little." Yes, I knew that the real world outside the window was so terrible and unstable, but it was precisely because of this that I was amazed at my ease, and I intended to cling to this new feeling that had overcome fear and delusion. I don't think about death and dead people anymore."

Almodóvar said that during the quarantine, he also had a new habit of diverting attention, "because I used to not like to reply to messages, or reply to very few words." And now I carefully reply to all the messages that care about me and my family, because language is finally no longer just boring conventions, words have meaning. I respond carefully to every message and spend a fixed time every night greeting family and friends."

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao Editor Li Xueli

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For the death of the Italian actress fell "today's first tears" director Almodóvar isolation diary exposed

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